Sunday, 2 July 2017

Options Trading Kadal

Road Trip: Cornwall, England Dengan desa-desa tepi pantai yang bercat putih dan pedesaan hijau yang hijau dan dihiasi dengan reruntuhan Celtic, semenanjung Cornish merupakan hibrida atraksi sejarah dan keindahan alam. Dari kebun subtropinya sampai ke tebing curam yang mengalir ke Atlantik, Cornwall memiliki nuansa pulau, dan, pada kenyataannya, hampir merupakan sebuah pulau, hampir terpisah dari wilayah lain di Inggris oleh Sungai Tamar. Sementara beberapa jalan raya Cornwalls dua lajur (biasanya diberi label quotAquot atau quotBquot) disiapkan untuk jalan sempit untuk sebagian besar rute. Jika Anda berlari melintasi mobil yang melaju, biasakan memback up dan memberi ruang di jalan, kata editor pengarang Traveller, Jim Richardson, yang menelusuri akar keluarganya ke Cornwall. Semua bagian Cornwalls charm. quot Dan ketika Anda lelah mengemudi, parkir mobil Anda untuk sementara dan jelajahi dusun dan teluk kecil dengan berjalan di sepanjang Jalur Pantai Barat Selatan sepanjang 630 mil (1.013 kilometer), jalan setapak terpanjang di Britania. Mulailah di Penzance Mulai tur Anda di Penzance dengan kunjungan ke Salib Penzance abad kesembilan, salah satu salib Celtic yang paling terkenal di Celtic, terletak di luar Galeri dan Museum Penlee House (Morrab Road, Penzance (0) 1736 363625 penleehouse. org. uk ) St Michaels Mount From Penzance, berkendara sekitar tiga mil (lima kilometer) timur ke Gunung Michaels, yang, sepanjang sejarah, telah menjadi tempat perdagangan timah, tempat ziarah, dan benteng militer. Naik ke puncak kastil pulau dan membayangkan kapal-kapal Armada Spanyol yang mendekat. Ke timur Anda adalah Semenanjung Kadal, diberkati dengan pantai dan beberapa pasties terbaik di Cornwall. Di sebelah barat adalah Penwith Peninsula, dihiasi dengan situs Neolitik, dan Mounts Bay. Pada saat air surut, Anda bisa berjalan keluar ke Gunung Michaels melalui jalan lintas saat airnya naik, memilih perjalanan feri singkat dari Marazion. Dari Gunung St. Michaels, pesiar 10 mil (16 kilometer) di sepanjang rute A394 mengarah ke kota pasar Helston. Berhentilah di The Blue Anchor Inn (50 Coinagehall Street (0) 1326 562821 spingoales), bertempat di sebuah rumah peristirahatan abad ke abad ke 15 untuk para bhikkhu. Sampel minuman kuno dari Spingo. Untuk pengalaman Helston yang lebih jinak, kunjungi Helston Folk Museum (Market Place (0) 1326 564027 cornwall. gov. ukDefault. aspxpage18157), sebelumnya rumah pasar kota, yang menampilkan permata arkeologi regional dan pers cider kayu. Helston adalah gerbang geografis ke Semenanjung Kadal, dengan teluk kecil berpasir dan desa-desa yang indah. Semenanjung Lizard Buatlah pemberhentian pertama Anda di kadal di The Lizard Pasty Shoplocated di Beacon Terrace, di dekat ujung selatan Kadal (The Lizard (0) 1326 290889 connexions. co. uklizardpasty). Mendaki atau berkendara kurang dari dua mil (3,2 kilometer) ke Kynance Cove (ikuti jalan A3083), sebuah sudut yang indah dengan perairan berbintik-bintik pulau dan banyak gua. Berjalanlah melintasi Lizardall selatan sejauh empat mil (enam kilometer) dari sana ke Cadgwith, sebuah desa nelayan dari pondok dan pub jerami bercat putih yang dipenuhi orang-orang yang menyanyikan gundukan laut. Luangkan waktu untuk berkelok-kelok di Jalan Pesisir South West dan temukan ikan cendana favorit Anda sendiri dan desa Besi. Beristirahatlah di malam hari di Trengilly Wartha Inn (Nancenoy, Constantine (0) 1326 340332 trengilly. co. uk berlipat ganda mulai pukul pon80), dengan kebun seluas 6 hektar (2,4 hektar), padang rumput, dan danau idilis. Nama Cornish-nya diterjemahkan menjadi quotsettlement di atas pepohonan. quot Dine di bistro penginapan, yang menampilkan semua daging dan permainan lokal, kerang dari perairan terdekat, dan papan tulis Cornish. Hanya 8 mil (13 kilometer) utara, Falmouth menawarkan berbagai atraksi. Kunjungi National Maritime Museum (Discovery Quay (0) 1326 313388 nmmc. co. uk pound7.95) untuk pelajaran tentang warisan bait suci Cornwalls, dengan menampilkan perahu dari semua ukuran, arsip, dan karya seni. Pergilah ke luar rumah untuk berjalan-jalan di Taman Trebah (Mawnan Smith (0) 1326 250448 trebahgarden. co. uk pound7), jurang subtropis seluas 26 acre (11 hektar), terdaftar sebagai salah satu dari 80 kebun terbaik di dunia. St. Austell, 25 mil (40 kilometer) timur laut Falmouth, adalah kota terpadat di Cornwall dan merupakan tempat tinggal bagi satu daya tarik besar: taman global Proyek Eden (tidak jauh dari jalan A30 di Bodelva (0) 1726 811911 edenproject Pound15). Properti ekspansif ini memiliki kompleks rumah kaca seukuran lebih dari 30 lapangan sepak bola. Program pendidikan mengeksplorasi kompleksitas pengelolaan persediaan makanan dan limbah, dan proyek penelitian berfokus untuk lebih mengandalkan tanaman lokal. Dikatakan luas sebagai desa nelayan yang paling indah di Cornwall, Polperro kecil (25 mil40 kilometer timur St. Austell) adalah pesta untuk mata. Rasakan jenis tenaga kuda yang berbeda dengan dot card yang ditarik kuda dari tempat parkir utama ke pusat desa, dan naiki gang-gang sempit. Cobalah Crumplehorn Inn dan Mill (di seberang tempat parkir utama (0) 1503 272348 crumplehorn-inn. co. uk) untuk makan siang khas steak steak, jamur, dan ale pie cod dan keripik bir atau tangkapan dari Hari, di antara favorit lainnya. Berjalanlah dari makan siang Anda di jalan pesisir klasik dari Polperro ke Lansallos (kurang dari tiga kilometer jauhnya), jelajahi tepi tebing dengan berjalan kaki. Dari Polperro, kepala sekitar 17 mil (27 kilometer) barat laut ke Bodmin. Turkan kota bekas penjara, struktur 1779 yang dibangun untuk Raja George III. Buku Domesday yang terkenal, sebuah survei abad ke-11 di Inggris, dan Permata Mahkota benar-benar tersimpan di dinding penjara selama Perang Dunia I. Penjara juga menawarkan Paranormal Ghost Walks bulanan, yang mencakup satu malam di tempat tinggal berhantu dan sarapan tradisional. Keesokan paginya (Berrycoombe Road (0) 1208 76292 bodminjail. org pound5.50 untuk penjara pound70 untuk menginap semalam semalaman). Moor Bodmin, bentang alam yang unik, juga memiliki beberapa atraksi yang terkenal oleh novelis Daphne du Maurier. Inn Jamaika abad ke-18 (nama yang sama dengan kisah penyelundup du Mauriers 1936) sekarang menjadi museum yang memperingati penulisnya (Bolventor, Launceston (01) 1566 86250 jamaicainn. co. ukSmugglersmuseum. htm fee). Perranporth dan St. Agnes menuju barat daya sekitar 24 mil (38 kilometer) di jalan A30 dan B3285 ke Pantai Utara. Daerah sekitar Perranporth dan St. Agnes adalah surga berselancar. Cobalah ombak untuk Anda sendiri di Sekolah Surf St Agnes Breakers (Trevaunance Cove (0) 1872 553687 surf-lessons. co. uk), yang menawarkan pelajaran dua jam untuk pound20. Tembakan selatan di jalan B3277 dan A30 dari St. Agnes membawa Anda melewati bekas kota penambangan timah dan granit, desa-desa kuno, dan pantai yang indah. Kunjungi Chysauster (Off road B3311 (0) 1831 757934 cornwall-online. co. ukenglish-heritagechysauster. htm pound2.50), penyelesaian Zaman Zaman Akhir berusia 2.000 tahun, dengan wisma yang tidak bertenaga, jalan desa yang dilapisi rumah, dan Sisa-sisa bagian bawah tanah (disebut fogou). Lanjutkan mengemudi di sepanjang jalan A30 dan A3074 ke St. Ives, pemenang ganda dari Inggris dalam kontes Bloom dan koloni seniman terkenal. Kunjungi Tate St. Ives kontemporer (Pantai Porthmeor (0) 1736 796226 tate. org. ukstives pound5.75), cabang dari Galeri Tate yang lebih terkenal di London. Menatap keluar dari pelabuhan St. Ivess di Mercusuar Godrevy, dibuat terkenal oleh novelis Virginia Woolf. Di bawah St. Ives, Semenanjung Penwith berbintik-bintik dengan sekitar 400 situs Celtic. Hanya lima mil (delapan kilometer) barat daya St. Ives adalah Zennor, tempat yang bagus untuk menjelajahi dua istana tebing yang diperkuat di wilayah ini, Gurnard Head dan Bosigran Castle. Nikmati pemandangan dengan berjalan kaki dari Gurnards Head (taman di Gurnard Head Hotelalso pilihan yang bagus untuk menginap malam, dengan pub dan kamar yang ramah dari pon80 ​​termasuk sarapan pagi) ke Bosigran, 90 menit dengan berjalan kaki (Gurnard Head Hotel, Near Zennor (0 ) 1736 796928 gurnardshead. co. uk). Southwest Zennor adalah Lands End, titik paling barat dari daratan Inggris. Salah satu atraksi outdoor Cornwalls yang paling populer, Lands End penuh sesak dengan museum dan toko suvenir, namun keindahan alam di sini terbilang sangat menakjubkan. Merry Maidens Circle Sebelum kembali ke Penzance, pastikan untuk berhenti di Merry Maidens Circle, di sepanjang jalan B3315 yang membentang dari Lands End. Situs Neolitik terbaik yang diawetkan akhir-akhir ini di Inggris Raya Merry Maidens Circle terdiri dari 19 batu granit yang membentuk lingkaran sempurna berdiameter hampir 78 kaki (23 meter). Akhir musim semi atau musim panas adalah waktu terbaik untuk tur Cornwall, karena taman kawasan mekar penuh. Untuk informasi umum tentang Cornwall, kunjungi visitcornwall. Kode wilayah untuk Cornwall bervariasi kode negara adalah 44. Hilangkan kuota pertama saat menelepon dari luar Inggris. Atraksi yang tercantum di bawah ini mencerminkan lingkaran berlawanan arah jarum jam yang dimulai di kota Penzance, dapat diakses melalui kereta api melalui London Paddington melihat Great Western Railway untuk sebuah jadwal Dan informasi rute. Teks oleh Ashley Thompson, yang diadaptasi dari National Geographic Traveler Ada banyak cara untuk memaksimalkan anggaran Anda di tahun 2017. Dari berhemat dan menabung sampai investasi ada sesuatu yang dapat Anda lakukan di Tahun Baru yang akan berubah. Situasi keuangan anda Pertama-tama Anda perlu menetapkan anggaran dan mengatur keuangan Anda dengan cara yang memudahkan semua orang. Misalnya membuat daftar setiap bulan, tagihan, perawatan anak, perawatan mobil, perawatan di rumah, makanan, tambahan dan tabungan. Pastikan Anda memiliki jumlah yang tepat disisihkan untuk keluarga Anda untuk kebutuhan tersebut. Setelah uang Anda diatur dengan cara yang benar maka Anda bisa memanfaatkannya dengan maksimal. Tagihan Menabung dengan tagihan tidak mudah tapi coba pergi dengan perusahaan telepon termurah, perusahaan listrik dan perusahaan pemanas. Dapatkan penawaran dari berbagai tempat dan ubah kontrak Anda. Terkadang hal ini bisa membuatmu sangat tertekan setiap tahun. Pemeliharaan Setiap rumah dan setiap kebutuhan akan perawatan dan kadang-kadang harganya lebih mahal daripada yang lain. Jika Anda telah mengirim mesin cuci Anda untuk diperbaiki beberapa kali tahun sebelumnya, pikirkan tentang investasi yang baru. Hal yang sama terjadi pada mobil, peralatan dan benda sehari-hari yang Anda gunakan. Makanan Kebanyakan keluarga membuang makanan yang mereka beli. Temukan penawaran dan promosi barang-barang rumah tangga dan produk yang Anda butuhkan dan pikirkan