Monday, 10 July 2017

Persyaratan Sistem Fungsional Trading

Maritec Trust SISTEM IDENTIFIKASI OTOMATIS, AIS, AtoN, FLEET TRACK PROMOTION: COMBINER 8211 MULTIPLEXER WIFI 8211 4 NMEA CHANNELS Harga: USD119.00 each (EXW, limited period, limited stock) Produk ini memberikan solusi biaya rendah, menggabungkan 4 x NMEA Input Port, input multiplexing data ke antarmuka WiFi dan 4 x NMEA Output port. Mudah digunakan antarmuka Web yang disediakan untuk mengatur unit dari jarak jauh melalui antarmuka WIFI menggunakan Smart Phone, Tablet, iPad atau Notebook Laptop atau melalui port Ethernet onboard. Transmisi WIFI mendistribusikan data NMEA (AIS, GPS, dll.) Untuk diproses dan dilihat di Smart Phones, Tablet, iPads, Laptop Notebook atau perangkat lain yang sesuai dengan perangkat lunak Apps and Navigation yang sesuai. 4 x Masukan 4 x Keluaran (sesuai dengan pilihan baudrate) Standar Baudrates 4800 dan 38400 Baudrates lainnya, 1200 sampai 115200, pengguna dapat dipilih (penyiapan pengguna awal) Baudrates dikenali secara otomatis 2.4GHz IEEE 802.11 n Transmit Power 20dBm (nominal) Antena internal 11 Saluran (2412 8211 2462 MHz) Ethernet RJ45 (konfigurasi remote support) HDMI (penggunaan masa depan) Catu daya: 12 24 VDC Dimensi (mm): 150 x 90 x 55 Suhu: 15 C sampai 35 C Kelembaban Relatif: 20 sampai 75 Peralatan Terlindung Spesifikasi FCC (USA) CE (Eropa) IC (Kanada) CMIIT (China) RoHS dapat berubah dengan pemberitahuan sebelumnya. AIS Aids to Navigation (AtoN) Berbagai produk AIS Aids to Navigation (AtoN) baru kami menawarkan navigasi navigasi dan operasi elektronik generasi berikutnya untuk pengelolaan dan pengoperasian pelabuhan, garis pantai dan jalur air. AtoN AIS biasanya dipasang pada pelampung dan alat bantu lainnya ke Navigasi untuk memberi posisi AtoN dan dapat diintegrasikan dengan lentera dan sensor seperti cuaca, pasang, suhu dan arus air. AtoN AIS mentransmisikan data melalui jaringan normal AIS yang memungkinkan posisi AtoN dan informasi sensor dipantau dalam semua kondisi dengan layar AIS. Bantuan navigasi (juga dikenal sebagai bantuan untuk navigasi, ATON, atau navaid) adalah jenis penanda yang membantu pelancong dalam navigasi yang paling umum digunakan untuk merujuk pada perjalanan bahari atau penerbangan. Jenis bantuan yang umum seperti mercusuar, pelampung, sinyal kabut, dan suar siang hari. Menurut daftar istilah dalam daftar Coast Guard Light Amerika Serikat. Bantuan untuk Navigasi adalah perangkat di luar kapal atau pesawat terbang yang secara khusus ditujukan untuk membantu navigator dalam menentukan posisi atau jalur aman mereka, atau untuk memperingatkan bahaya atau hambatan navigasi. Manfaat Sistem AtoN AIS yang memperbaiki kontrol dan keamanan jalur air Meningkatkan kesadaran domain maritim yang berkelanjutan Pemantauan posisi pelampung yang akurat secara akurat dalam semua kondisi cuaca Penandaan dinamis jalur pelayaran Tanda instan bahaya baru dengan fitur proyeksi AtoN virtual Lansiran otomatis jika terjadi pelampung atau Kegagalan lentera Kemampuan untuk menyiarkan informasi lingkungan (meteorologi dan hidrologi) Maritime Domain Awareness Systems (MDA) Sistem kesadaran domain maritim meningkatkan efisiensi, keamanan dan keamanan. AIS adalah langkah maju teknologi utama, menyediakan platform komunikasi yang andal dan dapat diadopsi secara global untuk memberikan aplikasi yang menguntungkan banyak segmen pasar. Ini termasuk melindungi dan mengoptimalkan aktivitas di Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif Anda (EEZ). Peningkatan efisiensi, keamanan dan visibilitas dengan AIS Selain meningkatkan keselamatan dan keamanan, AIS digunakan untuk memperbaiki efisiensi operasional kapal, pelabuhan dan saluran air, memberikan biaya operasi yang lebih rendah dan memaksimalkan faktor beban (jumlah kapal). Sistem tampilan 3D unik kami memungkinkan Anda mengendalikan dan memantau semua aspek dari fasilitas maritim yang strategis. Keselamatan di atas air sangat penting. Perangkat AIS membantu mencegah kecelakaan, dan dalam kejadian yang tidak menguntungkan dari sebuah insiden, dapat membantu memastikan kapal dan orang ditemukan dan diselamatkan dengan cepat. AIS membantu keamanan nasional dengan mengidentifikasi ancaman terhadap batas-batas negara dan Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif (Exclusive Economic Zones / EEZ). Bekerja dengan radar, AIS mengidentifikasi kapal yang menggunakan AIS sementara radar mengidentifikasi kapal yang tidak memiliki identifikasi AIS dan mungkin merupakan ancaman potensial. Pemantauan Armada yang Terjangkau Melaksanakan sistem pelacakan kapal yang disesuaikan dengan anggaran yang tersedia untuk armada dengan berbagai ukuran. Memberi wewenang dan pemilik armada mengendalikan armada mereka Sistem pelacakan kapal kami dirancang untuk menawarkan pemantauan armada yang terjangkau namun terjamin. Penggunaan beberapa teknologi, termasuk satelit AIS dimana diperlukan perizinan agar sistem kita mudah dipasang di sepanjang garis pantai, tidak peduli ketersediaan lokasi pemantauan pantai dengan biaya minimum, fungsi maksimal. AIS meningkatkan aspek menyenangkan dari berperahu AIS meningkatkan keselamatan berperahu santai dan meningkatkan kesenangan sementara di atas air. Bahaya potensial dari kapal komersial dikurangi, sementara informasi dari transceiver AIS akan memberikan informasi menarik tentang cuaca dan kapal di dekatnya. Produk AIS dan Solusi AIS AtoN Chronos Tipe 1 038 Tipe 3 Kode Produk. Tipe 1: 418-0050 038 Tipe 3. 418-0065 Chronos adalah AtoN Tipe 1 dan Type 3 bersertifikasi internasional dengan konsumsi daya terendah di dunia. Menawarkan berbagai fitur lengkap, termasuk transmisi target AtoN virtual, melalui konfigurasi udara dan chaining. Chronos dapat dihubungkan langsung dengan lampu dan RACON, dan berbagai sensor saat terhubung ke produk Antarmuka Sensor Chronos (opsional). Kandang kecil yang tangguh dirancang untuk penggunaan jangka panjang yang terus menerus bahkan di lingkungan yang paling ekstrem dari khatulistiwa sampai kutub dan dapat dipasang di ruang yang rapat. Bersertifikat Tipe 1 dan Tipe 3 Keandalan operasional yang terbukti Konsumsi daya rendah ultra di semua mode operasi Ukuran kecil untuk dipasang di ruang yang paling ketat Dirancang dan diproduksi untuk lingkungan terberat Beberapa antarmuka sensor fleksibel, bila digabungkan dengan Antarmuka Sensor Chronos (Kustomisasi opsional Produk kami Menawarkan kemampuan yang tak tertandingi untuk disesuaikan dengan aplikasi dan pasar spesifik Fitur dan fungsi tambahan dapat ditentukan dan diimplementasikan dan mulai dari fitur enkripsi dan olahpesan sederhana sampai yang kompleks. Sertifikasi Produk ini sepenuhnya diuji dan disertifikasi dengan standar internasional dan spesifikasi produk yang relevan. Sebagai bagian dari proses kustomisasi OEM ke merek Anda, sertifikasi internasional dapat ditransfer ke nama merek Anda dalam hitungan minggu. AIS AtoN Chronos Type 1 038 Type 3 Fungsi AtoN Tipe 1 dan Type 3 pilihan yang tersedia Mendukung konfigurasi dengan perintah VDL Opsi Chaining Tersedia Customisab Le sensor interfacing Dukungan AtoN Virtual Dimensi: 172mm x 120mm x 55mm Berat: 350g Listrik 12 sampai 24VDC Konsumsi daya: Tipe 1 AtoN (FATDMA) kurang dari 0,09Ahday Konsumsi daya: Tipe 3 AtoN (RATDMA) kurang dari 0,8 Ahday dengan posisi 3 menit Tingkat pelaporan Antarmuka USB (untuk konfigurasi) Konektor tautan 8211 memiliki dua fungsi, hanya satu yang dapat digunakan kapan saja: terhubung ke Light, RACON dan port NMEA0183 eksternal terhubung ke Antarmuka Sensor (opsional) melalui kabel Link yang disertakan dengan Antarmuka Sensor Pemancar Transceiver VHF: x 1 Penerima. X 2 Frekuensi: 156.025 sampai 162.025MHz dalam langkah 25KHz Daya keluaran: Bandwidth saluran 1W, 2W, 5W atau 12,5W: Saluran 25KHz: Modus mode 25KHz: 25KHz GMSK (AIS, kirim dan terima) Bit rate: 9600 bs (GMSK) Sensitivitas penerima: Input analog terisolasi: Dua input analog non-terisolasi. Rentang 13.75V, 16 bit resolusi Input analog non-terisolasi: Dua input analog non-terisolasi. Rentang 37.2V, 12 bit resolusi Current sense loop: Light current sense loop, max 5A. Pengukuran arus hingga 0.5A dengan resolusi 12 bit Relay drive: Satu keluaran driver relay, beban maks 200mA pada suhu lingkungan 60VDC: -25C sampai 55C Rating penyerapan air: Kode Produk Dimensi IPx6 dan IPx7. Tipe 1. 418-0009 (TR), 418-0010 (TRS) Tipe 3. 418-0001 (TR), 418-0003 (TRS) Carbon adalah AtoN Tipe 1 dan Type 3 bersertifikasi internasional dengan konsumsi daya terendah di dunia . Menawarkan berbagai fitur lengkap, termasuk transmisi target AtoN virtual, integrasi sederhana dengan lentera dan sensor eksternal, ditambah konfigurasi udara dan chaining. Lapisan yang diperkuat dirancang untuk penggunaan jangka panjang yang terus menerus bahkan di lingkungan yang paling ekstrem dari khatulistiwa sampai kutub. Bersertifikat Tipe 1 dan Tipe 3 Konsumsi daya ultra rendah di semua mode pengoperasian Dirancang dan diproduksi untuk lingkungan terberat Antena GPS terintegrasi dengan input eksternal opsional Beberapa antarmuka sensor fleksibel (TRS) Keandalan operasional yang telah terbukti Fitur lengkap ditetapkan Kustomisasi Produk kami menawarkan kemampuan yang tak tertandingi untuk menjadi Disesuaikan untuk aplikasi dan pasar tertentu. Fitur dan fungsi tambahan dapat ditentukan dan diimplementasikan dan mulai dari fitur enkripsi dan olahpesan sederhana hingga kompleks. Sertifikasi Produk ini sepenuhnya diuji dan disertifikasi dengan standar internasional dan spesifikasi produk yang relevan (Persetujuan Jenis FCC (USA), Industry Canada and R038TTE (CE)). AIS AtoN Carbon Type 1 038 Tipe 3 Fungsi AtoN Tipe 1 dan Type 3 pilihan yang tersedia Mendukung konfigurasi dengan perintah VDL Opsi penjadwalan tersedia Antarmuka sensor yang dapat disesuaikan Dukungan AtoN Virtual Dimensi: 284 x 180mm (H x D) Berat: 1.2kg Listrik 12 sampai 24VDC Power Konsumsi: Tipe 1 AtoN (FATDMA) kurang dari 0,09Ahday Konsumsi daya: Tipe 3 AtoN (RATDMA) kurang dari 0,8 Ahday (dengan tingkat pelaporan posisi 3 menit) Antarmuka dasar AtoN (TR TRS) USB (untuk konfigurasi) Pelabuhan IEC61162-1: Dua (NMEA0183) pada 38400 baud Tingkat logika IO lines: 5 Antarmuka yang dapat dikonfigurasi melalui antarmuka sensor opsional (TRS) Lima input digital yang terisolasi Dua input analog yang terisolasi 0 sampai 36VDC Tiga input analog yang tidak terisolasi Dua keluaran relay drive Sensitif saat ini (sampai 5A ) Lima jalur output input tingkat logika yang tidak terisolasi NMEA0183 (IEC61162-12) port Dua port RS232 dapat dikonfigurasi dengan baud rate Antarmuka SDI-12 Transmitter Transmitter VHF: x 1 Receiver. X 2 Frekuensi: 156.025 sampai 162.025MHz dalam langkah 25KHz Daya keluaran: Bandwidth saluran 1W, 2W, 5W atau 12,5W: Saluran 25KHz: Modus mode 25KHz: 25KHz GMSK (AIS, kirim dan terima) Bit rate: 9600 bs (GMSK) Sensitivitas penerima: Kode Produk AIS AtoN Express Type 1. 