Monday, 3 July 2017

Berat Bergerak Rata Rata Iphone App

Panduan lengkap untuk Apple Watch. Semua yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang pemasangan menggunakan Apple Watch dan watchOS Bagaimana cara membeli Apple Watch, dan berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan Apple Watch tiba Apa waktu pengiriman untuk Apple Watch Juga: berapa harga Inggris dari Dan perbedaan antara berbagai model Apple Watch Apa yang baru di WatchOS 2 Apa model dan tali Apple Watch baru yang diluncurkan Apple Dan berapa harga baru yang diumumkan oleh Apple pada bulan Maret Apple Watch sudah lama datang. Kami pertama kali melihat Apel terjun ke teknologi yang bisa dipakai di acara Apel September iPhone 6. Dan mendengar beberapa rincian lebih lanjut di acara Spring Forward pada tanggal 9 Maret menjelang dimulainya pre-order pada tanggal 10 April dan, akhirnya, rilis Apple Watch pada tanggal 24 April. Pada bulan September tahun 2015, Apple mengumumkan dua model baru, tali pengikat baru dan sebuah update besar yang disebut WatchOS 2, dan sekarang bulan Maret telah tiba, saya mendapatkan lebih banyak lagi tali baru dan label harga yang lebih baru. Baca terus untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut. Kami mengumpulkan panduan lengkap ini dengan harapan bisa menjawab sebanyak mungkin pertanyaan Apple Watch Anda - dari spesifikasi Apple Watch sampai aplikasi yang tersedia untuk itu ukuran dan perbedaan desain antara berbagai model dan saran pembelian untuk membantu Anda. Putuskan Apple Watch (dan tali) mana yang paling sesuai untuk Anda. Jika Anda ingin melihat lebih dekat pada Apple Watch dan fitur dan pilihan desainnya, pastikan untuk memeriksa ulasan lengkap kami tentang Apple Watch. Dalam panduan ini ke Apple Watch kami akan menjawab pertanyaan tentang hal berikut (klik tautan untuk melompat langsung ke bagian artikel itu): Apple Watch membeli saran Apple Watch spesifikasi perangkat lunak Apple Watch (termasuk tutorial Apple Watch) Cara menggunakan Apple Tonton antarmuka Apple Pay dan Apple Watch Apple Watch dan Aplikasi Apple Apple Watch Apple Watch - memberitahukan waktunya Akankah Apple Watch sukses Fitur baru di WatchOS 2 Jam tangan asli Apple adalah titik awal yang baik, namun bisa menggunakan beberapa pekerjaan - dan Apple tahu ini. Apple menggunakan WWDC 2015 pada bulan Juni untuk mengumumkan pembaruan, yang mencakup sejumlah tweak dan perubahan yang seharusnya menyenangkan pengguna Apple Watch, dan diluncurkan pada tanggal 16 September 2015 dengan penerimaan yang umumnya positif. Yang senang dengan umpan baliknya didapat dari pelanggan Apple Watch, dan setelah beberapa minggu ketersediaannya sangat diminati oleh pengembang untuk mulai membangun aplikasi asli untuk menonton 2, kata Kevin Lynch, kepala teknologi Apples dalam siaran pers menyusul keynote tersebut. Kami pikir pengguna Apple Watch akan senang bisa melihat informasi dari aplikasi favorit mereka tepat di tontonan wajah, dan menikmati banyak pengalaman baru yang akan diimpikan pengembang sekarang karena mereka memiliki akses ke fitur inovatif Apple Watch. Maju cepat ke 2016, dan ada banyak aplikasi yang tersedia di App Store yang memanfaatkan fitur baru dari watchOS 2 termasuk kemampuan untuk menggunakan perangkat keras Watch. Tapi apa fitur baru dari watchOS 2 Kami jelaskan ini di bawah ini. Baca selanjutnya: Panduan Update: Cara mendapatkan watchOS 2 di Apple Watch Anda. Atau tonton video berikut, di mana kita menjalani proses update (kebanyakan langsung). WatchOS 2 membawa banyak perubahan pada Apple Watch, dan juga membuka peluang bagi ribuan aplikasi baru dan menarik untuk dibuat. Dan watchOS 3 akan bersama kami di musim gugur 2016, menambahkan fitur lebih lanjut, termasuk kemampuan agar Apple Watch berfungsi sebagai pelacak kebugaran bagi pengguna di kursi roda. Kami membahas fitur yang berfokus pada kursi roda di watchOS 3, serta melihat pelacak kebugaran alternatif untuk pengguna penyandang cacat, dalam artikel terpisah: Smartwatch terbaik, band dan pelacak untuk pelacakan kebugaran di kursi roda. Pengembang sekarang memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat aplikasi asli untuk Apple Watch, memberikan peningkatan stabilitas yang besar untuk aplikasi pihak ketiga, yang merupakan salah satu keluhan terbesar tentang Apple Watch. Pengembang juga memiliki akses ke Digital Crown, Taptic Engine, accelerometer, sensor mikrofon dan detak jantung serta API perangkat lunak yang memungkinkan pemutaran dan animasi audio dan video. Ini berarti bahwa pengembang akan memiliki kontrol lebih besar terhadap perangkat keras daripada sebelumnya, dan memberikan kesempatan untuk membangun aplikasi yang lebih baik untuk platform ini. Apel contohnya sendiri termasuk aplikasi kebugaran, yang secara akurat melacak detak jantung Anda menggunakan sensor denyut jantung dan akselerometer, aplikasi rumah cerdas yang memungkinkan Anda menggunakan Mahkota Digital untuk meredupkan lampu atau mengubah suhu, aplikasi yang terkait dengan mobil yang memberi Anda umpan balik haptic saat Anda telah mengunci mobil Anda dan kemampuan untuk meninggalkan pesan audio di aplikasi perpesanan pihak ketiga. Fitur lain dari watchOS 2 adalah masuknya tampilan jam tangan baru, termasuk wajah Photo and Photo yang menunjukkan foto atau beberapa