untuk menabung. Buatlah makan malam yang lebih kecil, masak produk segar yang lebih murah dan lupakan makan malam TV yang mahal dan tidak sehat. Tabungan Ketika sampai pada penghematan, inilah tempat Anda dapat membuat penyok terbesar dalam anggaran Anda. Sebaiknya simpan tabungan Anda di satu tempat tapi pikirkan untuk menginvestasikan uang hasil jerih payah dan mengubahnya menjadi lebih banyak uang. Salah satu cara yang paling populer dalam berinvestasi adalah ke dalam perdagangan online. Pergilah dengan platform perdagangan seperti pasar CMC yang bisa mengajari Anda semua hal yang perlu Anda ketahui. Lihat perdagangan mata uang yang merupakan pilihan sederhana atau pikirkan untuk membeli saham dan saham ke berbagai perusahaan yang akan datang. Meskipun perdagangan online memiliki risiko sendiri, ada banyak keuntungan juga. Akibatnya jika Anda berdagang dengan benar, masuk akal dan dengan akal sehat Anda bisa melihat dua kali lipat penghematan Anda dalam jumlah minimal waktu. Anda harus bersiap menghadapi kerugian jadi pastikan Anda memiliki uang tunai jika Anda terkena sesuatu yang tidak terduga. Maksimalkan anggaran Anda di tahun 2017 dan lihatlah cara-cara yang tidak saja Anda dapat menghemat uang tapi juga menghasilkan uang. Ini hanya tentang membeli pasangan atau pelatih yang lebih murah tapi ini tentang mampu membeli pasangan mahal dan pasangan yang lebih murah. Banyak jutawan sukses benar-benar telah mengambil satu dolar dan mengubahnya menjadi satu miliar. Ini adalah melalui pilihan yang mereka buat, saham yang mereka beli dan investasi yang mereka gunakan untuk uang mereka. Anda juga bisa seperti itu. Tetapkan tujuan Anda sendiri, mulailah melakukan penelitian dan bukannya melihat bank dengan tingkat bunga terbesar mulai melihat platform perdagangan yang memiliki persediaan paling banyak untuk dibeli. Jika Anda tidak yakin tentang apa yang melibatkan perdagangan online, pikirkan untuk bergabung dengan forum atau bahkan berkonsultasi dengan mentor yang dapat membantu memulai perjalanan trading Anda. Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa Anda dapat mengoptimalkan tabungan Anda dengan cara ini, Anda juga bisa memaksimalkan diri. Anda bisa mencapainya dan belajar sepanjang jalan dan menyiapkan keterampilan yang mungkin tidak Anda duga sebelumnya. Ikuti perdagangan online hari ini dan jangan pernah melihat ke belakang lagi. Di penghujung hari, ada dua pilihan yang tersedia, Anda kehilangan atau Anda memenangkannya. Jangan lupa, ini seperti perjudian, tapi justru menghasilkan uang melalui logika, pilihan, riset, dan keahlian Anda. Lihat platform yang berbeda yang menawarkan uji coba gratis jika Anda tidak ingin menginvestasikan sebagian dari uang itu. Buat perubahan untuk tahun 2017 dan jadilah perubahannya Kami semua ingin mendengar pendapat Anda mengenai artikel di atas: Tidak ada Komentar Industri pertanian organik adalah salah satu industri dengan pertumbuhan tercepat di seluruh dunia. Orang yang sekarang tahu tentang kerugian makan makanan yang diolah secara kimia beralih ke sayuran dan buah yang ditanam secara tradisional. Pertanian anorganik tidak hanya berbahaya bagi konsumen sehingga juga berdampak buruk terhadap lingkungan. Ini karena pertumbuhan makanan non organik tidak memungkinkan tanah untuk direhabilitasi secara alami untuk menumbuhkan makanan. Oleh karena itu, lebih banyak pupuk buatan dan pestisida digunakan, dan makanan yang ditanam dari bahan kimia tersebut sangat beracun. Para pemerhati lingkungan berjuang keras untuk berpegangan pada pertanian seperti ini untuk menjatuhkan metode-metode yang tidak alami ini dan alih-alih mengadopsi cara alami menanam dan menanam tanaman. Sebaliknya, industri makanan organik tampaknya menyita perhatian setiap orang. Makanan yang tumbuh secara organik lebih mahal, kadang-kadang sebanyak dua kali harga makanan anorganik. Namun demikian, industri ini telah mengalami kenaikan dalam bisnis dan pasar tumbuh sekitar 15 persen per tahun, sangat berbeda dengan pertumbuhan pasar makanan yang hanya 3 persen per tahun. Fakta yang lebih menarik lagi adalah orang mencari sumber online untuk membeli makanan sehari-hari mereka daripada pergi ke pasar petani. Meningkatnya harga pangan dan meningkatnya permintaan minyak biofuel telah menarik investor untuk berinvestasi di pertanian organik. Berbagai investor ingin meminggirkan keuntungan mereka dengan memasukkan uang mereka ke sektor pasar yang diinginkan ini. Hedge fund, dana pensiun, ekuitas swasta dan banyak lagi telah terlibat untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari bisnis pertanian. Jadilah itu industri daging organik. Susu organik atau industri tanaman organik, Anda akan menemukan pasar yang berkembang untuk produk-produk ini. Judy Lessler adalah pemilik Harlands Creek Farm di Pittsboro, di North Carolina. Dia dan petani lainnya di komunitasnya mengalami kesulitan melakukan penjualan ke pelanggan lokal. Petani memanfaatkan model Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) untuk menjangkau pelanggan di awal tahun. Pelanggan ini berlangganan dan membayar di awal tahun yang memberi jalan kepada petani untuk memiliki cukup uang untuk tumbuh dan memelihara hasil panen mereka. Saat panen siap panen itu dikirim ke pelanggan yang telah berlangganan makanan. United Natural Food (UFNI) adalah salah satu perusahaan distribusi makanan alami dan organik. Ini memasok produknya ke supermarket besar dan telah membangun nama terpercaya untuk dirinya sendiri. Penjualannya baru saja mendapat momentum dan diperkirakan akan memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan yang stabil. Setiap broker saham yang ingin melipatgandakan jumlah yang diinvestasikan dengan beberapa tahun mungkin melihat ke dalam membeli sahamnya. Demikian pula, peternakan Iroquois Valley adalah perusahaan pembiayaan, yang memiliki beberapa lahan pertanian pribadi. Ini membeli properti dan kemudian menyewa orang-orang yang tertarik untuk menanami tanah dengan cara organik. Perusahaan ini memiliki total 30 peternakan organik yang tersebar di seluruh Amerika Serikat. Perusahaan ini biasanya mendorong pertanian organik dan sama sekali tidak mempromosikan metode anorganik dan buatan. Inilah sebabnya mengapa hanya menerima pelamar yang ingin mengelola pertanian mereka secara organik. Investor bisa membeli saham dan menuai keuntungan sampai batas investasinya bertahan. Tanah kemudian bisa dijual ke pembeli potensial lain untuk nilai tanah saat ini. Kecambah Petani Pasar telah dijuluki sebagai memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan terbaik di dunia ritel. Ini telah mengalami kemajuan besar di pasar dan telah meningkatkan rata-rata penjualan mingguannya dari 32 menjadi 35. Meskipun, sampai saat ini penjualannya mencapai 17 juta per tahun, namun statistik menunjukkan fakta bahwa jika perusahaan terus berkembang dengan mantap, 20 Juta tahunan dalam 4 tahun ke depan. Setiap investor yang ingin mendapatkan keuntungan lebih tinggi dan berinvestasi di perusahaan yang sedang tumbuh dapat melihat untuk berinvestasi dalam bisnis yang terus berkembang ini yang memiliki potensi sangat tinggi untuk memberikan kembali kepada para investornya. Pertanian anorganik telah menjadi bisnis karena gagasan tentang menanam tanaman secara artifisial mulai dipraktekkan. Hanya masalah waktu dimana sektor pertanian organik akan melihat deru prospek dari bisnis yang berharap bisa membeli saham di bagian bisnis ini. Fitur utama pertanian organik adalah alami dan kesehatan, itulah sebabnya mengapa hal itu dapat dilihat sebagai bisnis yang hanya akan menarik lebih banyak konsumen dan keuntungan lebih seiring berlalunya waktu. Kami semua ingin mendengar pendapat Anda mengenai artikel di atas: Tidak ada Komentar Pilihan perdagangan pada bulan Januari berakhir dengan sangat baik. Aku pasti tidak mengharapkan hasil seperti itu. Awalnya itu sangat lambat dan sebagian besar uang kita terkait dengan perdagangan lain dan saya tidak berharap membebaskan mereka untuk diperdagangkan. Sebenarnya, mereka masih diblokir oleh perdagangan tersebut. Saya memperkirakan hampir 1.200 pendapatan, meski saya merencanakan 1.500 untuk bulan ini. Namun, ketika itu tampak tanpa harapan banyak peluang bagus muncul dan kami mampu mengalokasikan 2.468,87 dolar untuk opsi pendapatan. Strategi Perdagangan Opsi yang sangat tidak terduga Seiring waktu, strategi perdagangan opsi kami dikembangkan dari menjual naked puts ke SPX Iron Condors (yang membuat saya kehilangan uang dengan uang besar), kembali menjual kontrak melawan saham dividen hingga menghalangi strangles ATM hari ini dengan menggunakan opsi mingguan. Perdagangan strangles adalah strategi yang berbeda dari pada menjual naked puts. Dengan mencekik seorang pedagang perlu melakukan perdagangan kontrak jangka pendek sehingga Anda memberi sedikit waktu pasar untuk melawan Anda. Sebuah mencekik membutuhkan penyesuaian konstan. Karena itu, Anda tidak ingin terjebak dengan kontrak 30 atau 45 hari menyaksikan Anda melakukan perdagangan jauh di dalam uang. Ketika sebuah perdagangan melawan Anda, Anda ingin menyesuaikan diri dengan bergulir dan Anda tidak ingin melakukan roll 45 hari sebelumnya dan terjebak dalam perdagangan 90 hari, misalnya. Itu sebabnya saya menukar ATM jangka pendek atau mendekati uang strangles dan menyesuaikan diri setiap minggu. Dan semakin saya berdagang strangles, semakin saya mencintai mereka. Jika Anda ingin belajar lebih banyak tentang bagaimana saya melakukan perdagangan strangles. Baca postingan saya sebelumnya tentang itu Saya masih berutang posting saya tentang bagaimana cara menyesuaikan strangles saya tapi dengan cangkang kacang, lihatlah strangles dengan cara ini: Apakah Anda Siap Berdagang Akun trading baru Anda akan dilengkapi dengan akun uang kertas dan akan segera didanai dengan 5.000 virtual Uang bagi Anda untuk menguji opsi trading dan jika Anda bergabung dengan grup perdagangan kami di Facebook Anda bisa mendapatkan panduan, gagasan, dan pendidikan perdagangan. Sebelum Anda benar-benar menghasilkan uang dengan susah payah, Anda dapat menggunakan akun virtual untuk menguji strategi, belajar, dan mengajukan semua pertanyaan yang Anda butuhkan untuk mempelajari opsi trading. Setelah Anda belajar dan bersiap-siap, mulai trading live account dan dapatkan penghasilan bulanan yang serupa dengan kita. Dan kami akan dengan senang hati membantu Anda dengan itu. Rebut kesempatan. Buka Akun OptionsHouse Today yang baru Buka dan ajukan akun OptionsHouse untuk menerima komisi senilai 1.000 dolar dalam perdagangan online selama 60 hari. Bayangkan bahwa kontrak put dan call adalah braket dan Anda ingin senantiasa menjaga harga saham di antara tanda kurung. Setiap saat, saham bergerak menjauh dari tanda kurung yang Anda inginkan untuk menyesuaikan perdagangan dengan menggerakkan kurung 8220 atau turun8221 untuk menahan harga masuk. Biasanya sisi yang tidak tersentuh dapat dibeli kembali tanpa berharga dan begitu sisi yang tak tersentuh hilang, Anda bebas untuk Gulingkan sisi yang Anda sentuh sesuai kebutuhan untuk menangkap harga saham. Saya akan menulis lebih banyak tentang strategi ini di postingan saya selanjutnya. Ini berarti bahwa kemungkinan besar kita akan melakukan perdagangan konstan pada satu atau sisi lain (entah itu put atau sisi panggilan). Tapi saya baik-baik saja karena ini seperti permainan untuk saya. Dan aku adalah orang yang menyenangkan. Apa pilihan trading kami yang saya katakan berkali-kali dan saya akan mengulanginya lagi dan lagi (untuk diri saya sendiri). Saya belajar untuk berdagang opsi untuk menciptakan sumber pendapatan yang konstan dan dapat diandalkan yang dapat saya investasikan ke dalam saham pertumbuhan dividen. Untuk alasan ini, strategi saya juga disesuaikan dengan mekanis dan menghilangkan emosi dan tebakan kedua. Saya tahu apa yang ingin saya trading, bagaimana, dan kapan. Dan saya melakukannya setiap minggu. Dan itu sama, metodologi perdagangan yang sama, dan eksekusi yang sama setiap minggu. Hal ini memungkinkan saya untuk mengabaikan kebisingan di pasar dan tidak gemetar karena takut bagaimana jika saya membuka perdagangan dan ini bertentangan dengan saya8221. 