418-0012 AtoN tipe 1 AIS bersertifikat penuh dan terintegrasi dengan baterai isi ulang internal. Dirancang untuk penyebaran yang cepat dan mudah bahkan pada pelampung terkecil sekalipun. Mampu mengoperasikan selama lebih dari 5 hari antara biaya atau terhubung langsung ke sumber daya eksternal untuk instalasi permanen. Sistem bracket cepat aman yang aman. Certified Type 1 AIS AtoN GPS terpuji dan terlindungi 038 VHF antena Baterai isi ulang internal Konsumsi daya ultra rendah Kustomisasi Produk SRT menawarkan kemampuan yang tak tertandingi untuk disesuaikan untuk aplikasi dan pasar tertentu. Fitur dan fungsi tambahan dapat ditentukan dan diimplementasikan dan mulai dari fitur enkripsi dan olahpesan sederhana hingga kompleks. Sertifikasi Produk ini sepenuhnya diuji dan disertifikasi dengan standar internasional dan spesifikasi produk yang relevan (Persetujuan Jenis FCC (USA), Industry Canada and R038TTE (CE)). AIS AtoN Express Tipe 1 AtoN Fungsi Tipe 1 Operasi FATDMA Pesan 21 transmisi Dimensi: 375mm x 67mm maks. (H x D) Berat: 350g (hanya unit AtoN Express) Braket pemasangan: Diameter tiang maks maks 8211 25mm sampai 55mm Suplai Tenaga Listrik: Dibangun pada baterai Lithium-Ion 2100mAh Waktu operasi: Hingga 5 hari operasi pada interval pelaporan 5 menit Opsional: Catu daya eksternal (12 sampai 24VDC) Konsumsi daya: Pasokan eksternal Kelas AIS A 8211 A100 AIS Kelas B B300 TERLUKA SOON Kode Produk. TBA Em-trak B300 AIS Class B menawarkan kombinasi ketangguhan dan kinerja unik yang ideal untuk digunakan di lingkungan laut komersial yang keras. Setelah lima belas tahun menciptakan produk elektronik laut, kami memahami realitas kasar lingkungan laut komersial. B300 direkayasa dan diproduksi secara khusus untuk beroperasi dengan andal dan aman dalam kondisi ini sementara memberikan yang terbaik di kelas AIS menerima dan mentransmisikan kinerja. Ikhtisar Produk Sepenuhnya bersertifikat Kelas AIS B B tahan air IP67 Bersertifikat Shock dan bukti getaran Konsumsi daya rendah Menerima dan memproses semua jenis pesan AIS Fitur mode senyap Beberapa antarmuka: NMEA0183, NMEA2000 memastikan kompatibilitas plug and play dengan sebagian besar sistem display Antena GPS internal berarti bahwa GPS eksternal Antena opsional Opsional anti-tamper dan fitur keamanan B300 dapat ditingkatkan dan disesuaikan untuk memenuhi beragam kebutuhan pengguna dan regional yang spesifik. Enkripsi Anti-tamper Frekuensi dan saluran yang dapat dikonfigurasi Mode operasi SO dan CS yang dapat dikonfigurasi Pesan AIS yang disesuaikan Variabel Mengirimkan teknologi deteksi satelit ABSEA untuk pelacak jarak jauh AIS Kelas B B300 Dimensi: 140 x 100 x 50 mm (D x W x H) Berat: 280g 12 atau 24V DC Konsumsi daya: 150mA 12VDC, Kode Produk AIS Class B B100. 411-0001 Kelas em-trak B AIS B100 adalah fitur bersertifikat, penuh, dan berkinerja tinggi Kelas B AIS Transceiver. Kecil, ringan dan dengan banyak antarmuka seperti kartu data NMEA2000, NMEA0183, USB dan SD, kartu memori A-BIS mudah dibawa dan dikonfigurasi. Kelas B AIS B100 secara bersamaan mentransmisikan dan menerima semua pesan AIS secara real time, dan hadir sebagai standar dengan fungsi mode diam (transmit onoff). Tidak ada kinerja dan kualitas kompromi dengan harga terjangkau. Ikhtisar Produk Teknologi Rmax untuk performa tinggi. Kecil dan ringan. Fungsi mode senyap. Kualitas tinggi, direkayasa untuk bertahan. Kartu SD untuk data logging NMEA2000 dan NMEA0183. Konektivitas USB, PC dan Mac. AIS B100 adalah bantuan untuk navigasi dan tidak boleh diandalkan untuk menyediakan informasi navigasi yang akurat. AIS bukan pengganti waspada manusia dan alat bantu navigasi lainnya seperti Radar. Kinerja B100 mungkin sangat terganggu jika tidak dipasang seperti yang diinstruksikan di buku petunjuk, atau karena faktor lain seperti perangkat transmisi cuaca dan atau di sekitar. Kompatibilitas dengan sistem lain mungkin berbeda dan bergantung pada sistem pihak ketiga yang mengenali keluaran standar dari B100. AIS Kelas B B100 Ukuran 116mm x 115m x 37mm (4,56 x 4,52 x 1,45 inci) Berat 150g 12 atau 24 V DC (9.6-15.6V) Konsumsi daya Kode Kelas I II B1211 Identifier I100. 417-0001 Em-trak AIS I100 Identifier adalah kapal pengenal IDS yang kompatibel dengan BCS yang kompatibel dengan pelacakan transceiver AIS. The em-trak AIS I100 Identifier memiliki antena GPS dan VHF yang terintegrasi dalam keamanan yang tertutup, IP68 tahan air ruggedized shell. Daya dapat disuplai dari kapal atau terlepas dari baterai isi ulang internal sendiri yang memberikan sampai 7 hari operasi terus menerus antara biaya. Beberapa fitur keamanan dan anti-tamper serta pilihan fungsionalis perekam data pelayaran 6 bulan yang aman, membuat Pengenal ideal untuk aplikasi keamanan maritim. Ikhtisar Produk Kecil dan ringan. Fitur keamanan yang disempurnakan. Desain kokoh memastikan kinerja operasional. Memastikan integritas sistem AIS. Sangat bisa dikonfigurasi. Pilihan daya yang fleksibel. AIS Class B 8211 Identifier I100 Dimensi: Diameter 350mm x 63mm Berat: 250g (hanya unit pengenal) Mount braket min max pole diameter: 25mm sampai 55mm Dibangun pada baterai Lithium-Ion 2100mAh Hingga 5 hari waktu operasi (tergantung pada pelaporan yang dikonfigurasi Rate) Waktu pengisian daya: 5 jam Kursi pengisian yang disertakan dengan adaptor AC input universal Konfigurasi Konfigurasi batch dapat dilakukan pada saat pembuatan sesuai permintaan Antarmuka Kabel Konektor dan kontak konfigurasi dibangun ke dalam Pengenal Pemancar Transmitter VHF Intelligent x 1 Receiver x 1 (hanya untuk indera pembawa saja) Frekuensi: 156.025 sampai 162.025 MHz dalam langkah 25kHz Daya keluaran: 1W EIRP Channel bandwidth: 25KHz Saluran langkah: 25KHz Modus mode 25KHz GMSK (hanya AIS, TX) Bit rate 8211 9600 bs (GMSK) Penerima GPS (AIS Internal) IEC 61108-1 Ed. 2.0 compliant 50 channel receiver WAAS EGNOS diaktifkan untuk akurasi posisi yang lebih baik Dirancang agar kompatibel dengan standar berikut: IEC60945 Edn 4.0 8211 Persyaratan lingkungan Dilindungi ITU-RM.1371-3 8211 Karakteristik Teknis Universal AIS IEC61108-1 8211 Peralatan penerima GPS I100 akan Memerlukan persetujuan dan sertifikasi radio lokal oleh otoritas terkait. AIS Class B 8211 Identifier I100 Disertakan dengan: Braket pemasangan kutub Pemasangan stasiun pengisian daya dengan adaptor utama Panduan pengguna dan panduan memulai cepat Kode Produk AIS Class B B212 (2W12W). 410-0005 B212 menyediakan fungsionalitas AIS Class B penuh dengan kekuatan transmisi 2W atau 12W yang dapat dikonfigurasi untuk memperbaiki jangkauan. Dilampirkan pada kandang ruggedized IPx7, B212 menawarkan perangkat AIS profesional utama. B212 dapat dikonfigurasi untuk mentransmisikan daya transmisi 2 W atau 12 W standar untuk memastikan jangkauan siaran AIS maksimum. Em-trak B212 memiliki koneksi NMEA0183 dan alat konfigurasi proAIS untuk pemasangan dan pemasangan yang mudah. Tahan api, tahan air, kelas laut kandang plastik menjamin umur panjang dan kinerja bahkan di lingkungan yang paling keras sekalipun. Ikhtisar Produk Teknologi untuk kinerja tinggi. Kecil dan ringan. Rugged Waterproof Enclosure. Kualitas tinggi, direkayasa untuk bertahan. NMEA0183 038 RS232 x2. AIS B212 adalah bantuan untuk navigasi dan tidak boleh diandalkan untuk menyediakan informasi navigasi yang akurat. AIS bukan pengganti waspada manusia dan alat bantu navigasi lainnya seperti Radar. Kinerja B212 mungkin sangat terganggu jika tidak dipasang seperti yang diinstruksikan di buku petunjuk, atau karena faktor lain seperti cuaca dan atau alat pemancar terdekat. Kompatibilitas dengan sistem lain mungkin berbeda dan bergantung pada sistem pihak ketiga yang mengenali keluaran standar dari B212. AIS Kelas B B212 (2W12W) Dimensi: 215mm x 185mm x 67mm (transceiver) Berat: 2.4kg (termasuk kemasan) 12V DC (9.6-15.6V) Konsumsi daya: rata-rata 4W, arus puncak Antarmuka Data 5A NMEA0183 38,4 k baud output RS232 38.4k baud bi-directional x2 Konektor Konektor antena VHF SO-239 GPS Konektor antena 8211 Konektor data TNC RS232 Perempuan 9 Tipe D-Way VHF Transceiver Transmitter x 1 Receiver x 2 (satu kali dibagi antara AISDSC) Frekuensi: 156,025 sampai 162,025 MHz pada Langkah 25KHz Daya keluaran 33dBm 1,5 dB 41dBm 1,5 dB Bandwidth saluran: 25KHz Bit rate 9600 bs GMSK 038 1200 bs FSK RX sensitivitas Kode Produk AIS Receiver R100. 