foto. Theres juga wajah Time-Lapse yang menggunakan pemotret 24 jam dari berbagai lokasi di kota-kota termasuk London, New York dan Shanghai, meski mengecewakan Anda tidak dapat menambahkan komplikasi pada wajah-wajah ini. Fitur Time Travel baru memungkinkan pengguna untuk bergulir dengan Digital Crown untuk melihat kejadian yang terjadi di masa depan atau sudah terjadi. Ini bisa mencakup pertemuan atau kegiatan yang akan datang, ramalan cuaca minggu ini dan informasi lainnya yang ditarik dari aplikasi pihak ketiga seperti informasi penerbangan untuk perjalanan yang akan datang. Pengembang aplikasi juga dapat membuat komplikasi mereka sendiri di watchOS 2, yang berarti bagian jamak yang dapat disesuaikan dengan dirinya sendiri. Ini bisa termasuk waktu penerbangan, keadaan sistem kontrol rumah, tingkat muatan mobil listrik dan banyak lagi. Its semua dimungkinkan dengan kerangka ClockKit. Ada juga mode Nightstand baru yang menunjukkan waktu dan alarm Anda, dan memungkinkan tombol dan Crown Digital digunakan sebagai tombol tunda jika Anda menggunakan Apple Watch sebagai jam alarm dan meletakkannya di sisinya saat dikenakan biaya. Fitur komunikasi baru mencakup kemampuan untuk menggesek antara lebih banyak teman, bukan dibatasi hingga 12 favorit. Youre juga bisa membalas email di Apple Watch berkat update ke Mail, menggunakan dikte, Balasan Pintar atau emoji, dengan cara yang sama membalas pesan bekerja. Theres juga kemampuan untuk menggunakan beberapa warna pada satu kanvas dalam fitur Digital Touch untuk sketsa yang lebih baik juga. Sebagai bagian dari iOS 9, fitur baru lainnya untuk WatchOS mencakup petunjuk Transit di Maps, kemampuan untuk menggunakan Apple Pay dengan kartu hadiah pedagang dan kartu kredit dan debit yang dikeluarkan oleh toko, latihan dari aplikasi pihak ketiga dapat berkontribusi pada sasaran Pindah dan Latihan Anda. , Perbaikan Siri termasuk kemampuan menggunakan Siri untuk memulai latihan, melirik melirik dan membalas email, dan Activation Lock untuk meningkatkan keamanan. Ketersediaan Apple Watch Ketika Apple Watch meluncurkan pelanggan hanya bisa memesan secara online, dan waktu tunggu lama dengan beberapa menerima tanda terima Watch pada tanggal peluncuran resmi 24 April. Fakta bahwa wasnt Watch tersedia di toko hanya untuk membingungkan pelanggan. Hanya prototipe Jam yang tersedia untuk dicoba di toko, dengan staf yang menunjuk pelanggan ke Situs Web Apple agar memesan secara online untuk pengiriman ke rumah mereka. Meskipun tersedia secara online-hanya pada saat diluncurkan pada tahun 2015, Apple Watch sekarang dapat dibeli melalui toko online Apples dan di dalam toko di App Store, bersama dengan sejumlah peritel pihak ketiga termasuk orang-orang seperti John Lewis dan Currys PC Dunia. Ada juga pilihan cadangan dan pengambilan saat pelanggan memesan secara online via Apple Store. Menurut Apple, cara terbaik untuk menjamin agar pelanggan bisa mendapatkan jam tangan yang mereka inginkan. Yang paling populer adalah Apple Watch Watch yang paling populer adalah Space Grey Apple Watch Sport dengan Black Band, namun rupanya Apple memang sudah cukup tersedia pada hari peluncuran. Klaim ini didasarkan pada perkiraan dari Slice Intelligence, yang menyarankan bahwa 64 persen pembelian Watch Sport untuk model Space Grey dengan band hitam, 22 persen untuk band putih, 6 persen untuk warna biru, empat persen untuk hijau dan empat persen untuk warna pink. Mengingat bahwa kami mencoba untuk membeli Watch hitam, dan akhirnya harus memilih versi biru karena hanya satu-satunya yang mengatakan akan tiba pada tanggal peluncuran yang asli, nampaknya banyak penjualan warna alternatif tersebut. Akan menjadi pilihan kedua. Menurut perkiraan analis Ming-Chi Kuos, penjualan Apple Watch Sport, Apple Watch, dan Apple Watch Edition terbagi 85 persen, 15 persen, dan kurang dari 1 persen. Menurut laporan, pembeli hanya bisa merobek Apple Watches untuk diri mereka sendiri: Rata-rata, orang membeli 1,3 jam tangan untuk lagu sekitar 503,83 per Tonton, yang berarti banyak orang membeli beberapa (sebagai hadiah atau untuk menjual di eBay, mungkin) . Apple Watch Sport, yang menjadi pilihan termurah dari tiga pilihan, adalah model Watch yang paling populer, dengan 62 persen pembeli dilaporkan memilih opsi itu. Tapi bahkan sepertiga orang yang membeli baja tahan karat yang lebih mahal Apple Watch menambahkan band Sport hitam atau putih sesuai pesanan mereka. Pilihan strap Loop Milan dikatakan sebagai salah satu aksesoris yang paling dicintai, dan ternyata merupakan pilihan utama bagi kebanyakan karyawan Apple. Pembaruan Tonton Apple: Cara mengunduh pembaruan Apple Watch terkini Dari waktu ke waktu, Apple merilis pembaruan perangkat lunak dengan tujuan memperbaiki bug dan memperbaiki pengalaman pengguna perangkat mereka. Pengguna didesak untuk mendownload perangkat lunak Apple Watch yang diperbarui melalui aplikasi Apple Watch di iPhone. Untuk memasang pembaruan yang tersedia, buka saja aplikasi Tontonan lalu buka Pembaruan Perangkat Lunak Umum. Untuk memasang update, Watch perlu diisi dan dekat dengan iPhone. Ada masalah dengan pembaruan Apple Watch awal, yang membuat beberapa pengguna tidak senang. Setelah update ke perangkat lunak Apple Watch (versi 1.0.1) beberapa pengguna mengeluh bahwa Watch tidak lagi merekam detak jantung