183 Pilihan Hasil Perdagangan Seperti yang dinyatakan di atas, perdagangan kita pada bulan Januari benar-benar hebat dan kita menghasilkan 2.468,87 dolar. Di bawah ini Anda dapat melihat semua data dan kemajuan dalam akun trading kami: Hasil perdagangan bulanan-ke-ngengat (titik merah pada grafik menunjukkan perkiraan pendapatan, laba aktual bar biru) 183 Opsi perdagangan tinjauan Pada bulan Januari 2017 kami menukar saham yang memberikan barang Peluang trading dan premi yang bagus. Berikut adalah hasil perdagangan individu yang kami tukar bulan ini dan komentar saya: (Klik untuk memperbesar) ESV tidak lagi menawarkan premi yang ingin saya lihat dan riskan. Untuk mendapatkan penghasilan dari saham ini, saya harus melakukan perdagangan jangka panjang (lebih dari 45 DTE) dan itu bukan yang saya minati. Saham ini juga tidak lagi memenuhi kriteria trading saya jadi saya tidak lagi aktif melakukan perdagangan ini. persediaan. Namun, saya masih duduk dalam perdagangan jangka panjang yang saya jalani pada tahun 2016 dan mengelola perdagangan tersebut dengan harapan mereka akan segera berakhir. Pada tahun 2016 saya harus melakukan penyesuaian dan menggulung beberapa telepon saya lebih tinggi saat saham melonjak. Saya juga memiliki lebih banyak panggilan daripada menempatkan saham ini dan bulan ini, saya memutuskan untuk menyeimbangkan perdagangan ini. Jadi saya menjual 6 pelelangan naked baru untuk stok ini. Jika semuanya berjalan dengan baik, pada bulan Juni 2017 saya harus bisa menurunkan sebagian dari persediaan ini. Saya ditugaskan ke 200 saham ESV pada tahun 2016 dengan harga 11 saham. Sampai sekarang, saham tersebut diperdagangkan di atas 11 saham dan saya harap, pada bulan Juni 2017 saya dapat membiarkan panggilan saya menetapkan dan menjual saham tersebut. (Klik untuk memperbesar) LULU adalah perdagangan lain yang saya memutuskan untuk berdagang tidak lagi. Saya mengumpulkan premi yang bagus sejak saya mulai menukar saham ini (3.844 total pendapatan), namun saham tersebut tidak memenuhi kriteria trading saya (dan tidak pernah ada), jadi saya memutuskan untuk berhenti melakukan perdagangan saham ini. Sampai sekarang, saya hanya mengelola perdagangan terbuka sampai saya bisa menutup semuanya dan melakukan dengan saham ini. (Klik untuk memperbesar) MNK adalah stok lain yang saya tidak ingin lagi trading tapi harus menunggu sampai bisa menutupnya. Tidak ada masalah dengan saham, saya tidak bermasalah dengan itu, saya hanya perlu menunggu karena perdagangan juga merupakan perdagangan jangka panjang. Pada bulan Januari 2017, saham tersebut menawarkan kesempatan untuk menyesuaikan perdagangan yang ada tanpa membawa mereka lebih jauh, memperbaiki posisi, dan mengumpulkan lebih banyak kredit. Jadi saya bisa membuka beberapa pasang perdagangan untuk menyeimbangkan perdagangan terbuka saya. Saya hanya menempatkan dalam satu bulan dan menelepon di bulan lain, jadi saya menambahkan panggilan ke perdagangan yang ada dan menempatkan pada perdagangan panggilan saya yang ada yang mengubah semuanya menjadi mencekik. Operasi ini tidak berdampak pada pilihan daya beli dan juga memberikan kredit yang bagus. Hal ini juga memungkinkan saya untuk menurunkan pemogokan put. Namun demikian, saya tidak lagi ingin melakukan perdagangan opsi menggunakan saham ini sehingga saya akan mengelola perdagangan terbuka sampai saya bisa keluar. Tapi tidak aktif lagi trading. (Klik untuk memperbesar) WYNN adalah produsen pembuat masalah lain untuk saya. Hal ini terlalu fluktuatif dan saya sangat overexposed dalam saham ini. Saya berpikir bagaimana saya bisa mengurangi keterpaparan saya di saham ini tanpa mengambil kerugian besar. Saya pikir saya akhirnya datang dengan ide bagaimana mengimbangi kerugian. Pertama, saya memindahkan pilihan kedaluwarsa jauh, jauh sekali sehingga saya tidak harus berurusan dengan perdagangan ini dan dapat fokus pada perdagangan lainnya. Jadi saya memindahkannya ke Januari 2019. Tidak optimal, tapi saya melakukannya saat saham tersebut jatuh dengan keras saat pejabat China mengumumkan pembatasan penarikan tunai ATM di kasino di Macau dan tempat-tempat lain. WYNN jatuh lebih dari 10 dalam 15 menit. Itu terjadi pada bulan November 2016 dan saya harus mengambil beberapa kerugian. Tapi aku juga memutuskan untuk memindahkan stoknya jadi aku tidak perlu khawatir. Hari ini, saya harus mengatasinya lagi karena saham naik (menurut pendapat saya palsu) hasil pendapatan di Macau. Resor WynN merindukan buruk di AS tapi di Macau hasilnya bagus. Stok melonjak jauh di atas panggilan saya. Dalam penyesuaian saya sebelumnya, saya berhasil melakukan 100 pemogokan dan 82.50 amp 85 pasang. Sekarang sahamnya mencapai 103 bagian. Saya tidak percaya saham ini akan naik lebih tinggi, tapi saya mungkin salah. Meski begitu, ini memberi saya kesempatan untuk membongkar. Jadi saya menggunakan keuntungan dari perdagangan lain dan mengimbangi kerugian saat menutup beberapa posisi. Saya membeli kembali satu kontrak 82,50 untuk kira-kira. 1.100 debit, digunakan 930 dolar keuntungan dari perdagangan lain untuk mengimbangi kerugian tersebut dan kemudian menggulung satu 100 pemogokan panggilan hingga 125 pemogokan dan menjual 82,50 baru yang dikenakannya. Aku mengumpulkan sekitar 175 dolar kredit melakukannya. Penyesuaian ini kemudian menghabiskan biaya nol dolar dan memberi dampak positif pada daya beli saya. Saya akan terus melakukan ini dalam beberapa bulan mendatang dan bongkar muat. Ketika stok mogok lagi di beberapa titik di masa depan, saya akan mulai bongkar panggilan. Setelah saya membongkar, saya akan selesai dengan saham ini juga. Ke depan, saya mungkin memutuskan untuk memperdagangkan 1 atau 2 kontrak, tapi tidak sekarang atau masa depan terdekat. (Klik untuk memperbesar) STX adalah saham yang memenuhi kriteria trading saya dengan sempurna dan saya terus melakukan trading saham ini secara aktif. Saya akan menukar saham ini selama ia melakukan. Saat berhenti tampil, saya akan mulai mencari kandidat baru. Saya terus trading jangka pendek, strangles mingguan, menjaga mereka di dekat uang atau bahkan menjual pada pemogokan uang. Ketika satu sisi mendapat uang yang dalam, saya terus menggulirkan perdagangan dengan menggunakan straddles atau strangles terbalik. Baru-baru ini saham tersebut melaporkan laba yang mengalahkan perkiraan dan lonjakan harga menggelincirkan perdagangan saya dalam saham ini sedikit jadi saya harus mengumpulkan uang saya yang sangat dalam dan empat minggu lagi, bukan mingguan. Saya juga harus menjual jauh di dalam uang agar bisa memindahkan panggilan telepon. Tapi saya baik-baik saja dengan itu karena hari ini saya terus menyesuaikan diri dan menggulirkan perdagangan yang menurunkan posisi saya dan menjaga agar panggilan di dekat uang (sampai hari ini saya mengalami percekcokan terbalik). Secara total, saya berhasil mengumpulkan 5.000,50 dolar AS sejak saya mulai melakukan perdagangan saham ini. (Klik untuk memperbesar) X adalah saham lain yang saya suka berdagang secara aktif. Ini memenuhi kriteria saya dengan sempurna dan saya dapat berdagang mingguan berakhir dengan mencekik saham ini. Akhir-akhir ini, ketika stok melayang turun, saya bergulir turun sementara panggilan lama saya ditutup karena mendapat keuntungan dan saya bisa menjual panggilan baru untuk membantu mengimbangi debet saat melakukan rolling. Strategi ini bekerja dengan sempurna saat saham berperilaku tidak keras. Ini bisa berjualan sepanjang waktu, harga akan turun selama berminggu-minggu atau berbulan-bulan dan ini tidak membahayakan perdagangan saya kecuali selloff adalah penurunan tiba-tiba, lompatan besar, atau kepanikan menjual (atau membeli). Kemudian hal itu menggagalkan trading dan jangka panjang dan dalam rolling uang mungkin diperlukan. (Klik untuk memperbesar) BMY adalah perdagangan yang biasanya tidak saya pakai. Beberapa pedagang di Grup Facebook kami terlibat dalam perdagangan ini dan ketika saham tersebut turun dari 56,50 saham menjadi turun 46.90 banyak yang tidak yakin bagaimana mengelola perdagangan dan keluar. Lalu pertanyaan muncul. Jika Anda membiarkan pilihan menentukan dan membeli saham Atau haruskah Anda menutup perdagangan dan merugi Atau adakah cara lain untuk memperbaiki perdagangan ini? Saya menawarkan bantuan dan melakukan perdagangan ini untuk menunjukkan bagaimana saya akan mengelolanya jika itu adalah perdagangan saya. . Jadi, saya menjual 56.50 strike put dari BMY saat diperdagangkan di 49,53 per saham. Sekarang ini adalah perdagangan saya Sejak saya membuka perdagangan pada tanggal 23 Januari, saya mulai meluncurkan undian dengan menggunakan strangles dan strangles terbalik. Saya bisa menurunkan 56.50 kami sampai sejauh 55.00 mogok sejauh ini. Sayangnya, banyak pedagang di kelompok tersebut ditugaskan ke bursa saham. Bagaimanapun, saya terus melanjutkan perdagangan ini keluar dan turun. Butuh waktu sebelum kita bisa keluar dari perdagangan ini. Dan Anda mungkin juga berpikir bahwa saya benar-benar gila untuk mengambil orang lain yang kehilangan perdagangan hanya untuk memamerkan kemampuan trading saya dan melakukan kerugian yang sangat besar. Tapi saya suka tantangannya (Klik untuk memperbesar) GOOGL adalah perdagangan bermain pendapatan. Saya membuka Condor Besi (well, benar itu adalah perdagangan Butterfly Besi Pendek) dengan pemogokan berikut: 880 panggilan -855 call -855 pasang 830 pasang dan kami mengumpulkan 2.020 kredit untuk perdagangan ini. Kami membuka perdagangan pada hari Kamis, 26 Januari, sebelum pasar