412-0001 Em-trak AIS R100 adalah receiver AIS dual channel berkinerja tinggi yang menawarkan kinerja operasional yang superior. The em-trak AIS R100 Integrating plug and play sederhana kompatibilitas dengan kebanyakan chart plotters dan PC, AIS R100 menerima dan men-decode semua pesan AIS secara real time. Teknologi Rmax yang canggih memastikan AIS R100 dapat melihat lebih banyak kapal di area yang lebih besar sambil menghemat tenaga listrik. Ikhtisar Produk Teknologi Rmax untuk performa tinggi. Kecil dan ringan. Mudah digunakan, konfigurasi dan nikmati. Kualitas tinggi, direkayasa untuk bertahan. Decode setiap pesan AIS secara real time. Konektivitas USB, PC dan Mac. AIS Receiver R100 Ukuran 116mm x 115m x 37mm (4,56 x 4,52 x 1,45 inci) Berat 120g 12 atau 24V DC Konsumsi daya 90mA nominal pada Antarmuka Data 12V USB NMEA0183 38.4k baud output (data AIS dan output multipleks) NMEA0183 4.8k baud masukan ( Input multipleks) Konektor 12 pin NMEA0183 dan konektor daya VHF Antena SO-239 Penerima Receiver Receiver Receiver VHF USB Receiver 1-Frekuensi 160.975 MHz Receiver 2 frekuensi: 162.025 MHz Bandwidth saluran: 25kHz Modus mode: 25kHz GMSK Bit rate 9600 bs Sensitivitas RX AIS R100 adalah bantuan untuk navigasi dan tidak boleh diandalkan untuk menyediakan informasi navigasi yang akurat. AIS bukan pengganti waspada manusia dan alat bantu navigasi lainnya seperti Radar. Kinerja R100 mungkin mengalami gangguan serius jika tidak dipasang seperti yang diinstruksikan di buku petunjuk, atau karena faktor lain seperti perangkat transmisi cuaca dan atau di sekitar. Kompatibilitas dengan sistem lain mungkin berbeda dan bergantung pada sistem pihak ketiga yang mengenali keluaran standar dari R100. AIS Receiver R100 Disertakan dengan: 2m (6.5ft) power dan kabel data NMEA0183 Kabel USB 1m Panduan pengguna dan panduan memulai cepat Pemasangan sekrup Antenna Splitter S100 Kode Produk. 416-0013 The em-trak AIS S100 Antenna Splitter memungkinkan radio Kelas B AIS dan VHF Anda untuk berbagi antena tunggal. Pemancar Antena AIS S100 emiter, telah mematenkan teknologi untuk memastikan kinerja dan integritas kedua perangkat sementara teknologi Clear-Call kami menjamin prioritas radio VHF Anda dalam segala situasi. Ideal untuk instalasi AIS dimana antena VHF yang ada sudah terpasang. Terbukti performa yang bisa anda andalkan. Ikhtisar Produk Mudah dipasang. Perpindahan cepat tidak menjamin hilangnya pesan. Fitur keamanan yang disempurnakan. Kecil dan ringan. Kualitas tinggi, direkayasa untuk bertahan. Antenna Splitter S100 Keseluruhan dimensi soket 8211 120mm x 80mm x 50mm SO-239 untuk koneksi antena VHF SO-239 soket untuk koneksi radio VHF Soket BNC untuk koneksi transponder AIS 12 sampai 24VDC (abs max 9 sampai 32V) Arus saat ini Produk Stasiun Pantai AIS Kode. 423-0001 (Transceiver) Sebuah jaringan dengan kinerja tinggi AIS Coast Station. Dikembangkan oleh SRT Marine Technology, Stasiun Pantai AIS menyediakan solusi AIS jaringan berkinerja tinggi yang fleksibel. Stasiun Pantai menyediakan konektivitas jaringan penuh dan streaming pesan AIS yang diterima ke lokasi yang jauh. Diuji dengan spesifikasi tertinggi, Coast Station cocok untuk penempatan sebagai bagian dari infrastruktur inti AIS di seluruh dunia. Stasiun Pantai SRT AIS yang inovatif sangat ideal untuk menciptakan jaringan AIS dengan berbagai ukuran. Bagian dari semua Solusi Sistem SRT yang baru. Kemudahan pemasangan, penggunaan, kinerja dan keandalan yang optimal bersatu di SRT AIS Coast Station. Receiver AIS berkinerja tinggi dikombinasikan dengan antarmuka jaringan yang fleksibel memungkinkan streaming data AIS real time ke beberapa lokasi pada jaringan jarak jauh atau lokal. Tersedia sebagai stasiun transceiver yang beroperasi sebagai AIS AtoN. Kompak dan mudah untuk menginstal 038 mengkonfigurasi. Data dapat dialirkan ke beberapa lokasi terpencil yang memungkinkan implementasi sistem yang berlebihan. Dengan konektivitas internet kabel dan nirkabel. Umpan langsung ke alamat IP yang ditunjuk. Dalam mode penerimaan hanya cocok untuk aplikasi pemantauan pesisir penting dengan penerimaan dan streaming semua pesan AIS. Transceiver AIS AtoN memperluas kemampuannya dengan transmisi AIS yang menandai lokasi Stasiun Pantai sebagai AIS Aid to Navigation. Hal ini juga dapat dikonfigurasi untuk mentransmisikan beberapa target AIS AtoN sintetis yang menandai struktur lepas pantai atau bahaya. Konfigurasi jarak jauh AtoN AIS dapat diaktifkan saat Stasiun Pantai diintegrasikan ke dalam jaringan pribadi. Dimensi Stasiun Pantai AIS: 140mm x 130mm x 35mm Berat: 500g (hanya unit utama) Konsumsi daya Kode Produk SART100 SIA100. 409-0018 The emtrak AIS SART100 adalah transponder pencarian dan penyelamatan yang diverifikasi secara internasional (Wheelmark). The em-trak AIS SART100 adalah kualitas yang direkayasa agar disimpan tidak terganggu hingga lima tahun dan segera beroperasi jika terjadi keadaan darurat. Setiap unit disediakan sebagai standar dengan braket pemasangan kepala massal, tas ambil dan tiang pemasangan. Sangat kasar, SART100 tidak akan mengecewakan Anda saat Anda sangat membutuhkannya. Ikhtisar Produk Teknologi canggih memaksimalkan jangkauan. Kualitas tinggi, didesain untuk bertahan. Dirancang untuk beroperasi di lingkungan yang paling keras. Kecil dan ringan. Pilihan pemasangan yang fleksibel. Disertifikasi secara internasional AIS SART100 Dimensi: Diameter 381mm x 67mm Berat: 250g Baterai Lithium non-berbahaya yang tidak dapat diobati dengan umur penyimpanan 5 tahun Waktu pengoperasian minimum 96 jam Penerima GPS 50 saluran IEC 61108-1 compliant Waktu mulai yang dingin biasanya Tester AIS M1 Fungsi uji AIS meliputi AIS VDLDSC, Pilot Plug dan NMEARS422 evaluasi sensor eksternal. Tester AIS M1 beroperasi pada AIS1 (Ch87B), AIS2 (Ch88B) dan DSC (Ch70) dan melakukan tes AIS Class A yang dipersyaratkan sesuai dengan Pedoman pengujian tahunan unit AIS MSC.1Circ.1252 dan IMO Resolution MSC.308 (88) (Peraturan SOLAS Bab V 18.9). Ini dirancang sesuai dengan standar dan rekomendasi yang relevan. Dirancang untuk melakukan AIS Class A, AIS Class B, AIS Base Station, AIS AtoN, AIS SAR, AIS Receivers dan SIS AIS tes operasional. Ini adalah unit yang dioperasikan dengan tangan berukuran nyaman yang dioperasikan dengan LCD Display. Hasil tes bisa ditampilkan di LCD. Hasil pengujian juga dapat disimpan ke memori non-volatile untuk pemrosesan lebih lanjut (download ke PC, Laptop dan buat laporan pengujian). Hasil hingga sepuluh sesi tes (10 x transponder AIS) dapat disimpan dalam satu waktu. Tidak diperlukan GPS. Algoritma sinkronisasi slot RATDMA berpemilik digunakan untuk menghasilkan pesan interogasi VDL dan VDL. Penguji AIS digunakan di seluruh dunia oleh surveyor radio kapal, klasifikasi masyarakat, otoritas administratif dan pemasang peralatan AIS. Poll, menerima dan mengevaluasi data dari transponder AIS Mensimulasikan transmisi data AIS, termasuk nama kapal, posisi, jalur, kecepatan, panjang dan balok, dll. Informasi jajak pendapat di Channel 70 Mensimulasikan transmisi data NMEA Pengukuran frekuensi Saluran AIS1 (161,975 MHz) Saluran AIS2 ( 162.025 MHz) Saluran DSC (156.525 MHz) Pengukuran daya Saluran AIS1 (161,975 MHz) Saluran AIS2 (162.025 MHz) Kanal DSC (156.525 MHz) Sinyal Generator Sinyal Sinyal Generator Sinyal AIS: 2mW (1,0,5 mW) Frekuensi AIS: 161.975,162.025 MHz AIS dual channel operation: AIS1 038 AIS2 AIS modulasi: FM-GMSK AIS data rate: frekuensi DSC 9600 bitsec: modulasi DSC 156,525 MHz: FSK (V23) Data rate DSC: 1200 bitsec jarak antar kanal AIS 038: 25 kHz Receiver (2 X AIS, 1 x DSC) Frekuensi AIS: 161,975, 162,025 MHz (AIS1 038 AIS2) Operasi kanal ganda AIS: AIS1 038 AIS2 Data rate AIS: sensitivitas AIS2 9600 bitssec: -47 dBm (ANT BNC) Data DSC: 1200 bitsec DSC Frekuensi: sensitivitas DSC 156,525 MHz: -37 dBm (ANT BN C) jarak saluran AIS 038 DSC: pesan VDS AIS 25 kHz Encodedecode: 1,2,3,4,5,9,11,14,18,19,21,24 Interogasi (encode): 3,4,5,9 DSC (encodedecode): Sinyal uji 1 (IEC61933-2) (hanya membaca pesan SATA AIS) Antarmuka IO NMEA: Output: VDM 038 VDO NMEA: Input Terminal (menampilkan karakter 32 pertama) IO Interfaces Presentasi: RS232 38400 bitsec Pilot Port: RS422 38400 bitsec Terminal NMEA: RS422 4800-38400 bitsec Standar referensi desain ITU. R M.1371 IEC61993-2 IEC62287-1 IEC61162-12 EN50081-1 EN50082-1 ​​EN55022 EN61000-4-2 EN61000-4-3 IEC62320-1 IEC62320-2 IMO SNCirc.227 MSC.74 (69), Lampiran 3 Tester AIS M1 Disediakan dengan Kabel PC Atenuator PCS AIS Tester M1 (USB-A Type) 1.5m PC (DB9 ke NMEA) Dengan kabel terbuka Kabel RF TNC-TNC RF Cable BNC-BNC RF Connector Antena BNC-UHF (helicalrubber-duck) (digunakan untuk tes radiasi) Deskripsi Teknis dan Manual Pengguna Pengguna perangkat lunak dan perangkat lunak guidemanual (untuk diunduh dari situs web) AIS Tester M1 406MHz Beacon Tester 406MHz SARSAT Beacon Tester dirancang untuk memeriksa beacon radio darurat maritim yang beroperasi melalui sistem COSPAS-SARSAT seperti Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRBs). Tester Beacon 406MHz ditentukan peralatan layanan dan solusi uji yang dapat diandalkan untuk surveyor kapal, pemasok suar, klasifikasi masyarakat dan otoritas administratif. The 406MHz SARSAT Beacon Tester memberikan validasi independen yang akurat tentang pengoperasian suar celaka COSPAS-SARSAT dalam volume: persyaratan pengujian tahunan perawatan berbasis pantai berdasarkan IMO Circular 1040 dan persyaratan resolusi lainnya cepat periksa setelah pengkodean atau pemasangan Beacon 406MHz Beacon Tester dapat Menerima transmisi dari beacon COSPAS-SARSAT 406 MHz dari setiap produsen yang mentransmisikan baik dalam mode uji atau dalam mode darurat siaga nyata Tambahan, penguji menyediakan penerimaan dan cek sinyal pemancar rumah 121,5MHz Sinyal dapat diterima melalui siaran oleh Sarana antena atau tester bisa dihubungkan langsung dengan kabel melalui attenuator yang sesuai (pilihan). Tes dapat dilakukan di ruangan mana pun jika MODEL TEST dari marabahaya distres digunakan. Tes yang dipancarkan dalam mode darurat waspada nyata harus dilakukan dengan menggunakan ruang screened (atau enclosure) saja. Sangat mudah untuk memeriksa operasi suar marabahaya dengan cara 406MHz SARSAT BEACON Tester. Hidupkan penguji dan nyalakan suar ke mode TEST. Pastikan jaraknya minimal 3 meter (15 meter) antara penguji dan suar, dan