setiap 10 menit jika mereka menggerakkan lengan mereka pada saat itu. Apple rupanya membuat tweak ke Watch untuk membuat perangkat lebih andal. Akurasi pembacaan telah dipertanyakan, dan pengukuran dianggap kurang dapat diandalkan jika lengan personrsquos bergerak pada saat pengambilannya. Perhatian di sini adalah bahwa jika seseorang melakukan jogging dan menggerakkan lengan mereka, Watch tidak akan mengukur detak jantung mereka, dan mungkin hal ini mempengaruhi keakuratan pengukuran kalori yang terbakar. Menariknya, sebuah laporan yang muncul sebelumnya di bulan Mei mengklaim bahwa monitor denyut jantung di Apple Watch sebenarnya sangat akurat. Rupanya, insinyur Software dan pendiri SonoPlot, Brad Larson, mengekstrak data mentah dari Apple Watch-nya dan membandingkannya dengan data yang dihasilkan oleh monitor detak jantung yang berdedikasi. Dia menemukan bahwa Apple Watch sama baiknya dengan monitor detak jantung yang berdedikasi, lapor iClarified. Selain Apple Watch yang mampu menangkap detak jantung sekali per 5 detik, dan Alpha Mio setiap 3 detik, pembacaannya hampir sama. Terkesan, kata Larson. Masalah baterai Apple Watch Beberapa pemilik Apple Watch mengeluh bahwa baterai habis lebih cepat dari yang diklaim Apple saat menggunakan aplikasi Workout. Apple menunjukkan bahwa Watch harus memberi pengguna daya tahan baterai 6,5 jam saat aplikasi Workout berjalan. Laporan menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan di luar ruangan seperti bersepeda bisa menjadi saluran khusus. Menurut AppleInsider, satu pembaca hanya bisa mendapatkan dua jam pemakaian saat bersepeda. Mungkin aktivitas di luar itu menguras yang lebih besar karena Watch dipasangkan ke iPhone dan menggunakan GPS phonersquos untuk menghitung jarak. Sensor detak jantung adalah saluran pembuangan yang lain pada baterai selama latihan, karena ini selalu mengukur aliran darah. Apple sebenarnya menyarankan agar pengguna beralih ke Power Saving Mode untuk menghentikan pelacakan intensif dan memperpanjang masa pakai baterai. Saat Watch pertama kali meluncurkan pengguna mengeluh bahwa Apple Watch menguras baterai di iPhone mereka. Apple mengatakan kepada pengguna untuk mengembalikan iPhone mereka atau melakukan hard-restart dari Apple Watch (menahan Digital Crown dan tombol samping dan menunggu Watch to reboot). Setelah memasang kembali perangkat, masalah baterai harus diperbaiki. Apakah Apple Watch bekerja dengan tato Jika Anda memiliki pergelangan tangan tato, ada kabar buruk untuk Anda: beberapa fitur dari Apple Watch mungkin tidak bekerja dengan benar saat Anda menggunakannya. Tak lama setelah peluncuran Apple Watch, muncul laporan yang menunjukkan bahwa mereka yang memiliki tato di pergelangan tangan mereka mengalami masalah dengan Apple Watch, dan pada tanggal 29 April Apple memperbarui halaman pendukungnya untuk mengkonfirmasi hal ini. Perubahan permanen atau temporer pada kulit Anda, seperti beberapa tato, dapat mempengaruhi kinerja sensor detak jantung. Tinta, pola dan saturasi beberapa tato dapat menghalangi cahaya dari sensor, sehingga sulit untuk mendapatkan pembacaan yang andal, kata perusahaan itu. Pengguna YouTube Michael Lovell berbagi video yang menunjukkan jenis masalah yang mungkin dialami tato. Apple menyarankan bahwa, jika Anda tidak bisa mendapatkan pembacaan yang konsisten karena faktor-faktor ini, Anda harus menghubungkan Apple Watch Anda secara nirkabel ke monitor detak jantung eksternal seperti tali pengikat dada Bluetooth. Baca terus untuk sisa panduan lengkap kami ke Apple Watch. APPLE WATCH MEMBELI SARAN Berapa biaya Apple Watch Kami melihat hal ini secara lebih mendalam di buku panduan terbaik Apple Watch Buying 2016, namun ringkasannya adalah poin utama. Harga Apple Watch dimulai pada pound299 di Inggris (yang persis seperti perkiraan berdasarkan harga awal yang diumumkan sebelumnya di AS). Apple Watch tersedia dalam tiga koleksi dengan berbagai harga: Apple Watch Sport dibanderol dengan harga pound299 inc PPN dan pound339 inc PPN, tergantung ukuran wajah. Tampilan di Apple Store Apple Watch tersedia mulai dari pound479 inc PPN hingga pound949 inc PPN. Lihat di Apple Store Apple Watch Edition, dalam paduan emas 18 karat, dimulai dengan poundsterling sebesar 4.000 pound. Lihat di Apple Store Di AS harga tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: Apple Watch 38mm 549 sampai 1049, Apple Watch 42mm 599 sampai 1099 Apple Watch Sport 349 sampai 399 Apple Watch Edition akan dikenakan biaya dari 10.000 Harga turun lebih jauh, tergantung pada ukuran Apple Watch , Bahan terbuat dari, dan tali yang dipilih. Perhatikan bahwa versi 38mm harganya kurang dari versi 42mm, dan jam tangan yang Anda pilih dapat memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap biaya. Apakah Apple Watch terlalu mahal Ketika iPod pertama diluncurkan pada tahun 2001 harganya mencapai £ 350. Pada saat itu ada banyak keluhan tentang harganya, dengan MP3 player lainnya yang harganya kurang. Ini merupakan kisah serupa hari ini, dengan smartwatches tersedia jauh lebih banyak daripada Apple Watch, seperti yang dapat Anda lihat dari rangkaian kompetisi Apple Watch kami. Tingginya harga iPod tentu saja tidak menghambatnya dalam mencapai superioritasnya, dan selama bertahun-tahun harganya pun turun. (Sekarang Anda bisa membeli iPod