tutup. Keesokan harinya, pada hari Jumat, 27 Januari kami menutup perdagangan dengan total keuntungan 930 dolar (keuntungan bagus semalam). (Klik untuk memperbesar) Awalnya, saya membuka perdagangan ini dengan saham ETE sebagai triple play 8211 dividen capture trade. Ini menjadi sulit untuk mengelola perdagangan. Selama masa perdagangan ini saya menyadari betapa sulitnya mengelola simbol yang mendasari ini dengan pilihan. Saya suka ETE, tapi sebagai pilihan instrumen perdagangan itu tidak bisa diartikan. Jadi saya memutuskan untuk tidak mengelola pilihannya menjadi tugas dan saya akan membeli saham tersebut dengan benar untuk mendapatkan dividen tersebut dan segera setelah menjual panggilan tertutup ITM untuk keluar dari saham. Apakah Anda Siap Berdagang Akun trading baru Anda akan datang dengan rekening uang kertas dan akan segera didanai dengan 5.000 uang virtual untuk Anda uji opsi perdagangan dan jika Anda bergabung dengan grup perdagangan kami di Facebook, Anda bisa mendapatkan panduan, gagasan, Dan pendidikan perdagangan. Sebelum Anda benar-benar menghasilkan uang dengan susah payah, Anda dapat menggunakan akun virtual untuk menguji strategi, belajar, dan mengajukan semua pertanyaan yang Anda butuhkan untuk mempelajari opsi trading. Setelah Anda belajar dan bersiap-siap, mulai trading live account dan dapatkan penghasilan bulanan yang serupa dengan kita. Dan kami akan dengan senang hati membantu Anda dengan itu. Rebut kesempatan. Buka Akun OptionsHouse Today yang baru Buka dan ajukan akun OptionsHouse untuk menerima komisi senilai 1.000 dolar dalam perdagangan online selama 60 hari. 183 Pilihan Pengambilan Saham Perdagangan 038 Sasaran Ekuitas Untuk tahun 2017, kami merencanakan untuk menciptakan rata-rata penghasilan bulanan berikut dari perdagangan: 2016 rencana: 1.000 pendapatan bulanan 8211 DILENGKAPI pada Juli 2016 2016 rencana: 2.000 pendapatan bulanan 8211 DILENGKAPI pada bulan Oktober 2016 2017 rencana: 4.000 penghasilan bulanan 8211 DI KEMAJUAN (2.468,87) Catatan, ini adalah rata-rata bulanan berdasarkan hasil 12 bulan. Hasil bulanan individu bulan ke bulan mungkin berbeda. Untuk tahun 2017, kami merencanakan untuk meningkatkan ekuitas portofolio kami: pada akhir rencana 2017: 130.000 ekuitas 8211 DALAM KEMAJUAN (54.102,16) Ketika kami mencapai tingkat ekuitas yang diinginkan, kami akan mengajukan margin portofolio di akun perdagangan kami. Ini akan memungkinkan kita untuk meningkatkan perdagangan kita (dan leverage) dan perdagangan lebih banyak perdagangan dan lebih sering. Itu akan memungkinkan saya untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dan memulai trading untuk mencari nafkah sebagai trader purna waktu. With portfolio margin we would be able to trade up to 5 times more than with a standard RegT margin. I do not have yet experience with portfolio margin account, but my expectations are that with approx. 150,000 equity we will be able to trade up to 600,000 account. With average 9.60 monthly income we should be able to make about 57,600 average monthly income. And that would be a great result from options trading. Income like this would definitely help us to meet our other, investing and investing unrelated goals and dreams. Overall, I am happy with our trading results in January. The only concern I have is that our net-liq and buying power is low dues to trades such as WYNN. We need cash flow and WYNN is literally preventing it. So ultimately, our next month(s) goal will be to release the cash as quickly as possible so we can continue trading in lieu of sitting on a dead cash. What do you think about options trading We all want to hear your opinion on the article above: 2 Comments Amazon (AMZN) is reporting earnings on Thursday after the market and I plan on taking two trades to take advantage of the increased volatility (currently 53.85) and sell a few contracts. We will be selling a bull put spread now and on Thursday we will be selling an Iron Condor. Here is the first trade: STO 1 AMZN Feb3 825 put BTO 1 AMZN Feb3 805 put We will do nothing with this trade until after the earnings report. If the stock drops however, we will attempt to buy it back or roll it. And here is a trade journal for this trade: January is over and it is time to report our achievements. We, in our company, decided that this blog would report our business trading revenue only and not my personal dividend growth strategy. But then we received a few emails from our readers that they wished to see those dividend reports here on this blog as well as more dividend investing insights. We listened and decided to keep and continue reporting and writing about dividend investing here. We would, however, split our report into two posts now on. One separate post, for dividend growth investing, and a second, separate post, for options trading reports. Here is the first part 8211 January 2017 dividend record . I am happy to say that this month, our dividend income came in better than January last year. Last year, we made 81.80 in dividends, this month, it was 87.13 dollars. I am glad to see that our dividend revenue came in higher than last year and hopefully this trend would continue in the following months. In 2015 and partially 2016 we saw a few companies in our portfolio slashing their dividends and two companies even stopped paying dividends entirely. This affected our portfolio and our dividend income. It seems the trend is reversing again and our dividends might be going up again. Usually, when dividend companies cut their dividend, the dividend growth investors sell their positions in such companies. I didn8217t do it and stayed invested. I had two reasons for this: 1) The companies which reduced their dividend were in oil business and my thinking was that oil glut will not last forever. I am invested in these stocks for long term. Sometimes in the future, they will be increasing the dividends again. I believed in those companies. And some are improving again. 2) The other stocks which cut the dividend entirely dropped in price so much that it made no sense selling them. For example Legacy Reserves LP (LGCY ) stock dropped from 30 a share all the way down to 0.61 a share It8217s current price is 2.57 a share today. I invested in this stock at 12.40 a share and currently sitting on 86.94 loss. At some point I was losing the entire investment. So why selling. If the stock would go bankrupt, I wouldn8217t lose any more money than I was already losing. Thus I decided to sit tight and do nothing. If the oil glut ends at some point and oil prices will go up again, this company may still be here and I may recover all money or even make money. 183 ROTH IRA investingtrading strategy This is just a reminder of a strategy we use in our IRA account. We primarily invest into high quality dividend growth stocks (exceptions are allowed, such as oil plays), reinvest dividends using DRIP and grow the dividends. We also use options trading selling cash secured puts to buy the stock of our interest, collect dividends, sell covered calls, and sell the stock. The options strategy is different than the one we use in our trading account. We do not roll the options to avoid assignment in the ROTH account as we do it in our trading account. So we sell a put and if the put ends in the money at expiration, we let it assign, buy 100 shares of the stock, keep the stock, collect dividends, and sell covered calls as long as we sell the stock again. While holding the stock, we collect dividends. And because of the DRIP feature the dividends are reinvested. There fore at the beginning when we get assigned, we buy 100 shares. After the dividend is re-invested, we end up with, for example, 102.83 shares. When our covered calls are assigned and we sell 100 shares we still will have 2.83 shares carrying the dividend into the future and slowly growing. You may ask why doing this and not keeping the stock Well I want income from selling puts and calls while sitting on the stock would bring dividends only. For this reason I have certain money in my ROTH account dedicated to be used for this purpose only 8211 selling puts 8211 getting into a stock 8211 collect dividends 8211 selling calls 8211 getting out of a stock 8211 selling puts 8211 getting into a stock8230 and so on and on. 183 ROTH IRA dividend income As I mentioned above my dividend income was better than last year. I made 87.13 in dividends and all dividends were reinvested back to the companies which generated them. Here are some numbers: Dividend Income 87.13 (account value 21,476.80 3.37 ) The account is up 3.37 from previous month. Monthly dividend Income: This month, we didn8217t purchase any dividend stock to our portfolio except dividend reinvestment and options triple play strategy, see below. The goal for upcoming month is to save cash for dividend plays withing the account. We want to create enough revenue inside the account which can be re-invested into dividend stocks. My dividend holdings: (Click to enlarge) 183 ROTH IRA options income As I mentioned above we trade options in our ROTH IRA account to generate income which could be re-invested into dividend growth stocks. We are in an 8220accumulation phase8221 when we deposit our sparse contributions of 50.00 dollars monthly and keep that cash in the account to trade cash secured options with it. This way we generate income from the options. As of today, we only have approx. 2,767.42 dollars in ROTH IRA available for options trading. The goal in 2017 is to reach 6,000 available dollars for options trading. With that money available for trading, in January 2017, we generated 118.00 dollars income from options 4.26 return on invested capital. This month, we traded options using stocks Ensco plc (ESV ) and Energy Transfer Equity, L. P. (ETE ). For ETE stock we used a triple play 8211 dividend capture strategy we described in this post. Currently, we purchased the stock to capture the dividend. The dividend ex-day will be in February 3. As soon as we purchased the stock via cash secured puts, we sold a new covered call. If the stock stays below our covered call strike (19.00) then we should capture the dividend (if the stock stays above the strike we may get an early assignment, although I do not expect it since we trade long term contracts). With all collected premiums our cost basis is 17.47 per share. We got assigned at 19.00 a share, expecting 0.28 a share dividend and hopefully sell the stock at 19.00 a share. This would leave us with a nice 153 cash or 9.53 profit or 83.98 annualized return. The play is still under progress so I will be able to report it next month. 