lakukan tindakan sederhana untuk melakukan prosedur pengujian. Penguji akan menerima sinyal, mengukur frekuensi, tingkat daya di semua saluran, durasi sinyal, menghitung dan membandingkan kode BCH dan akhirnya memecahkan kode semua informasi keadaan darurat secara otomatis. Penguji memberikan demodulasi dan penguraian informasi darurat dan menampilkan pilihan kode Anda (15 Hex ID atau pesan 1-112 bit) serta semua informasi yang diterjemahkan dalam tampilan teks dengan semua parameter yang diukur. Kode BCH dihitung dan dibandingkan dengan yang diterima dan hasilnya akan ditampilkan. Semua data akan disimpan dalam memori untuk diproses lebih lanjut, 10 blok memori tersedia. Semua data darurat bisa dilihat di LCD penguji atau bisa dikirim ke PC untuk prosesi. Karena sangat penting bagi ID suar untuk didaftarkan pada otoritas nasional, 406 MHz SARSAT BEACON Tester menyediakan cara mudah untuk memverifikasi ID setelah pemasangan atau pemrograman ulang. Penguji memungkinkan untuk melakukan pengukuran parameter suar dengan menggunakan antena eksternal standar (dari 3 sampai 15 meter), dan juga melalui koneksi kabel dan atenuator frekuensi tinggi. Catatan: attenuator diperlukan untuk pengukuran tingkat daya, jika tidak, tingkat daya hanya akan diperkirakan. Tester yang ringan, hand-held dan user-friendly dalam penggunaan, memiliki keyboard dan LCD dengan lampu latar. Pasokan listrik tester dilakukan oleh 4 baterai AA 1,5V, dan juga oleh sumber DC eksternal dengan tegangan 4,57V dan arus beban tidak kurang dari 300 mA. Penguji ini dapat digunakan untuk pengujian pelacak locator pribadi (PLB) atau perangkat lain (SSAS, SVDR, VDR) yang beroperasi dalam sistem COSPAS-SARSAT. Semua protokol COSPAS-SARSAT 406 MHz akan didekode Penerimaan sinyal dalam kisaran frekuensi 406.020406.040 MHz Kompatibilitas audio dan kontrol yang mudah dari sinyal sapuan pada frekuensi 121,5 MHz Database internal pesan yang diterima dengan kemungkinan untuk menyimpan hingga 10 Hasil koneksi yang mudah ke PC, laptop, notebook untuk memproses data yang tersimpan Aplikasi desktop user friendly untuk penyimpanan database dan review, proses dan uji laporan printout baterai umur panjang, mudah ganti rekalibrasi yang mudah tanpa kembali ke pabrik garansi 1 tahun Sambungan ke Komputer Setelah all tests are done usually it is required to process the measured data, prepare and print the test reports. Thus the 406MHz tester can be easily connected to any PC or laptop. The connection is carried out by means of standard USB A-USB A cable and special software available on this website. The minimal requirements are Microsoft OS, such as Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 and at least 1 USB port. No special hardware configuration is required. Specific FTDI driver should be installed for proper connection. It can be downloaded at our web-site as well. It is very simple to connect the tester to PC. Connect one side of the cable to tester and other to PC. Then install the drivers following the standard Windows wizard. After the driver is installed run the software. No installation is required. Just run the executive file and press DOWNLOAD MESSAGE button. All saved data will be transferred to PC. 406MHz Beacon Tester Technical Description The SARSAT tester performs the following: reception, demodulation and decoding of the emergency information transmitted on channel 406 MHz frequency measurement of 406 MHz signal in range of 406.020406.040MHz with accuracy to 500 Hz audio-control of the sweep 121,5 MHz signal presence in range of 12150010 kHz power level measurement on 406 MHz channel within the range 19 43 dBm or 0,08W 8211 20W with accuracy to 3,0 dB by means of antenna and 0,5 dB by means of attenuator power level measurement on 121.5 MHz channel within the range 13 20 dBm or 20-100 mW with accuracy to 3,0 dB by means of antenna and 0,5 dB by means of attenuator estimation of the positivenegative phase deviation of modulated signal with accuracy to 2,8 measurement of total transmission time of 406 MHz signal with accuracy to 0,2 measurement of unmodulated carrier duration of 406 MHz signal estimation of the equivalent radiated power of 406 MHz signal through broadcast Designed to operate at the temperature range from 0C to 45C and relative air humidity should be no more than 95, which is determined by used LCD. The tester power supply is performed by 4 AA batteries 1,5 V, as well as by external DC source with voltage 4,57 V and load current no less than 300 . The tester is power supplied by USB cable when connected to computer or net USB adapter. Continuous battery operation time is approxamitly 6 hours. 406MHz Beacon Tester Supplied with: 406MHz BEACON Tester Antenna PC cable (USB A USB A 1.5m) 4 AA batteries Technical description and operation manual (English) Device packing Software and software users manual (available at our website) 406MHz Beacon Tester SART Tester 9GHz The International Maritime Organization requires that all GMDSS equipment is maintained to ensure it meets the appropriate performance requirements. In the event of test failure, ships maybe detained in Port. The 9GHz Search and rescue radar transponders (RADAR-SART) is important safety device and it must be checked regularly, annually or during shore-based maintenance. The SART Tester is designed to provide accurate, independent validation of the operation of any Radar-SART in accordance with the requirements of SOLAS 8211 7488 and other local classification authorities. The SART Tester is specified equipment for ship surveyors, classification societies and administrative authorities. The SART Tester allows ensuring the SART meets the appropriate performance requirements. The SART Tester is portable and easy in use. It is far more effective and reliable than the primitive self-test function offered by any SART. The test results shown on LCD display or printed make easy the further analysis of the SART efficiency. NATO Serial Number: 6625-12-379-2933 It is very simple to check RADAR-SART operation by means of SART Tester. Turn on the tester and then turn on the RADAR-SART. Make sure that there is at least 1,5 meters distance between the tester and the SART and make simple actions to carry out the test procedure. The SART Tester will receive the RADAR-SART signal, measure the frequency carrier, signal duration, frequency sweep number and estimate the power level of emitted signal. The time of one measurement cycle does not exceed 2 minutes. All data will be saved in memory for further processing. The measured data can be viewed by means of built-in LCD or can be transferred to any PC or laptop. The tester is lightweight, hand-held and user-friendly in usage, has keyboard and LCD with backlight. The tester power supply is performed by built-in rechargeable power supply unit. All manufacturers RADAR-SART can be tested Reception the signal within the range of 91409560 Mhz frequencies Easy and quick audio-control of the sweep signal presence Internal database of received messages Easy connection to PC, laptop, notebook to process the stored data Windows user friendly desktop application for database storage and review, process and test reports printout Long life batteries, easy replace Easy recalibration without returning back to factory 1year warranty SART Tester connected to Computer After all tests are done usually it is required to process the measured data, prepare and print the test reports. The RADAR-SART Tester can be easily connected to any PC or laptop. The connection is carried out by means of special cable included in standard delivery set and special software available on this website. The minimal requirements are Microsoft OS, such as Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 and at least 1 physical COM-port. No special hardware configuration is required. It is very simple to connect the tester to PC. Connect one side of the cable to tester and other to PC. No software installation is required. Just run the executive file and press DOWNLOAD MESSAGE button. All saved data will be transferred to PC. SART Tester 9GHz Technical Description The SART Tester performs the following: automatic measurement of SART parameters. The time of one measurement cycle does not exceed 2 minutes measurement of response signal carrier frequency within the range 91409560Mhz measurement of response signal duration within the range of 50150mcs indication of response signal power level within the range of r300950mW 1 cycle operation time without recharging is not less 7 hours automatic monitoring of checked parameters with displaying them on LCD and connection to PC for further processing storage of 10 measured parameter blocks in the nonvolatile memory The current consumption of the device power supplied by batteries (built-in battery 6 V) in standby mode is AIS Software 8211 GEOVS Featuring 8211 3D Visualisation Technology GEOVS is our range of visualisation and network solutions providing a unique and powerful perspective of any marine domain. Converting information from multiple sensors, such as AIS and Radar into a real time digital 3D environment that you can manipulate and control. We provide customers with complete system solutions. With access to the complete technology and product portfolio, coupled with unmatched knowledge and experience, our ability to deliver innovative and customised solutions is unrivalled. Our expertise is in providing authorities with solutions to their maritime domain monitoring requirements. From creating a control system for the smallest waterway or port to a national scale system tracking all vessels within your EEZ, our solutions can create a robust and fully interoperable system solution. GEOVS Controller A full maritime domain control room solution incorporating our unique visualisation technology. Full control of your network with administration control features and functions as well as a full array of data display and manipulation features and functions. GEOVS Hub A robust and secure central database solution for data generated by multiple networked sensors. Provides a single secure repository of data which can be accessed by authorised users via the GEOVS - Controller and Viewer platforms. GEOVS Viewer The ultimate in maritime domain awareness visualisation technology. Uniquely intuitive real time 2D and 3D display of AIS and other data. Designed to securely connect to the central data store (hub). AIS Fleet Tracking Introduction Maritime domain awareness systems improve efficiency, safety and security. Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a major technological step forward, providing a reliable, globally adopted communication platform to deliver applications that benefit many market segments. This includes protecting and optimizing activities in your Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Affordable fleet monitoring Implementing a customised vessel tracking system within available budget. Giving authorities control of their fleet Our vessel tracking system is designed to offer affordable, yet guaranteed fleet monitoring. The use of multiple technologies permits our system to be easily deployed along any coastline no matter the availability of coast monitoring locations minimum cost, maximum functionality. Rugged Vessel Transceivers We offer a wide range of vessel transceivers suitable for installation on any vessel of any size or type. Each offers a wide range of security, installation and other configurable options to enable an optimised, proven and reliable solution that are practical for large or small scale rollouts. Intelligent System Architecture Our system merges terrestrial AIS and satellite sourced data transmitted by your vessels into a secure, powerful database located at a site of your choosing. Intelligent and highly configurable, our core system architecture is robust and scalable to suit your specific requirements. Advanced display technology Our advanced, intuitive and digitally enhanced 2D and 3D display solutions enable you to quickly make sense of the monitoring data, highlighting activities and areas which are of interest to you. This all translates into enhanced maritime domain awareness. How it works Our vessel tracking system offers guaranteed real time coverage, enabling you to track any vessel anywhere, any time and with complete integrity at an affordable cost. This proven system offers you a guaranteed level of performance to suit your budget, in terms of how often the status of any given vessel is updated. This places you in full control of both your marine domain and your budget. Our system achieves this through the seamless fusion of terrestrial AIS and satellite technologies and built in vessel transceiver and system intelligence, automatically configuring themselves to minimise your operating costs. Guaranteed service level You determine how often each vessel, or group of vessels, provide a status report. The system then intelligently guarantees this service level. You are in control. The system is modular and highly configurable. It can be scaled from a single port or strategic area to a national fleet tracking system across an entire EEZ and beyond. You decide. Configurable Next generation, intuitive digital display technology combined with configurable features allows the system to be customised for your specific requirements. Have what you want Key Features and Functions Our system offers a wide range of features and functions built around a stable core data processing system. These can be changed, configured and refined to suit individual requirements. Advanced real time 3D display of your marine domain Traditional chart display Comprehensive vessel data, images and owner database Historical tracking records and replay GEO (software) fence alerts Dynamic vessel filtering Activity analysis tools Vessel polling and remote over the air interrogation capability Guaranteed service level Multiple user access to data Encrypted transmissions option for total security AIS Fishing Fleet Tracking National fishing fleet monitoring system A Ministry of Agriculture required a cost effective and operationally viable system to reliably track and monitor the national fishing fleet. The system needed to deliver benefits for the fishermen and the authorities to create a win win situation within a tight budget. With approximately 15,000 fishing boats, thousands of kms of coast line and an EEZ (exclusive economic zone) extending to tens of thousands of square kilometres there were a number of challenges to overcome. The authority had pre-determined that Automatic Identification System (AIS) technology offered the optimal combination of reliability, functionality and cost and above all was an IMO approved and sanctioned vessel tracking technology. Our customer support team worked with the customer and the authority to create a system specification which would deliver the required functionality. As is normal with large national systems, one of the major challenges was the inability for AIS Coast Stations to be installed along the entire coast due to geographical challenges which made this impractical. Also various islands and headlands created reception black spots. This was overcome through the deployment of ABSEA enabled Identifier AIS Transceivers which enabled a percentage of the transmissions to be detected from the exactEarth AIS satellite network and fused with data collected from the terrestrial based coast station network. SRT created a modular system solution for the customer made up of: ABSEA enabled Identifier AIS Transceivers, with internal VDR functionality, to be securely fitted to each boat Coast Stations to be installed wherever practical along the coast line to receive all AIS transmissions within range of the antenna in real time A feed of satellite data, containing live and recent history location information with a once every 4 hour update rate The GeoVS-HUB database solution to receive, process and store all information from coast stations and satellite A range of GeoVS VIEWER licenses which enable the data to be viewed in real time on 2D charts and in enhanced real time 3D digital reality The architecture of the proposed system will allow the customer to build their system gradually over time in accordance with their annual budgets. The first step has been to complete a small installation to prove and characterise the system which was followed by the commencement of the national rollout. The customer benefited from our expertise in AIS technologies and MDA systems coupled with access to a complete range of products which were used to build the specific customised solution their national authority wanted. The availability of ABSEA enabled satellite AIS data at a fraction of the cost of traditional non AIS satellite technologies was a critical system differentiator as it enabled the authority to monitor any fishing vessel fitted with a transceiver across their entire EEZ. AIS Satellite Tracking ABSEA (Advanced Class B Satellite Enabled AIS) provides the ability to track any vessel equipped with a special Automatic Identification System (AIS) identifier created with unique technology from our partners at SRT Marine System Solutions. The transmissions from these unique identifiers will be reliably received by the exactEarth global satellite network. For more information about ABSEA or the Identifiers, please contact our sales team at: infomaritec. co. za AIS is a Very High Frequency (VHF) technology primarily optimised and designed for high intensity terrestrial-based tracking with reliable range typically limited to approximately 50 nautical miles. High powered Class A type transceivers are able to be tracked globally by the existing exactEarth AIS satellite network, however due to a variety of complex reasons, transmissions from standard Class B and Identifier type devices cannot currently be reliably tracked from space. The reception of Class B units from space has been traditionally hindered because Class B units are designed to always show deference to Class A devices. Class B units transmit less frequently at a lower power level. As Class A populations increase within a satellite footprint, the Class B transmissions become indistinguishable from the general noise floor. By utilising patented Satellite AIS techniques coupled with SRT technology, ABSEA allows terrestrial and satellite tracking of these small vessels without requiring expensive equipment and per-bit message charges for the ship owner. exactEarth and SRT have now developed a unique technology called ABSEA which, when embedded within these standard low-powered AIS transceivers, enables their transmissions to be consistently received by exactEarth satellites. This allows wide-area tracking of these vessels and also enables the provision of valuable supplementary AIS tracking data to existing terrestrial networks with limited coverage. Combining the efficiency of SRT8217s em-trak Identifier with the most advanced Satellite AIS technology available, ABSEA represents the most cost-efficient and comprehensive solution to monitor all of the worlds shipping, regardless of vessel size and location. The first ABSEA-enabled products are expected to be deployed later this year. I8217ve been accused of being a shell designeryou start with a machine and enclose it. But in many cases, the shell is essential. A locomotive without a shell would be nonfunctional. Nonfunctional Requirements Abstract Nonfunctional Requirements (NFRs, or system qualities) describe system attributes such as