shuffle 2GB seharga £ 40.) Tentunya layak untuk hal yang sama dengan Apple Watch: harga yang lebih tinggi tidak akan menghalangi awalnya, dan seiring waktu, harga akan turun. Kami pikir titik harga pound299 untuk model entry level, yang berada di antara harga iPad 2 dan iPhone 5c, masuk akal. Oke, kamu sudah meyakinkan saya Tapi apakah Apple Watch Edition terlalu mahal Sementara ada yang mengeluh bahwa Apple tidak boleh mengirimkan produk yang berada di luar kisaran harga rata-rata orang, sebenarnya ada beberapa saran bahwa Apple Watch tidak cukup mahal. Apa pun yang Anda pikirkan tentang harga Apple Watch Edition orang yang harus disalahkan atau dipuji, karena keberadaannya adalah guru desain Apel Jonathan Ive. Ive itulah yang mendorong perusahaan untuk membuat produk dengan harga tinggi untuk menarik orang kaya. Menurut profil New Yorker pada bulan Februari 2015, saya harus berjuang untuk Apple Watch Edition, dengan beberapa eksekutif Apple berpikir bahwa mereka akan membagi pelanggan Apple reguler dari orang yang sangat kaya. Kami pikir tidak masalah jika Apple Watch Edition dihargai terlalu tinggi untuk pelanggan Apple rata-rata, terutama jika selebriti terlihat mengenakan Apple Watch Edition. Penggemar akan membeli versi Apple Watch yang mereka mampu. Dapatkah saya mengasuransikan Apple Watch saya Anda bisa mendapatkan asuransi dari Apple yang akan mencakup Apple Watch Anda jika ada yang tidak beres dengannya (ada pertanyaan apakah jam tangan akan ditutupi oleh garansi meskipun Anda tidak membeli AppleCare, namun AppleCare juga menawarkan Fitur lainnya, seperti bantuan di ujung telepon jika ada masalah dengan jam tangan). Kami membahas AppleCare dalam artikel ini: Apakah AppleCare layak mendapatkannya. Dan banyak informasi tentang apakah Anda benar-benar dicakup oleh warrantee di sini: Apakah Apple salah menjual AppleCare ke Inggris. Jika Anda memutuskan untuk membeli AppleCare, sebuah rencana AppleCare untuk semua model Apple Watch. Penutup AppleCare dari Apple Watch akan menelan biaya pound69 dan AppleCare untuk biaya Apple Watch Sport pound49. Rencananya akan memperpanjang garansi jam tangan sampai dua tahun dan memberi Anda dua klaim kecelakaan yang tidak disengaja (walaupun jika Anda merusak jam tangan Anda, Anda harus membayar kelebihan pound49 untuk Apple Watch Sport, dan pound55 untuk Apple Watch. Apple Care untuk Apple Watch Edition Anda berharga seharga £ 1.500, dan ada kelebihan pound 700 jika Anda merusak jam tangan karena kecerobohan Anda sendiri, namun Anda mungkin mempertimbangkan perubahan kecil itu jika Anda hanya mengeluarkan pound13.500 untuk jam tangan mewah Anda. Di AS Apple juga memiliki tiga rencana AppleCare yang akan mencakup baik Watch dan iPhone Anda, menganggap ponsel Anda kurang dari enam bulan. Sayangnya rencana tersebut tidak tersedia di Inggris. Anda dapat membeli AppleCare di sini. Anda tidak perlu membeli Pada saat yang sama saat Anda membeli Watch. Apple Watch design: Apakah Apple Watch mudah gores Apple Watch telah berada di luar liar untuk beberapa hari dan sudah ada laporan yang mengkhawatirkan yang menunjukkan bahwa smartwatch adalah Mudah rusak Foto Apple Watches yang hancur dan tergores telah muncul di web, dan kekhawatirannya yang memicu di antara orang-orang yang sebelumnya memesan Apple Watch mereka namun belum menerimanya. Di Weibo Jaringan sosial China yang populer, gambar di bawah ini telah melakukan putaran, menunjukkan layar yang hancur di Apple Watch. Beberapa foto yang terlihat di Twitter menunjukkan goresan, penyok dan merusak Apple Watches, dengan pemiliknya sama sekali bingung bagaimana mereka sampai di sana. Mengenakan Apple Watch Anda di pergelangan tangan Anda sepanjang hari setiap hari, pasti akan mengetuk sedikit pun, tapi kikuk berharap bahwa bahan yang telah digunakan Apple untuk smartwatch akan lebih tahan lama. Mungkin nggak ambil gelasnya. Nol tahu bagaimana ini terjadi. Tidak ada pukulan keras atau poni. Pic. twitterYw2nYoZNEd mdash Chris Welch (chriswelch) 25 April 2015 Dan tidak semua foto yang terlihat dari Apple Watches yang rusak adalah versi Sport Sport, juga. Bahkan Stainless Steel Apple Watch dengan Sapphire Glass telah tampil online dengan goresan besar. Tanpa memori yang pernah menabraknya (bahkan dengan lembut), goresan muncul di kaca sapphire Apple Watchs saya. Aneh. Pic. twitterBMDtLAglnF mdash Oscar Tijerina. (TN9Desain) 27 April 2015 mdash Michael Kukielka (DetroitBORG) 25 April 2015 Telah menggunakan Apple Watch kami sepanjang akhir pekan dan belum ada goresan. Nah terus perbarui artikel ini ketika lebih banyak berita tentang daya tahan Apple Watch muncul. Apple Watch yang harus saya beli lagi, panduan pembelian Apple Watch kami mencakup ini secara lebih rinci, namun ada tiga kategori jam tangan yang tersedia, dalam dua ukuran berbeda, terbuat dari berbagai bahan berbeda, dan dengan berbagai jenis tali tersedia. Sebenarnya ada sekitar 38 kombinasi yang berbeda berdasarkan rangkaian dan talinya yang berbeda yang dapat Anda beli dengan Apple Watch. Sebenarnya ada lebih banyak kombinasi tapi beberapa jam tangan hanya kompatibel dengan ukuran tertentu dari Apple Watch. Jika Anda menyukai olahraga, Apple Watch Sport adalah pilihan yang tepat. Ini memiliki kasus aluminium, fitur layar kaca Applersquos Ion-X, dan dilengkapi dengan