183 Our dividend investing outlook Recently, I have seen many dividend investors I follow selling their dividend stocks in expectation of the market imminent crash. They are afraid that valuations of the stocks are too high and not justified. But because the stock market is expensive doesn8217t mean that it cannot become even more expensive. Currently, the stock market is trading at 21 PE and historically, it is not any overly high number. We still may see the market going higher. And as Keith McCullough, the CEO of Hedgeye, who was a bear for the last few years, says that 8220Investors who are positioned for a correction are positioned for a failure8221. We must not forget that the US economy is indeed picking up and strengthening. The growth will be at some point catching up with the market. But not only that, it will push it higher. We also have a few seasonal historical trends such as Dow hitting and moving above 20,000 mark. While many are scared of this event and see it as an Omen for the market, historically, Dow actually went up higher whenever it crossed its 8220thousands8221 level (also other markets will follow although it is said that SampP 500 will lag the Dow). My expectations are a further gains of SampP 500. But even if the market fails to make new highs and corrects I will consider it a great opportunity. However, I strongly refuse predicting the market and liquidate my positions just because I may think that the market is expensive and may crash. It took me about 5 years when I finally realized what I wanted from my investments and build them to the level I have them now. Liquidating it now would be destroying all I have built so far. For example, when I invested in JNJ for the first time ever, my yield was 2.50. Today, after patiently sitting on my investment and reinvesting the dividends, my yield on cost is 5.28. If I sell it all today, I will be starting again with 2.50 from scratch. When I was learning about dividend growth stocks and dividend growth investing, one of the rules I learned was that you stay invested even if the market crashes because you will be reinvesting the dividends into a cheap stock. And stocks like JNJ actually raised dividends during 2008 selloff. Here is a 20 year chart of JNJ. I left the price axis and time axis out of the chart. Can you guess which of the selling dip is the Great depression selling And now, imagine that we are invested in this portfolio for the next 20 years. That8217s exactly the same time frame as in the chart. If the next 20 years would look similar, there is no reason to freak out about today8217s prices you may consider too high. Did you guess which sell off on the chart was 2008 Well, check it out here whether you were correct or not. And now tell me, why should you be selling when you are in for this time horizon Let me know what you think Turning to the international market is a great way to ramp up your companys sales, but it does require a bit of hard work. While the Internet has made selling to people in other countries easier, a website alone wont turn your company into a worldwide success. Use these tips to expand your company across the globe. 183 Test Markets with Other Marketplaces An easy way to test how well your product might do in other countries is to list it for sale through other companies that already have an international presence. For instance, Amazon, eBay, Rakuten, and Alibaba are all well-known around the world. With your products selling on these sites, you can start to identify which countries might have the best markets for your particular product. 183 Research Other Countries When youve identified a few potential markets, its time to do some research. Note whether the other countries have packaging laws that differ from Englands. Does your product contain ingredients that are banned in other countries Are there similar products within that country or is your product unique Knowing these details ensures that you dont get yourself into legal hot water. 183 Develop an International Business Plan Business plans are essential for the success of any company. When youre ready to go international, you need to modify your business plan to include this information. Having a solid plan can help you stay on track. 183 Use a Payment Processor Designed for International Use Dealing with payments in other currencies can be troublesome. Choose a payment processor that makes this easy for you, such as SEPA from Access Pay which helps those who are selling throughout Europe. 183 Professionally Translate Your Website Content While many people throughout the world speak English, a good business owner recognises that you can reach more people with translation. Google might be able to automatically translate your site, but if youve ever tried to translate a non-English site into English, you know how machine-based translation can backfire. Hire professional translators to get the job done. 183 Localise Your Marketing People in other countries dont have the same needs as those in England. When translating your website and other marketing materials, change the message to better reflect the needs of the people in that area. Directing the right message to the right people is essential for success. 183 Speak the Language Aside from the website, youll need to have staff that can speak other languages in order to deal with customer service issues from other countries. Initially, you might be able to get by with on-call workers, but eventually youll want full-time staff. 183 Network in Other Countries Attend international networking events to meet business owners from other countries. These people can offer valuable insight into the market and may even want to collaborate with your business. 183 Adjust Your Prices Set your prices in different currencies. If you have your website automatically change currencies based on the viewers location, you can end up with awkward and fluctuating pricing structures. A person whos considering a purchase might be frustrated by an increased price the day after doing his research, even if its only a slight increase. 183 Plan for Shipping Research options for shipping internationally. You need to factor the additional costs into the pricing. Once you start making more sales, you may be able to negotiate better pricing with the shipping company. If your product takes off, you may choose to have warehouses in other countries for easier shipping. 183 Set Up an International Sales Team As your product becomes more popular in other countries, you may want staff based out of those countries. Even if these people work from your office in England, its a good idea to have a team thats dedicated to the international side of your business. 183 Get Advice from Experienced Business Owners Its normal to feel out of your league when youre expanding internationally. Get the help you need by speaking with others who are more knowledgeable than you. Look for a business mentor or get advice from the Business Support Hotline . Many business owners dream of selling their products to people throughout the world, and its never been easier to accomplish this goal. However, the best way to find success it through proper planning. We all want to hear your opinion on the article above: No Comments Investing in companies means watching the trends and understanding whats hot 8211 and whats not. This is this is especially true of e-commerce. Here are four areas of online selling where you can make a killing. Tech and gadgets In an increasingly digital and wireless world, people want to be connected to others and control of their surroundings. Consumers are investing in gadgets that help them do this more than ever before. From wireless chargers to child locating GPS systems, to plugs and devices that can make a home more responsive, new tech and gadgets are a perfect e-commerce opportunity. Tech and gadget selling online retailers are great companies to invest in moving forward. Fashion boutiques The seasonality of products keeps this type of business cycling upwards well. Steady growth for the best boutiques is linked to great customer service, generous return policies, trend-setting product choices, and attention to whats hot in the market. Current trending items include everything from things like unisex wood sunglasses and wood watches to fashionable leggings for women and bow ties for men. B2B products and services Retailers who target niche subsets of the e-commerce market, like other businesses, also do well online. Products like marketing and promotional materials are still strong sellers in the B2B marketplace and help leave a lasting impression with clients and potential customers. While the gifted pen still reigns supreme, other online products include customizable uniforms, USB devices, writing pads, headphones, and other indispensable objects of the millennial generation. Basically, anything a customer can fit a logo on is fair game. Additionally, products like training products, office supplies, and other business related products are able to capture a large portion of the online retail space. Health products While there are plenty of trending health products, and lots of false and exaggerated claims, not all companies have seen steady growth in recent years. However, some of the highest-trending items in the last half decade have been things like macha power, coconut oil, and anything gluten-free or paleo. Even health alternatives to cigarettes like e-cigarettes and liquid refills for these new devices. Forbes noted back in 2012 that the e-cigarette market was set to explode. While the sale of the actual devices has taken a downturn in the last year or so, trends for liquid refills are still as strong as ever. We all want to hear your opinion on the article above: No Comments Are you Ready to Trade Your new trading account will come with a paper money account and will be immediately funded with 5,000 of virtual money for you to test the options trading and if you join our trading group on Facebook you can get a guidance, ideas, and trading education. Before you commit your real hard-earned money you can use the virtual account to test our strategies, learn, and ask all questions you need to learn options trading. Once you learn and get ready, start trading live account and earn monthly income similar to ours. And we will be happy to assist you with that. Seize the opportunity. Open a new OptionsHouse Account Today Open and fund an OptionsHouse account to receive up to 1,000 worth of commissions on online trades for 60 days. Pertama. I treated all options structures as one trade through its life. For example, if I opened a jade lizard or strangle, I put a closing order on the entire structure. But if one side got in the money, the other side of the trade became worthless, but the trade didn8217t close. I do not do this anymore. After I open a trade, I continue treating each trade as separate legs. It gives me a better flexibility to trade. Kedua. once one leg of my options structure got in the money, out of fear of assignment I decided to roll that leg away and down (and out of the money) and I sold a new opposite leg against it to offset the cost. For example, if my puts got in the money, I rolled them away and sold new calls against it while I still held the old calls Without waiting for the old calls to get removed I started piling trades I didn8217t want. The stock reversed rallied up hard and soon I had to roll the old calls and new calls higher. And to do so, I was selling new puts against it while I still had the old ones. I didn8217t wait for the old to get rid off. Can you see the flaw and a trap I got myself in Fortunately, I realized my mistake and started working on fixing the mess in our portfolio. 