security, reliability, maintainability, scalability, and usability (often referred to as the ilities). They can also be constraints or restrictions on the design of the system (in which they may be referred to as design constraints ). These requirements are just as critical as the functional Epics, Capabilities, Features, and User Stories, as they ensure the usability and efficacy of the entire system failing to meet any one can result in systems that do not meet internal business, user, or market needs or that do not meet mandatory requirements imposed by regulatory or standards agencies. Nonfunctional requirements are persistent qualities and constraints and, unlike functional requirements, are typically revisited as part of the Definition of Done for each Iteration, Program Increment, or Release. NFRs exist at all four SAFe levels: Team, Program, Value Stream, and Portfolio. Definition and implementation of NFRs is of critical concern for the system builder. Over-specify them and the Solution may be too costly to be viable under-specify them and the solution will not be adequate for its intended use. An adaptive and incremental approach to exploring, defining, and implementing NFRs is a key skill of the successful Lean-Agile system builder. Traditionally, one way to think about all the types of requirements that affect a Solution8217s overall fitness for use has been the acronym 8220FURPS,8221 which is a traditional requirements categorization for Functionality , Usability , Reliability , Performance . and Supportability 5. Functional requirements are largely expressed in User Stories and in Features and Capabilities. This is where most of the work occurs: Teams build systems that deliver functional value to the user, and a majority of the time and effort in solution development is devoted to that functionality. FURPS is the placeholder for Nonfunctional Requirements . Though they may be a bit more subtle, NFRs are as just as important to system success as are functional requirements. NFRs can be considered constraints on new development, in that each eliminates some degree of design freedom on the part of those building the system. For example: We need to implement SAML-based single sign-on for all products in the suite (SSO is a functional requirement basing the technology on SAML is a constraint ). NFRs can cover a wide range of business-critical issues that are not well addressed by functional requirements. As a reminder to system designers, a fairly comprehensive list of such potential requirements is described in 1. NFRs Occur at All Levels Nonfunctional requirements are associated with backlogs at all four levels of SAFe, as Figure 1 illustrates. Because NFRs are significant attributes of the solution that the Agile Release Train and Value Streams create, the most obvious representation of NFRs are at the Program and Value Stream Levels. System and Solution Architect and Engineering are often responsible for defining and refining these NFRs. All teams must be aware of these special attributes of the system they are creating. This helps foster Built-in Quality practices by accelerating NFR testing, rather than postponing it. Teams include the relevant NFRs into their Definition of Done, use them as constraints on local design and implementation decisions, and take responsibility for some level of NFR testing on their own. Otherwise, the solution may not satisfy key NFRs, and the cost of correction can be very high when it occurs late in the process. In addition, Team Level NFRs can also be important, as they create constraints and performance requirements on the features and subsystems they create. The Portfolio Level may require certain NFRs as well. This is often the case for inherently cross-system qualities, like the single sign-on example. Other examples include restrictions on open source usage, common security requirements, regulatory standards, and more. If a specific portfolio level NFR is not yet achieved, it may require architectural Enablers to implement it. In other cases, portfolio level NFRs may naturally appear on business and enabler Epic success criteria. NFRs as Backlog Constraints In SAFe, NFRs are modeled as 8220backlog constraints,8221 as is illustrated in Figure 2. More technically, the SAFe Requirements Model specifies that NFRs may constrain zero , some . or many backlog items. Further, in order to know that the system is compliant with the constraint, most NFRs require one or more system qualities tests, as is illustrated in Figure 3. Many NFRs begin their lives as enablers that need to be addressed. Thereafter, they constrain the system and all new backlog items going forward. The Systemic and Economic Impact of NFRs on Solution Development Nonfunctional requirements can have major impact on solution development and testing. NFRs are tricky to specify, and it8217s easy to go overboard. For example, a statement like 99.9999 availability may increase development effort by one or two orders of magnitude more than 99.999 availability. Sometimes that8217s necessary and other times it8217s not, but the impact of the NFR must be well understood by those writing the specifications. Similarly, physical constraints such as weight, volume, or voltage, if not given enough thought, may cause the solution to be overly complicated and too costly. The Economic Framework of the solution should hold criteria to evaluate the extent to which NFRs should be taken as a trade-off with costs and other considerations. Suppliers are likewise impacted by NFRs, and declaring them incorrectly or without the full trade-off ramifications of the economic framework might lead to unnecessarily complex and costly systems and components. It is also important to reevaluate NFRs regularly. Unlike other requirements, NFRs are persistent constraints on the backlog, rather than backlog items themselves, and so they may not always come up during PI Planning. But nonfunctional requirements do change during development, and system builders must be well aware. NFRs and Solution Intent Solution Intent is the single source of truth about the solution, and as such it includes NFRs as well as functional requirements. It also includes links between NFRs, requirements they impact, and tests used to verify them. NFRs play a key role in understanding the economics of fixed versus variable solution intent. Early on, some of the functionality is not clear and will need to be tested and negotiated with Customers during development. The same goes for NFRssome are fixed and well known up front, while others will evolve with the solution. By imposing constraints, NFRs may impact a wide scope of system functionality. Therefore they are an important factor in Agile analysis: Analyzing business epics, capabilities, and features Planning and building the Architectural Runway Refactoring to better reflect increasing solution domain knowledge Imposing DevOps constraints by manufacturing, deployment, support, installation, maintainability, etc. The tools used to help develop solution intent provide some mechanisms to help establish an economic approach to defining and implementing NFRs. Agile Architecture A solid intentional architecture supports development of NFRs and helps maintain flexibility as they change Model-Based Systems Engineering Models can be used to simulate the effect of NFRs and can link to the tests that validate them Set-Based Design SBD provides different frames for achieving NFRs and can guide a range of edge-case testing in support of design decisions Specifying NFRs Defining NFRs is assisted by consideration of the following criteria: Bounded. Some NFRs are irrelevant (or even impairing) when they lack bounded context. For example, performance considerations can be extremely important for the main application but irrelevant (or too expensive) for administration and support applications. Independent. NFRs should be independent of each other so that they can be evaluated and tested without consideration of or impact from other system qualities. Negotiable. Understanding the NFR business drivers and bounded context mandates negotiability. Testable. NFRs must be stated with objective, measurable, and testable criteria, because if you can8217t test it, you can8217t ship it . Implementation Approaches Many NFRs prescribe that some additional work be doneeither now or in the futureto satisfy them. Sometimes the NFR must be implemented all at once at other times the teams can take a more incremental approach. The trade-offs described in the economic framework should impact the implementation approach. Implementation should be built in a way that will allow several learning cycles to ascertain the right level of NFR. All at once. Some NFRs appear as new, immediate concerns and just have to be done now. For example, a new regulatory rule for derivative trading, if not immediately accommodated, could take the company completely out of the market or cause a regulatory violation. Incremental story-by-story path. At other times the teams have options. For example, the need for substantially improved performance can be dealt with over time, one story at a time, as Figure 5 illustrates. Figure 5. Introducing an NFR to the solution incrementallyNFR implementation is also impacted by the way ARTs have been organized. ARTs built around architectural layers will find it very hard to implement and test an NFR in its entirety. ARTs organized around capabilities will find it easier to implement, test, and maintain systemic NFRs. Testing Nonfunctional Requirements Of course, in order to know that a system meets NFRs, it must be tested against them. Testing NFRs is most easily viewed from the perspective of the four Agile testing quadrants . as reflected in Figure 6 2, 3. Figure 6. Agile testing quadrants (adapted from 2, 3) Quadrant 4, System Qualities Tests . is the home of most NFR tests. Due to their scope and criticality, NFR testing often requires collaboration between the System Team and the Agile Teams. Wherever possible, teams should automate so that these tests can be run continuously, or at least on demand, to help prevent the growth of unexpected technical debt. Over time, however, the accumulated growth of regression tests, even when automated, may consume too much resource and processing time. Worse, it can mean that NFR testing may be practical only on occasion, or only with specialty resources or personnel. In order to ensure practicality and continuous use, teams often need to create reduced test suites and test data, as is illustrated in Figure 7. Figure 7. Collaboration of the System Team and Agile Teams to create a more practical NFR testing strategy Though 8220partial testing8221 sounds less than ideal, it can actually be beneficial in increasing system quality: When teams are able to apply reduced test suites locally, they may spot inconsistencies in the test data or testing approach Teams may create new and unique tests, some of which may be adopted by the System Team to help build the larger set Testing infrastructure and configurations will likely be continuously improved Teams gain a practical understanding of the impact of NFRs, which helps improve estimating of business and architectural features Even so, in some cases the environment where the NFRs can be tested may not be available on a daily basis (example: field testing of vehicle guidance software). In these cases, the following approaches 4 can be used: Using virtualized hardware Creating simulators Creating similar environments In all cases, efficiently testing nonfunctional requirements requires some thought and creativity. A lack of NFR testing, on the other hand, may increase the risk of substantive technical debt or, worse, system failure. Learn More 2 Leffingwell, Dean. Agile Software Requirements: Lean Requirements Practices for Teams, Programs, and the Enterprise . Addison-Wesley, 2011. 3 Crispin, Lisa and Janet Gregory. Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams . Addison-Wesley, 2009. 4 Larman, Craig and Bas Vodde. Practices for Scaling Lean amp Agile Development: Large, Multisite, and Offshore Product Development with Large-Scale Scrum . Addison-Wesley, 2010. 5 Leffingwell, Dean and Don Widrig. Managing Software Requirements: A Use Case Approach (second edition). Addison-Wesley, 2003. Last update: 20 April 2016 The information on this page is 2010-2017 Scaled Agile, Inc. and is protected by US and International copyright laws. Neither images nor text can be copied from this site without the express written permission of the copyright holder. Scaled Agile Framework and SAFe are registered trademarks of Scaled Agile, Inc. Please visit Permissions FAQs and contact us for permissions. What Actually Goes in a Functional Specification There8217s a lot of information on the Interweb about how to write a functional specification (FS for short, aka software requirements specification, system specification, product specification. What I have struggled to find, though, is a good, detailed description of what should actually go in an FS and, in particular, to what level of detail. When asked this question, most BAs answer, 8220it depends8221. Whilst this is true, I think we can improve on it by drawing some clear boundaries around how much detail is allowed, and how much is too much. Therefore, I present a specification for a functional specification. This my own view and by no means an industry standard, but it works for me. What Document are We Talking About Let8217s be clear. I8217m not talking here about a high-level business requi rements document or a wish-list of stakeholder needs that may or may not be achievable, and which might even conflict with one another. The document I8217m talking about here is the result of the synthesis of those needs into a coherent view of what the system will actually be. This is the document that you: Give to the developers so they know what to build Give to the testers so they know what tests to run Give to the stakeholders (and get them to approve) so they know what they are getting Now before you start getting all agile on me8230no, I8217m not advocating a 8220throw it over the wall8221 approach to delivery, and I8217ll talk later about the various forms that an FS can take. I just want to be sure we are all talking about the same thing. Oh, and whilst we8217re at it, let8217s not call it a document . It might not be a single monolithic text-and-diagrams epic. So let8217s just call it a thing . or even better, let8217s go plural: things. I8217m also primarily talking about the specification for a system that is to be built . Such a specification is not generally appropriate for a system that is to be bought off the shelf. A Simple Definition of a Functional Specification OK, now we have the preamble out of the way, here8217s my simple definition of a functional specification: A Functional Specification of a (computer) system describes the externally-visible behaviour of that system. That definition might sound a little too simple to be true. Surely there8217s more to a system than just what the users see. You8217re right, there is. And once I elaborate on my definitions of system and externally-visible behaviour (specifically, I don8217t mean just use cases), hopefully you will agree with me that the definition is both complete and precise. What is a System I like to think of a (computer) system as a black box. The black box has two interesting features: Interfaces . through which external entities can interact with the system via a series of inputs and outputs. There are two types of external entities 8211 humans and other systems (also collectively referred to as actors of the system), and we need to worry about them both. State . which changes as a result of interactions with the actors. Think of this as the system8217s memory, in which it remembers (or stores) data 8211 usually implemented as a database. This simple definition applies to pretty much any system you can think of. All systems have interfaces 8211 without any interfaces, a system is just a rather uninteresting black box Most systems have (human) user interfaces, but I8217ve also worked on plenty of data processing systems with no UIs 8211 they just take data from one system, process it, and pass it on to another system. Some systems do not have any system interfaces, but in these days of end-to-end integration, most systems do. Some very simple systems do not have any state, although most interesting systems do (any system that manages data has state). One of the most important things to get clear for a system under design is where the system boundary lies, and you can do that easily by identifying its interfaces with the outside world. Here8217s a simple diagram of a system (called eShop), showing its interfaces and the actors that use those interfaces. I call this a context diagram . An example context diagram Two Key Elements 8211 Functions and Data Armed with my definition of a system, I can now say that there are two key elements to a functional specification: Functions 8211 a description of the interactions between the system and its (human and system) actors Data 8211 a description of the state of the system Once you have described all the functions and all the data (to the right level of detail), you are done 8211 simple as that Describing Functions The functions of a system are the interactions that can occur between the system and its actors (through the interfaces). An interaction is a sequence of actor inputs (e. g. a user clicking a mouse button) and system outputs (e. g. displaying some data on the user8217s screen). Typically the actor is trying to achieve some objective (log in, search for data, update data, perform a calculation etc.). I like to use use cases as the main anchor for describing a system8217s functions. They are, to my mind, the perfect format for describing interactions between an actor and the system. Laura Brandenburg has a similar love affair with use cases. I8217m not going to explain use cases in full (you can click here to read what a use case is ), but just in case you8217re new to this game, a use case looks something like this: Use Case 1: User Logs On User launches the application System prompts user for log-on details (user name and password) User enters log-on details and submits them System requests user8217s log-on details from the external single-sign on directory System validates that user8217s entered log-on details match those from the directory System displays the main menu Alternative Flow 4a: Incorrect log-on details System tells user their log-on has failed Return to Main Flow step 2 Alternative Flow 4b: User account locked System tells user their account is locked and they should call the helpline Return to Main Flow step 2 I8217ve omitted some of the key parts of my use case for brevity (e. g. pre - and post-conditions), but you should be able to see that it describes the sequence of inputs (by the user) and outputs (by the system) for a given function. For more info on use cases, read Writing Effective Use Cases by Alistair Cockburn . Note that the example use case shows interactions both with a human user and also an external system (the single-sign on directory). In order for your use cases to be complete, you need to cover all the interactions through all the interfaces, whether they be human user interfaces or system interfaces, in particular including any 8220back-end8221 systems. It8217s also important to understand that use cases do not give a fully-detailed description of the system8217s