Sport Group fluoroelastomer. Mesinnya nyaman dipakai, tahan lama, dan mudah terbakar, dan tersedia dalam warna hitam atau putih jika warna neon tidak sesuai dengan keinginan Anda. Jika Anda menginginkan Apple Watch termurah, Apple Watch Sport adalah yang harus Anda selesaikan. Jika Anda kemudian memutuskan bahwa Anda membenci band Anda selalu dapat membeli tali lain dari pilihan Applersquos, namun perhatikan bahwa jika Anda membeli Apple Watch Sport dengan harapan memasangkannya dengan gelang stainless steel, catatlah bahwa itu akan berbenturan dengan kasus aluminium. Jika Anda senang membayar lebih sedikit untuk gaya, maka Apple Watch mungkin cocok untuk Anda. Harga berkisar dari pound299 sampai pound13.500 tergantung dari bahan kasusnya dibuat, dan band yang Anda pilih. Biaya Apple Watch lebih mahal daripada Watch Sport karena olahraga ini merupakan kasus stainless steel, bukan aluminium. Ada juga kristal safir yang menutupi layar, dan aksen hitam pada mahkota digital. Karena ini adalah baja stainless Apple yang 80 persen lebih keras dari baja stainless biasa. Anda bisa memasangkan jam tangan ini dengan berbagai tali, dari kulit klasik Buckle, Modern Buckle, atau Leather Loop ke Loop stainless steel Milanese atau Link Bracelet. Seiring dengan pilihan case stainless steel ada opsi kotak abu-abu stainless steel, dengan band yang sesuai. Lalu ada Apple Watch Edition. Kami tidak berpikir banyak orang akan membeli ini: kemungkinan menjadi domain selebriti dan orang lain dengan banyak uang, tapi itu mungkin bagian dari daya tariknya. Sama seperti beberapa selebriti memasang berlapis emas iPhone dan bertatahkan berlian, akan memungkinkan untuk membeli Apple Watch yang merupakan emas 18 karat - dan kami tidak bermaksud berlapis emas - tapi harganya mahal. Harga di Inggris mulai dari poundsterling hingga pound13.500 jika Anda menginginkan emas naik 18 karat 38mm dengan gesper modern berwarna abu-abu gulai (yang menarik Apple Watch paling mahal hanya tersedia dalam ukuran yang lebih kecil). Update (September 2015): Apple memulai acara yang sangat sibuk pada tanggal 9 September dengan pengumuman tentang model Apple Watch baru dan rangkaian Apple Watch cantik baru. Kami mengharapkan beberapa tali Apple Watch baru, namun dua model Apple Watch yang baru agak tak terduga namun pasti disambut baik. Mereka berdua dibuat dengan aluminium ndash satu emas dan yang satunya lagi naik emas, dan mereka akan harga mulai dari pound299 yang sama dengan Apple Watch Sport, jadi kami berharap mereka akan menjual dengan sangat baik. Mereka pengiriman dari hari ini, menjelang rilis WatchOS 2s pada tanggal 16 September. Apple telah bermitra dengan Hermes untuk menghasilkan tiga band kulit baru yang dijahit dengan tangan, yang salah satunya menggunakan desain sampul ganda yang modis. Mereka akan tersedia di toko-toko mulai bulan Oktober, dan jika Anda membelinya, Anda juga akan mendapatkan jam tangan khusus Hermes. Apple juga telah menciptakan beberapa tali Apple Watch baru dengan warna baru, dan sepertinya Apple telah mendengarkan pelanggannya. Ukuran Apple Watch mana yang harus saya dapatkan Ada dua ukuran Apple Watch, satu dengan wajah 38mm, yang lainnya dengan wajah 42mm. Ini adalah jawaban Applersquos untuk salah satu kritik utama dari smartwatches yang ada: mereka humongous pada pergelangan tangan wanitarsquos. Namun, ini bukan untuk mengatakan bahwa 38mm untuk wanita dan 42mm untuk pria. Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa versi 39mm umumnya lebih murah daripada versi 42mm, dan karena itu cenderung lebih populer, beberapa pria mungkin memilih wajah yang lebih kecil, dan beberapa wanita mungkin lebih memilih wajah yang lebih besar. Ini mungkin bisa membagi orang dengan cara yang sama seperti iPhone 6 dan iPhone 6 Plus. Layar 38mm Watch berukuran 38.6mm dengan 33.3mm dan tebal 10.5mm. Layar 42mm Watch mengukur 42mm dengan 35.9mm dan tebal 10.5mm. Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih jelas tentang seberapa besar layarnya, buka aplikasi Apple Store di iPhone Anda dan Anda dapat melihat ukuran sebenarnya. Pergi ke Pelajari lebih lanjut gt Melihat harga gt Membandingkan ukuran kasus. Sebagai alternatif, untuk melihat Watch in the flesh, kunjungi Apple Store setiap hari setelah tanggal 10 April untuk mendapatkan demo dari Apple. Berapa banyak Apple Watch straps yang tersedia Apple meluncurkan Apple Watch dengan pilihan enam band yang berbeda. Ini termasuk Link Bracelet, Sport Band, Leather Loop, Classic Buckle, Modern Buckle dan Milanese Loop. Sebagai hasil dari semua pilihan ini pasti ada Apple Watch untuk semua selera. Ini adalah tujuan Apel, setidaknya. Salah satu tantangan terbesar yang kami temukan adalah bahwa kita tidak bisa duduk di sana dengan mengenakan hal yang sama. Saya tidak berpikir kita ingin memakai hal yang sama, kata Jony Ive dalam sebuah wawancara di London Design Museum, berbicara tentang keputusan Apel untuk membuat desain dari Apple Watch jadi bisa disesuaikan. Karena itulah kami mengembangkan sistem ini, bukan satu produk saja. Ada lima warna yang tersedia untuk Sport Band: hitam, putih, pink, biru dan hijau limau. Anda akan menemukan bahwa beberapa lebih berat daripada yang lain dengan yang hitam menjadi yang paling ringan. Untuk Apple Watch dan Apple Watch Edition ada tiga tali