183 January 2017 plan My goal as a trader, for January 2017, will be to put the portfolio back on track with the allowed number of trades (a new calculation of allowed trades based on the risk and overall used and free buying power). This will be a long term goal as not all trades can be closed unless I start taking losses. And that is what I do not want. There fore we need to wait. In the mean time, we have a few allowances in our buying power allowing us continued trading, we can trade additional trades to avoid staying idle. In January 2017 we will be reducing the number of additional allowed trades to 5 contracts (5 strangles) at a time (currently 6 contracts) as well as reducing the existing trades (existing 27 contracts 8211 mostly strangles). New trades (contracts, strangles) can be added to the existing trades only if there is no impact on buying power (for example if we have 13 call contracts and 5 put contracts, adding 8 new put contracts is acceptable only if the new contracts will have no impact to the buying power). This rule, however, reduces our trading ability making our trading more conservative (not in how aggressive the trade might be but how many of them we have open). For this reason, I do not expect to make 3,000 dollars premium income this month. I hope we will be able to make 1,500 dollars in January 2017 . We all want to hear your opinion on the article above: 7 Comments December ended and we have a new year again. It was time to review our achievements and set new goals. I cannot believe we are again at the beginning of a new year already. Sangat. Many people considered 2016 year a dismal year. At least that8217s what I have read on the internet so far. I considered 2016 successful to us and our trading business. Although December itself wasn8217t good for our trading, the entire year was. Let me first announce a few changes as far as this blog goes. 183 Future of Hello Suckers blog I started this blog in 2008 to document my personal journey in investing and trading. It was a good journey, full of great successes and terrible, costly mistakes. I started investing in 2006 but had no clue what to do. I believed I could learn by doing. There is nothing wrong with that if you really learn and know what to learn. That was the biggest issue. What to learn Starting this blog 2 years later was a big help as it showed me all the flaws of learning how to invest successfully. However, later I finally had my first 8220aha8221 moment when I started searching for similar bloggers writing about investing and trading. At that time, there weren8217t many. But I found a few who continued writing about dividend investing. Some no longer exist and no longer write. New emerged. I would like to thank to all of them who continued writing about their own journey, their own achievements, and educating their readers. You definitely helped me to start a great investing and later trading business. So: In 2012 I started trading options as addition to my dividend growth investing. It was a completely new path to me. I had to learn a lot. And once again I made many costly mistakes. In 2014 I decided to start a business involved in security trading, our ZZ Capital Management company. It was definitely an interesting endeavor but not easy. If you are involved in trading business you are on your own. No one will help you, no one will be willing to help you. You will feel like having a leper whenever you ask for a business loan, tax help, or any business related help. When you reveal what business you are involved, one group of people turn away from you, some will think you must be rich and ask for enormous money to get paid for their help, or have no clue how to help you at all (for example my tax accountant who had no clue how to deal with my trading reports). In December 2016 members of our company decided to officially transfer this blog to the company. So from now on this blog will serve as informational blog about our company, our company trading, trading education, and announcements. I will no longer be posting any personal achievements or personal investing. This change will also have an impact on our reporting. It will no longer be done in the format I have been doing last year. We will write about our achievements and income to be transparent and establish a good track record for our followers and investors. 183 Trading Group We started a trading group on Facebook last year. The group is an online platform where we post our trades along with other tradersmembers. We have great members, great experienced traders in the group. Many are willing to teach others and help novice traders to learn trading options. I am personally happy to see how this group evolved and progressed so far. If you want to learn trading options and interact with us online I recommend you to join the group and follow our trades, ask questions, and learn. 183 December 2016 trading results Trading in December wasn8217t good for us. We suffered some serious losses this month. We lost 5,339.38 dollars this month. So what happened It was my favorite WYNN stock which hurt our business this month. This stock is not a stock for active trading if you do not have enough time to watch it actively. We were already over-exposed to that stock and had too many open positions but it was all manageable. If I was there to manage the trade. I had to leave for a meeting and in the meantime the stock crashed 10 in 15 minutes. And I wasn8217t there When I got back the damage was already done and we saw margin call on our account. If I was sitting in front of the computer and saw the stock tumbling I could adjust my positions to avoid the damage. We had puts only against the stock. We could reverse them all into calls and be good. But I wasn8217t there. I had to go on a meeting The toll was high. We lost more than 6,000 dollars (6,964.00 to be exact). When you get a margin call you have no other option than close the trades 8211 at a loss So we had to take a loss. For the rest of the month we slightly adjusted our trading plan and worked on recovering our losses. The final bill was -5,339.00 so we recovered 1,625.00 dollars this month. However, this hiccup didn8217t have a serious impact on our overall trading I am happy to announce that in 2016 we made 19,054.12 dollars trading options . We took a loan from a company member who took a personal loan and then loaned the money to the company which we used for trading. We paid back 6,158.00 last year . I think, this is a great result showing that our operations are sustainable and that we can make money to pay for our bills. We are still building our company and it is still a financially fragile business but it is already working. Our net profit for 2016 after all bills and losses is 12,229.00. Remember, we started this year with 1,500 dollars in our account. We borrowed some cash and finished with 12,229.00 profit. When looking at reporting though, you may notice that our net-liq value is low (at around 3,000 dollars without a loan). It is a bit stretching but it is a result of our open trades mainly our WYNN trades which we still have adjusted and which are blocking a lot of money in our account. In 2017 it will be our goal to get rid of those trades. 183 Trading results publishing We will no longer publish detailed reports about our trading as I did in the past year. We will write about our trading, we may mention our results, but all our results for the month and year will be visible in our section Trades amp Income . You will be able to visit that section at any time and see the most recent trading result such as: 8211 month-to-month trading income showing how much money we made in premiums per month 8211 account value and chart 8211 individual trades journal which you can use to review all our trades and eventually back test them. Hope this change will simplify our work and make reviewing our trading results better and consistent. Reporting the way I was doing became so robust that it consumed a lot of time. We want to focus on trading and helping others to trade and not spending weekends writing lengthy reports. I hope that you will like the new format and if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us . I wish you a Happy New Year We all want to hear your opinion on the article above: 11 Comments In my previous post I wrote about predicting the market or stock moves and that I do not do it and why. Yet people keep asking me how do I select stocks to trade and how do I trade them when I do not predict their moves and do not study them. I understand their concern as I was in the same boat. I too wanted to know what the next move will be and why a stock is doing this or that. But I no longer care for that. I watch and follow the stock. I know what the Wall Street8217s concerns were and why a sell off occurred in the past if you ask me. But I do not search for that information in order to predict the next move, make a trade decision and trade based on it. Remember, everything you have ever read about the stock is in the past. And as every disclaimer says, past performance is not a guarantee of a future one. What you have ever read about the stock already happened and it may or may not have an impact to its future. Do you want an example Take STX stock. In April 2016 the stock fell from 36 a share to 18 a share on a bad guidance on hard drive sales because of slowing PC sales. Today, in December, the stock is trading at 36 a share again (and at some point it was at 41 a share). If the past and the guidance was so bad that it needed a sell off of the stock, why is it trading back up at 36 a share six months later Wasn8217t it suppose to be a disaster for the company And how come the past poor hard drive performance didn8217t affect the future So I keep myself informed. But I do not do it to make trading decisions. In today8217s post I will try to describe an entire process of trading strangles. I do have a few rules and criteria I use to trade. None is based on predictions though. 