functions. Rather, they are the anchor for the functions, around which the other details can be added. Adriana Beal has some additional comments on this topic in this article . Update 20102014 An alternative notation to use cases which is gaining popularity (especially in agile circles) is 8220gherkin8221 notation, also known as given-when-then scenarios, and strongly associated with Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) and Test Driven Development (TDD). As far as I am concerned, given-when-then scenarios are pretty much equivalent to use cases, as I discuss in this article . Functions 8211 How Much Detail is Allowed OK, we8217ve done the easy part 8211 most people agree that use cases rock, and all I8217ve been doing so far is setting the scene. The tricky part is deciding how much detail to include either within the use cases or alongside them. Here8217s my simple answer: You are allowed to include full detail of any externally-visible behaviour of the system (including behaviour through system interfaces). You are not allowed to include any details on the internal workings of the system. For example, you are absolutely allowed to include: User interface details, right down to the very last pixel and colour shade Size and allowable contents of data input fields Whether a specific input control is implemented as radio buttons or a drop-down menu Exact text of error messages Complex business rules and algorithms Supported web browsers, client operating systems, screen sizes Some people will argue that some of the above examples are aspects of the design . and have no place in a requirements specification. There8217s a long debate on this topic in my previous article, Requirements Versus Design: It8217s All Design . But whatever terminology we use, my experience is that business stakeholders, developers and testers care about these details, and thus they have every right to be included. In particular, the UX design might be put in a separate document, maybe even produced by a separate person (a UX designer), but in my world-view, it is still part of the externally-visible behaviour and thus part of this 8220thing8221 or 8220things8221 that I am calling a Functional Specification. Here are some more things you are allowed to include: Exact format of a system log Physical format of a system interface These are slightly more controversial because they are of little interest to our primary business stakeholders, and certainly have a 8220technical8221 aspect to them. Nevertheless, they are externally-visible behaviours of the system and are of interest to other stakeholders 8211 a sys admin, or the developers of an external system. Also allowed are the externally-visible qualities of the system, such as: Performance (system response times) Volumetrics (number of concurrent users) 8211 current and future Concurrency characteristics Security characteristics (notoriously difficult to specify effectively) Such qualities are commonly referred to as non-functional requirements 8211 a term which I really dislike because they are so obviously not non-functional. But the term is pretty-much ubiquitous, so I guess we8217re stuck with it. Describing Data First of all, let8217s resolve a contradiction. I8217ve said that the FS should describe the externally-visible behaviour of the system. But the system8217s state isn8217t externally visible (unless you go poking around in the database), so why include it The answer is that the system8217s state has an important effect on its functions. A function which updates the system8217s state has a delayed effect in that it affects any other function which outputs the same data. Functions and data are intertwined and you can8217t really describe one without the other. The usual way to describe system data is in terms of (logical) data entities. An entity is a 8220thing8221 of interest (a customer, an address, an order, a product). Entities have attributes (a customer has a first name, a last name, a date of birth etc.). Entities also have relationships with one another (a customer has one or more delivery addresses a customer has zero or more orders an order consists of one or more products). Data 8211 How Much Detail is Allowed Here8217s what detail I consider to be allowable for data: Entity name (so that it can be unambiguously referred to) Entity description (explaining what the entity actually is 8211 not always obvious) Attributes: Name Description (again, not always obvious) Type and allowable values, such as: String, max 50 characters Integer from 0 to 60,000 or blank One of Male, Female or Not Specified Relationships with other entities: Meaning of relationship (e. g. home address, delivery address) Multiplicity (one-to-one, one-to-many, zero-or-one-to-one etc.) Note that the above are logical, rather than physical, definitions. For example, a logical type of 8220Male, Female or Not Specified8221 might be implemented as a NUMBER where 1Male, 2Female, 0Not Specified, or it might be implemented as a nullable VARCHAR where 8220M8221Male, 8220F8221Female and NULLNot Specified Physical database definitions (table names, column names, column types) 8220Entities8221 that are actually database tables implementing many-to-many relationships OK, So How Much Detail Do I Actually Include So far, I have stated the level of detail that, in my view, is allowed in an FS. The obvious next question is whether you actually need to write down all that detail. And here8217s where we get back to the original answer 8211 8220it depends8221. It depends on a variery of factors, such as: How much your business stakeholders care about the details How much detail your developers want you to give (or alternatively how much you trust the developers to do something sensible in the absence of detail) How much detail your testers want you to give Whether you are specifying a new system or enhancements to an existing system 8211 an existing system has existing patterns which can be assumed to apply to enhancements, such as look amp feel, data validation rules and so on How much you rely on non-written communication My own experience is that every organisation is different, and for each new assignment I need to find the appropriate level of detail that needs to be written down. Here8217s what happens when I get it wrong: I give too little detail and the developers makes a 8220wrong8221 assumption I give too much detail and I spend more time than necessary writing it all down I give too little detail and the testers keep coming back for more detail I give too much detail and the developers and testers work exactly to spec instead of challenging its deficiencies However much detail I decide to include in, or omit from, my written specification, I am always clear where the boundary of my accountability lies 8211 I am accountable for all externally-visible behaviour of the system 8211 so if I choose to leave some detail out, I accept that I am giving the developers some free reign, but that it8217s my problem if the stakeholder doesn8217t like it And What Format Do I Write It Down In So far I have talked about a thing called a Functional Specification, and you might have assumed that I am thinking of a single, 8220traditonal8221 text-and-diagrams document (such a s might be authored in Microsoft Word). But of course there are many alternatives, especially when you start looking at agile approaches. Here are a few options: A formal requirements management tool, such as Rational Rose Use cases in a spreadsheet combined with an HTML prototype (see my previous article, An Agile Functional Specification ) Use cases, data and business rules in one document, UX design in a separate document (perhaps produced by a separate UX designer) User stories and acceptance criteria scribbled on index cards (as per XP) A graphical format using a drawing tool such as Microsoft Visio (something I am experimenting with at the moment) Regardless of the format used, the same rules about type of content and level of detail still apply. A Curveball or Two So far I have said that a functional specification should only describe externally-visible behaviour. I have already made a minor exception to this rule by including the system state, which is kind of internal. There are some other exceptions, and they apply in cases where it is important constrain the (internaltechnical) design of the system. Here are a couple of common examples: For a software product, defining the platform(s) on to which it must be possible to deploy the software (e. g. 8220compatible with Windows Vista and Windows 8 with 2GB of RAM8221) Extensibility requirements 8211 how easy it must be to extend or alter the system. This is a whole topic in itself. I try to treat these very much as exceptions to the rule and only include them where they are absolutely necessary. In Summary To summarise then: If a system is a black box with (human and system) actors interacting with it through interfaces, then8230 A functional specification describes the externally-visible behaviour of the system There are two key elements 8211 functions and data Functions are commonly anchored around use cases The theoretical scope includes all externally-visible behaviour, right down to the last pixel8230 But as to how much detail you actually include8230it depends8230 And you are still accountable for all the details that you omit Further Reading There8217s more to business analysis than just writing Functional Specifications. I8217ve tried to capture the end-to-end process I follow in the article Business Analyst Designer Method . And if you want to learn how to put what you8217ve just read into practice, you might want to look at my Distance Learning Course . Bagikan ini:

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