kulit dan dua tali logam yang bisa dipilih. The Leather Loop memiliki penutup magnetik dan hanya membungkus pergelangan tangan Anda. Muncul di batu, berwarna coklat muda dan biru cerah. Tali Kulit Modern juga memiliki penutup magnetik dan berwarna pink, coklat dan biru tengah malam. Tali Buckle Classic adalah tali kulit hitam yang ditutup dengan gesper stainless steel. Band Link Bracelet terbuat dari stainless steel dan ditutup dengan gesper kupu-kupu. Ada tombol penghubung tautan di beberapa tautan sehingga Anda dapat menghapus tautan untuk menyesuaikan kecocokan (atau memasangnya di toko). Muncul dalam nada stainless steel atau di ruang angkasa hitam. Baja stainless Milanese Loop band seperti rantai surat. Ini mengamankan dengan magnet sehingga mudah disesuaikan agar sesuai. Haruskah saya meneruskan Apple Watch dan menunggu Apple Watch 2 Thats menjadi pertanyaan yang sangat sulit, karena saya tidak tahu apa yang Apple akan lakukan dengan Apple Watch 2. (Meskipun kami memastikan untuk mengirimkan daftar harapan kami dari fitur Apple Watch 2 di Siapa pun di Apple mendengarkan) Untuk alasan yang jelas, generasi pertama produk hampir selalu yang paling tidak menarik, dengan keuntungan dari ke belakang: generasi mendatang akan mendapatkan fitur baru, spesifikasi yang lebih baik, bodi slimmed-down dan label harga yang dikurangi, dan Model pertama adalah yang paling mungkin mengalami masalah kegunaan dan gangguan yang tidak dapat diraih dalam pengujian pra-rilis. Jadi secara rasional, ya: mungkin Anda harus menunggu Apple Watch 2. Tapi itu berarti Anda kehilangan kesenangan menjadi adopter awal: mencoba produk yang ada di tepi inovasi yang memburuk, dan memamerkan teman Anda. Apakah penggemar produk Apple dan teknologi yang tajam pada umumnya, dan kami tidak akan melewatkan ini untuk dunia. Tapi kita bisa mengerti mengapa banyak orang akan menunggu sebelum terjun ke dunia teknologi yang bisa dipakai, jika memang sama sekali. Ingat juga bahwa kami tidak dapat berasumsi bahwa Apple Watch akan ditingkatkan satu kali dalam setahun. Mungkin akan, tapi ini adalah kategori produk yang sama sekali baru untuk Apple, dan siapa tahu: mungkin akan diperbarui sesering Mac Pro. Mungkin Anda akan menunggu lebih lama dari perkiraan Anda untuk Apple Watch 2. Apakah pergelangan tangan saya terlalu besar (atau terlalu kecil) untuk Apple Watch Jika Anda memiliki pergelangan tangan yang ramping Anda mungkin bertanya-tanya apakah Apple Watch akan terlalu besar untuk Anda. Apple mengklaim bahwa kebanyakan pergelangan tangan wanita berada dalam kisaran 140mm sampai 175mm. Perusahaan juga menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar pergelangan tangan mens dari 165mm sampai 195mm. Peregangan yang ditawarkan meliput pergelangan tangan dari 125mm ke 210mm. Pergelangan tangan saya adalah 150mm, jadi saya berpikir bahwa untuk semua tapi pergelangan tangan paling ganteng, Apple Watch seharusnya baik-baik saja. Sebelum Anda membuat pilihan tali Anda, ukur pergelangan tangan Anda. Beberapa band tidak tersedia untuk pergelangan tangan yang sangat kecil (atau besar). Band lain tidak tersedia untuk menonton jam tangan yang lebih kecil, namun yang lain tidak untuk menonton yang lebih besar. Sebagai contoh, Buckle Modern hanya tersedia untuk Watch 38mm dan Leather Loop hanya tersedia untuk 42mm Watch, dan hanya untuk pergelangan tangan di atas 150mm. Pengukuran dari talenta yang berbeda adalah sebagai berikut: Dapatkah saya membeli Apple Watch dan tali yang saya suka secara terpisah. Kami berpikir bahwa ketika Apple Watch mulai dijual, dimungkinkan untuk memilih fungsi jam tangan pilihan Anda, sayangnya tampilannya seperti Apple. Diatur pada membuat keputusan tali yang berjalan dengan yang menonton untuk Anda: thats masih 38 kombinasi yang tersedia, meskipun. Namun Anda dapat membeli jam tangan tambahan, jika Anda suka satu untuk gym dan satu untuk pergi keluar. Tali juga masuk dengan harga berbeda. Band Olahraga, tersedia dalam warna biru, pink, hijau, hitam, putih, dan hitam dengan pin abu-abu ruangan, berharga pound39. Buckle Classic dengan harga hitam pon129. The Milanese Loop harganya pound129 Loop Kulit di Kulit Batu, Coklat Muda, Hitam, dan Biru Terang berharga £129. Buckle Modern, berwarna coklat, hitam, Pink Merah Muda dan Biru Tengah, berharga pound209. Gelang Tautan, biaya pound379 Apakah saya dapat mengganti tali pengikat Apple Watch Anda dapat membeli jam tangan tambahan dan sepertinya akan cukup mudah untuk mengalihkannya. Namun, perhatikan bahwa tidak setiap band akan pergi dengan setiap ukuran jam tangan, seperti yang bisa Anda lihat dari grafik di atas, Loop Kulit hanya akan sesuai dengan jam tangan 42mm, bukan variasi 38mm, misalnya. Anda juga akan menemukan bahwa band-band metal, yang terbuat dari baja tahan karat, memenangkan pertandingan dengan finishing aluminium dari jam tangan Sport. Dapatkah saya menggunakan pengikat non-Apple Watch Hal ini memungkinkan Apple mengizinkan pihak ketiga untuk masuk ke dalam tindakan dan menawarkan tali Apple Watch mereka sendiri. Casetify sudah menawarkan pemilik Apple Watch kesempatan untuk membuat personalisasi Apple Watch straps. Casetify mengkhususkan diri pada kasus iPhone dan iPad yang dirancang khusus yang dapat dibuat pengguna dengan menggunakan foto mereka sendiri. Perusahaan