183 What to trade If you follow my blog you already know that I trade options and invest into dividend growth stocks. But when trading options I primarily use dividend growth stocks as underlying. The reason is simple. If I get ever assigned to a stock when selling puts, I keep the stock, collect dividends, and start selling covered calls. If I have to hold a stock, I want the dividend for it to maximize my potential profit. So the very first step you want to do is to create a watch list of dividend stocks. You can browse the internet and find for dividend stocks. You can go to 8220Investing Links8221 on my website on the right side of the blog and there are many other dividend investors listed, such as Dennis McCain. FerdiS. Keith Park. Dividend Growth Investor. Mike. or Dividends 4 Life to just name a few. Then browse their blogs and look what they are buying, what stocks they are talking about. And there you will find ideas of stock you can use. Put those stocks in your own list. Are you Ready to Trade Your new trading account will come with a paper money account and will be immediately funded with 5,000 of virtual money for you to test the options trading and if you join our trading group on Facebook you can get a guidance, ideas, and trading education. Before you commit your real hard-earned money you can use the virtual account to test our strategies, learn, and ask all questions you need to learn options trading. Once you learn and get ready, start trading live account and earn monthly income similar to ours. And we will be happy to assist you with that. Seize the opportunity. Open a new OptionsHouse Account Today Open and fund an OptionsHouse account to receive up to 1,000 worth of commissions on online trades for 60 days. When you are done, you should end up with 30 to 40 dividend stocks. Or more if you find more. There is no limit. Do some reading about those stocks and learn how to select good dividend stocks. 183 Selection criteria Creating a watch list is just a first step. It still will not tell you which of those stocks you will be trading. I browse through my watch list to choose stocks which meet my trading criteria. My criteria change time to time, sometimes the stocks change a bit so they fit my criteria. When they do, I add them to my narrower list. If they no longer meet my criteria I remove them from my narrower list back to the broader list. Here are my criteria to find stock to trade using the broader watch list: 1) The stock must be a dividend stock 2) The margin requirement per one contract must be less than 1,000 3) The premium per one strangle contract must be greater or equal to 0.40 or more (for a 7-10 day contract) 4) The stock must have weekly options Before we review how I evaluate the stocks whether they meet my criteria or not, here is my strangle strategy and the way I build it. 183 Building and trading a strangle Here are a few points on how I create a strangle: 1) I trade weekly options using the selected underlying stocks and trade 7 8211 10 days to expiration. 2) If opening a new trade on Monday or Tuesday I open a trade with the same week (Friday) expiration if collected credit is equal or larger than 0.40 per strangle. 3) If opening a trade on Wednesday to Friday I open a trade with next Friday expiration. 4) I trade strangles using near the money (one strike out on each side). 5) If I have a bullish bias (I will explain later) then I open puts near the money or at the money and calls two to three strikes out. If I have a bearish bias I open calls near the money or at the money and puts two to three strikes out. 6) As soon as I place a new trade I place a buy back order to close the trade for 0.05 debit for each leg separately (one BTC order for put and one BTC order for the call). 7) During the week as the stock moves one or the other direction (and I really do not care which direction it is), the untouched leg (or further away out of the money) becomes close to worthless and it is bought back for 0.05 debit. After this happens (and never sooner) and the untouched side of the trade is closed, then I can roll the touched side away. 8) If the touched side is still OTM or near the money I wait until expiration as the stock may move my direction and the touched side may expire OTM or be bought back for 0.05 debit. If the touched side is deep ITM or it is apparent that it won8217t recover by expiration then I do not wait and roll right after the other untouched side is closed. For example, I sell a strangle against STX trading at 36 a share with 34 put and 38 call. The stock moves down to 34. The calls becomes worthless and I buy them back for 0.05 debit. This allows me to roll endangered puts. Since the stock is at 34 I decide to wait until Friday expiration. On Friday morning the stock moves sharply up to 37.50, the puts become worthless and get closed at 0.05 debit. 9) However, if the outcome was different and the stock moved down on Friday morning from 34 a share to 33 a share then I would roll the puts into the next week, down from 34 strike to 33 strike and sell a new 35 strike calls against it. 10) I always try to roll into the next week only (rarely two weeks if there is no way to roll for credit) and it must be a credit trade. 11) The new trade roll will either be a new strangle, straddle, or inverted strangle (depending on the touched leg position at expiration 8211 if ITM but near the money, it will be a strangle or straddle, if deep ITM it will be an inverted strangle). 12) If the stock ends in between the two strikes and both get liquidated for a profit, then the new trade will be a new strangle. 183 Evaluating stocks Now that you know how I build and manage the strangle trade, let8217s review step by step how I evaluate good candidates for trading using my broader dividend stocks watch list. Let8217s pick one stock ADP . Open its options chain and this is what we see: The very first thing we can spot is that ADP doesn8217t offer weekly options. There fore it doesn8217t meet our criteria and it is excluded. We do not need to evaluate any further. Let8217s pick and evaluate AAPL : From the chart above we can see that Apple (AAPL) offers weekly options (it passes test 4). We also know that AAPL pays dividends (it passes test 1). To evaluate other criteria I need to construct the strangle as described above. So I place a near the money put (one strike out 115 strike) and near the money call ( one strike out 118 strike): As you can see on the picture creating this strangle I would get 0.99 or 99 per contract. Thus this passes the test 3. Now we need to check whether it passes the test 2. So I hit 8220Confirm and Send8221 button to open a ticket: As you can see this trade would require 2,221.70 margin requirement. This stock doesn8217t pass the test 2 and is excluded from my trading list. Now let8217s take another stock, for example STX : Now, as you can see STX passes all tests: 1) it is a dividend stock 2) it needs 712.90 margin (less than 1,000) 3) it offers 0.82 credit per 8 days contract (more than 0.40) 4) it trades weeklys Now I have a trade candidate. I do this with all stocks from my broad dividend stocks and evaluate them. Then I add those which pass to a smaller list. 183 Bullish or bearish bias Above I mentioned that sometimes I adjust the strangle based on the bearish or bullish bias. If I feel bullish, I open a new trade with puts closer to the money and calls farther away from the money and vice versa. Here is how I evaluate that. I use a simple chart with a few oscillators on it and moving averages. I keep it simple. Let8217s take a look at STX stock. I use two types of charts to quickly look at it to determine whether there is a bullish or bearish bias. Here is the first chart: I use a Person8217s Pivot Study (PPS) indicator. If a bearish signal is fired it charts a yellow down pointed arrow. If a bullish signal is fired, it charts a green upward pointed arrow. In the chart above you can see that STX has a bearish signal . Then I use a MACD oscillator. I do not use its histogram. I only use the fast and slow lines and I look at what direction they are pointing. In the chart it they point down and there is no indication that they would be bottoming and reversing. So STX is bearish . Lastly I use a TTM study. I use it in lieu of MACD histogram as it shows better the direction of the move. Here it also points down. But since it is already at the base line (made of the green and red dots) that indicates that we may be bottoming. The stock may not move under the line but reverse and move back up again as it did in August 2016. However, until this is clear I have a bearish bias . Here is a second chart I use and look at: In this chart I use moving averages only. I zoomed the chart as close as possible so it is clear to see them. They are shown as dashed lines. I use 10, 20 and 30 days averages. I marked them with the yellow arrows. I look at their direction and trend. From the chart you can see that they are no longer pointing up, they are moving down and they are about to cross each other. I also added smaller yellow arrows projecting the trend. It is visible that the 10 day average (violet dashed line) is about to cross down the 20 day average (orange dashed line) and both are heading towards the 30 day average (light blue dashed line). Again, this is a clear bearish bias. So now that we have the bias established lets see how the trade would look like if we were about to open a new strangle against STX: Because I have a bearish bias I would try to place my puts as low as possible and go for 36.50 put strike (three strikes out) while opening 38.50 call strike (at the money). By doing so I still would collect 72 credit (passes 3 test), the margin requirement is 717.40 (passes test 2) and I am giving the trade more room to go lower. Of course, the stock may reverse next day and go back up. That would endanger my calls which will be in the money right away. Will that happen I do not know and I do not care. I trade only 7 to 10 days contracts thus giving the market little time to go against me for a prolonged period of time if that happens. And if that happens, my puts are so far away that they lose value quickly allowing me to roll the trade. In my next post I will write a few words about trade adjustments what I do when the stock goes in a wrong direction. Are you Ready to Trade Your new trading account will come with a paper money account and will be immediately funded with 5,000 of virtual money for you to test the options trading and if you join our trading group on Facebook you can get a guidance, ideas, and trading education. Before you commit your real