sekarang memperluas alat perancangannya untuk memungkinkan pengguna mempersonalisasi tali Apple Watch mereka sendiri. Casetify mengatakan bahwa tali pengikatnya akan menghabiskan biaya 50 dan akan dikirim pada bulan Juni. Apakah Apple Watch ok untuk penggunaan kiri dan kanan Apple Watch berfungsi dengan baik baik Anda kidal atau kidal, karena tampilan berputar, seperti tampilan iPhone. Yang harus Anda lakukan adalah flip watch over sehingga Digital Crown berada di sisi kiri. Namun, beberapa orang kidal mengeluh bahwa akan sangat canggung mencapai Crown Digital jika Anda memakai jam tangan di tangan kanan Anda. Spesifikasi HPLE WATCH Spesifikasi Apple Watch: apakah ada perbedaan dalam spesifikasi teknis Tidak masalah berapa banyak yang Anda belanjakan, setiap Watch hadir dengan penyimpanan 8GB dan perangkat lunak yang sama. Satu-satunya perbedaan nyata adalah kosmetik. Namun, Apple memang menunjukkan pada materi pemasarannya bahwa Apple Watch 42mm akan menawarkan masa pakai baterai yang sedikit lebih banyak daripada versi 38mm, kemungkinan berkat baterai yang sedikit lebih besar pada model itu. Donrsquot berharap ini menjadi signifikan sekalipun. DisplayMate telah melihat lebih dekat tampilan Apple Watch dan sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa layar pada Apple Watch Sport sebenarnya adalah layar yang lebih baik, karena kaca safir yang digunakan pada Apple Watch dan Apple Watch Edition hampir dua kali lipat Reflektif, oleh karena itu membuat sebuah perjuangan untuk melihat dengan benar di luar rumah. What processor is inside the Apple Watch The chip inside the Apple Watch is custom-designed, and is called the S1. This chip features many subsystems that have been encapsulated in resin for extra durability. How much storage is available on the Apple Watch Each Watch comes with 8GB of storage, however, there are limitations to how you can use this storage. You can use 2GB for music (200 songs) and 75MB for photos. What of the remaining 6GB of space Itrsquos likely that this is for the operating system, application caches, and other data. There may also be some room available for apps, although currently apps are stored on the paired iPhone, and transmitted to the Watch when you use the app. It is though that when Apple makes a native SDK available to developers some apps will be able to store some resources on the Watch itself. Apple said back in November 2014 that: ldquoStarting later next year, developers will be able to create fully native apps for Apple Watch. rdquo How much music can I store on the Apple Watch Although there is 8GB storage available on the Watch, Apple says there is only room for 2GB of music. Thatrsquos about 200 songs. Those songs can be played even if you donrsquot have your iPhone with you. When paired with your iPhone you will be able to listen any tracks on that device (but in that case you might as well plug your headphones into your iPhone). You decide which tracks should sync with your Apple Watch in the iPhone app which came as part of iOS 8.2. Are there headphones for the Apple Watch, then There is no headphone port in the Apple Watch the device works with Bluetooth headphones. There is also a built in speaker and mic. How many photos can I store on the Apple Watch Although there is 8GB storage available on the Watch, Apple says there is only room for 75MB of photos. You manage which photos appear on the Watch through iCloud Photo Library. These images will be automatically resized when they are added to the Watch. Itrsquos estimated that you should be able to store about 100 photos on the Watch. What material is the Apple Watch made from The Apple Watch is made from stainless steel and the Apple Watch Sport from an anodized aluminum. The 18-carot gold Apple Watch Edition is solid gold ndash not gold plated ndash and this gold is actually harder than standard gold, thanks to a process by which Apple is able to pack molecules in the gold even closer together (we imagine that Apple has also invented a way to turn coal into gold but are keeping quiet about that). This alchemy is patented to Apple and apparently means that Apple needs less gold than it would have had the process not been possible. Itrsquos suggested over at Cult of Mac that if the Apple Watch Edition proved popular it would require one-third of the worldrsquos gold supply (wersquore not sure how they arrived at that calculation though). How heavy is the Apple Watch Its probably heavier than your current watch. Rob Griffiths has compiled a handy chart that shows the weight of the various watches combined with straps, among other things. 38mm Apple Watch weight: The 38mm Apple Watch Sport case weighs 25g The 38mm Apple Watch case weighs 40g The 38mm Apple Watch Edition Rose Gold case weighs 54g The 38mm Apple Watch Edition Yellow Gold case weighs 55g 42mm Apple Watch weight: The 42mm Apple Watch Sport case weighs 30g The 42mm Apple Watch case weighs 50g The 42mm Apple Watch Edition Rose Gold case weighs 67g The 42mm Apple Watch Edition Yellow Gold case weighs 69g This is only part of the Apple Watch weight story. The straps are all different weights ndash even the different sports straps. Griffiths adds the weight of the straps on to get the following weight measurements (he notes that the classic Buckle weight is guessed, and some sizes of bands are not included). 