hard-earned money you can use the virtual account to test our strategies, learn, and ask all questions you need to learn options trading. Once you learn and get ready, start trading live account and earn monthly income similar to ours. And we will be happy to assist you with that. Seize the opportunity. Open a new OptionsHouse Account Today Open and fund an OptionsHouse account to receive up to 1,000 worth of commissions on online trades for 60 days. At Sierra Trading Post, we want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. Prior to use, please make every effort to inspect items for fit, color, missing pieces or damage. If you are not satisfied or encounter a manufacturing defect outside of ordinary wear and tear, please notify our customer service right away. We will make it right Learn more about us. Items must be returned within 90 days in original condition to receive a refund or exchange. Original condition means the item is not washed, worn (aside from trying it on), damaged or altered and returned with all hangtags and original packaging where possible. Any item not meeting the timeframe or condition of this policy will be returned at the customers expense. How to Make an Exchange, Replacement or Return Process your items online within 90 days to create Instant Store Credit. When you follow our online process, a credit will be instantly placed and stored on your Sierra Trading Post account for 60 days. The credit can be used instantly to order an exchange or replacement item, even before the return merchandise has been received (must be received within 10 days). Since items tend to sell out quickly we recommend immediately placing an order for replacement items. After 60 days, any unused credit will refund to the original method of payment. Use the return label provided during the online process or in the original box to ship the return item back to Sierra Trading Post. The return item must be received by Sierra Trading Post within 10 days or a charge will incur for any amount of the credit applied to a new order. Online exchange and replacement orders receive discounted 2.95 return shipping and 2.95 shipping on the next order using the Instant Store Credit. 2.95 shipping through Instant Store Credit is valid only for addresses within the contiguous 48 United States only. Excludes AK, HI, all U. S. territories, possessions and all international orders. Orders placed within the last 90 days are eligible for Instant Store Credit (Exchanges and Returns FAQs). You may choose to take a refund during the online process. Print your return label then select the Process My Refund option on the final page of the process. The item must be received by Sierra Trading Post within 10 days or a charge will incur for any amount of the credit applied to a new order. If the item is received and meets our return policy timeframe and condition guidelines, the refund will reconcile to the original method of payment. A 6.95 (10.95 AK. HI) shipping fee will apply to returns for refund. This fee covers return shipping from you to us. Original shipping cost will not be refunded unless there was a Sierra Trading Post error. If you prefer a Traditional Exchange, Replacement, or Return simply print and fill out this form and use the prepaid UPS return shipping label included within your package. If you choose not to use our prepaid label, you will be responsible for paying all return shipping costs up front. We will process your return or exchange after it arrives. Requests for item exchange using the traditional method will be subject to availability. A 6.95 (10.95 AKHI) shipping fee will apply to returns for refund. For exchanges and replacements, a 2.95 shipping fee will apply on the return and 2.95 will apply to the new order (contiguous US only). Please send your return to: Sierra Trading Post Attn: Returns 5025 Campstool Rd Cheyenne, WY 82007-1898 If you used PayPal and PayPal Credit to make the original purchase, learn more about how to receive refunds through these third-party payment options. View Our International Exchanges Returns Policies Page . Please follow the packing and return instructions to ensure prompt service: Please repack items in sturdy packaging Please include a copy of your invoice in the box If you do not have your invoice, check your email and reprint the invoice if you went through our online exchangereturn program. Otherwise, please enclose your Customer Number, Full Name and Billing Address with your return package. Enclosing this information helps us expedite your return. If you use the Return Label included with your original order, a return shipping fee will be charged for all returns. This fee covers return shipping from you to us. For the nearest UPS drop-off location visit ups and select the Locations Tab to find a drop-off location near you. When using an alternate carrier: include your return address label prepay and insure the package and use a carrier with tracking. COD packages will not be accepted. Notice to California Residents - Your California Privacy Rights If you are a California resident, California law provides that you be given the opportunity to opt out of our sharing your personal information with third parties that would use such personal information for their own direct marketing. Absent such an opt-out, we may share your information as described in the Privacy Policy above. Accordingly, per California law, we provide a way for you to opt out if you do not want us to share your information in this manner. If you are a California resident, you may ask us to refrain from sharing your personal information with third parties for their marketing purposes. Please tell us your preference by contacting Customer Service. If you have already received communications from us, it will expedite the opt-out process if you are prepared to provide us with the exact name and addresses under which you have been receiving communications from us. Please note that it may take us up to 30 days to fully process your opt-out request. Policy Changes Sierra Trading Post reserves the right to change or modify policies including our terms of use at any time without prior notice. In the event of a change, a revised policy shall be posted immediately on this website. The sale of certain knives, including without limitation dangerous knives, is restricted by some federal, state, and local laws. When you purchase or order a knife from Sierra Trading Post by any method, you represent and agree to the following conditions of purchase: You are of legal age to purchase the knife ordered, and that knife can be legally purchased and possessed by you under your applicable local, state, county, city, and federal laws. You understand and agree that Sierra Trading Post does not offer any guarantee of performance or expectation, and that the knife by its very nature may be dangerous and potentially lethal. You assume all risks associated with ownership and use of the knife, and will not hold Sierra Trading Post responsible or liable for any injury resulting from ownership, use, misuse, or defect. You will not use any knife purchased from Sierra Trading Post for an unlawful purpose. Sierra Trading Post has decided not to sell air rifles on-line. We remind all our customers of our Air Rifle Policy, which remains in effect. The sale of air rifles is restricted by some federal, state and local laws. When you order or purchase an air rifle from Sierra Trading Post by any method, you represent by your actions as a condition of purchase that: 1. You are of legal age to purchase the air rifle ordered, and that the rifle can be legally purchased and possessed by you under your applicable Local, State, County, City and Federal laws. The following states have some type of age restriction regarding the sale to minors DE MA PA IL CA FL NH NY NJ RI ID CO OK IA HI AK NC MS. 2. You understand and agree that air rifles by its very nature may be dangerous and potentially lethal. You assume all risks associated with ownership and use of the rifle, and will not hold STP responsible or liable for any injury resulting from ownership, use, misuse, or defect. 3. You will not use any air rifle purchased from STP for an unlawful purpose. A handling and inspection charge of 40 will be charged for the shipment of all bicycles. All bikes are preassembled by a certified bike mechanic to ensure bicycle is complete and functioning properly. Components and wheels are adjusted, and the bike is test ridden before being disassembled and prepped for shipping. Bicycles should be reassembled by a qualified bicycle mechanic. Must ship UPS Ground within the 48 contiguous U. S. only. Not eligible for special shipping offers. All of Sierra Trading Post boats are cosmetic 2nds and may come with minor blemishes, not unlike those that are the result of one or more outings. To ensure your satisfaction, please remove all packaging material immediately upon arrival, and inspect for damage prior to signing acceptance form from carrier. Note any damage on carriers document, and contact Sierra Trading Post with any problems. Must ship UPS Ground within the 48 contiguous U. S. only. Due to the weight and size, a 100.00 shipping charge is automatically applied. Must ship via truck within the 48 contiguous U. S. only. Not eligible for special shipping offers. Climbing and other related activities are inherently dangerous anyone purchasing or using equipment for this purpose is personally responsible for getting proper instruction on its correct and safe use. For any refund, ropes must be returned in original coil, have original hangtags and plastic wrapper. Due to varying international restrictions, Sierra Trading Post cannot ship food i. e. dehydrated, camping, pet foods or treats and packaged food outside of the U. S. Food is restricted to U. S. Shipments only. Fuel contained within certain products restrict them from being sold online and shipped outside of the 48 contiguous U. S. Shipping restrictions prevent us from selling fuel andor flammables online. Must ship UPS Ground within the 48 contiguous U. S. only. We cannot ship products made of certain materials outside the U. S. Additionally, some states restrict the sale of exotic leathers. Our product webpages state any applicable restrictions on the shipping of that product. Our current restrictions are: U. S. Shipments Only: We cannot ship these exotic leathers outside the U. S. American Alligator, Anteater (Pangolin), Antelope, Caiman, Crocodile, Deer, Elk, Frog, Hippo, Kangaroo, Lizard, Moose, Ostrich, Sea Turtle, Shark, Stingray, Toad We cannot ship certain materials to California and outside the U. S. including: Elephant, Python, Cobra and Western Rattlesnake

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