38mm Apple Watch Sport weight, with strap: The 38mm Apple Watch Sport with white Sport Band 72g The 38mm Apple Watch Sport with blue Sport Band 69g The 38mm Apple Watch Sport with green Sport Band 68g The 38mm Apple Watch Sport with pink Sport Band 67g The 38mm Apple Watch Sport with black Sport Band 62g 42mm Apple Watch Sport weight, with strap: The 42mm Apple Watch Sport with white Sport Band 81g The 42mm Apple Watch Sport with blue Sport Band 78g The 42mm Apple Watch Sport with green Sport Band 78g The 42mm Apple Watch Sport with pink Sport Band 76g The 42mm Apple Watch Sport with black Sport Band 70g The 38mm Apple Watch weight, with strap: The 38mm Apple Watch with white Sport Band 87g The 38mm Apple Watch with black Sport Band 77g The 38mm Apple Watch with Classic Buckle 56g The 38mm Apple Watch with Milanese Loop 73g The 38mm Apple Watch with Modern Buckle 63g The 38mm Apple Watch with Link Bracelet 105g The 42mm Apple Watch weight, with strap: The 42mm Apple Watch with white Sp ort Band 101g The 42mm Apple Watch with black Sport Band 90g The 42mm Apple Watch with Classic Buckle 69g The 42mm Apple Watch with Milanese Loop 91g The 42mm Apple Watch with Leather Loop 80g The 42mm Apple Watch with Link Bracelet 125g The 38mm Apple Watch Edition weight, with strap: The 38mm 18-carat rose gold with white Sport Band 102g The 38mm 18-carat yellow gold with black Sport Band 93g The 38mm 18-carat rose gold with rose grey Modern Buckle 94g The 38mm 18-carat rose gold with bright red Modern Buckle 96g The 42mm Apple Watch Edition weight, with strap: The 42mm 18-carat rose gold with white Sport Band 120g The 42mm 18-carat yellow gold with black Sport Band 111g The 42mm 18-carat yellow gold with classic buckle 88g How durable is the Apple Watch face The material used for the Apple Watch face differs depending on the Watch. The Watch Sport features an Ion-X glass display, while the Watch and Watch Edition use Sapphire glass. The Ion-X display should be able to withstand any knocks and it has the added bonus of being lighter than the Sapphire glass. How visible is the Apple Watch face in daylight The Apple Watch is reported to feature an AMOLED display, unlike the iPhone and iPad, which feature IPD LCD panels. LCD displays rely on a backlight projected through three layers. OLEDs have no backlight and only one layer, which is an organic compound that emits light when an electric current is run through it. OLED also is thinner than LCD. LCDs fair worse in bright sunlight than OLED. OLED transistors only use energy when they are producing light, while the LCD backlight has to be on to see any pixel. This way an OLED battery can last longer. What sensors does the Apple Watch have The Apple watch has a couple of different sensors, including a gyroscope and an accelerometer. Therersquos also a custom sensor that uses visible-light and infrared LEDs along with photodiodes on the back of the device, which determines your heart rate. The accelerometer will allow the watch to count your steps. It will extrapolate distance on its own, or rely on the GPS in the paired iPhone to trace your exact route. The step data will then be used by the Activity and Workout apps included on the Watch. According to reports. the Apple Watch was originally intended to have more advanced health features with additional sensors, but manufacturing issues and reliability problems meant that Apple was forced to leave sensors including blood pressure sensors out of the smartwatch. TechCrunch has speculated that a mystery port on the Apple Watch could be the key to prolonging the life of the Apple Watch, by allowing it to connect with new devices and accessories in the future that help introduce additional features including new sensors, for example. After all, the top Apple Watch could cost up to 10,000 some reports say, so thats no small investment for a watch that could be obsolete in a year or two. Is the Apple Watch waterproof The Apple Watch is water resistant but not waterproof. It will be fine if it gets wet on a rainy day ndash and Apple CEO Tim Cook reportedly revealed he wears his in the shower, but avoid submerging it in water. Apple says: Apple Watch is splash and water resistant but not waterproof. You can, for example, wear and use Apple Watch during exercise, in the rain, and while washing your hands, but submerging Apple Watch is not recommended. Apple Watch has a water resistance rating of IPX7 under IEC standard 60529. The leather bands are not water resistant. The IPX7 rating means it should survive in water up to 1 meter for up to 30 minutes, but this isnrsquot recommended. How long is the Apple Watch battery life The company claimed the Apple Watch will offer 18 hours during the 9 March keynote. On Applersquos website the battery life is broken down into more detail: All Day Battery Life, 18 hours: this includes 90 time checks, 90 notifications, 45 minutes of app use, and 30 minutes working out with music playing via Bluetooth. Talk Time, 3 hours: Apple paired an Apple Watch with an iPhone and managed to place a three-hour call from the Apple Watch. Audio Playback, 6.5 hours: Apple played music on an Apple Watch via Bluetooth. Workout, 6.5 hours: Apple managed 6.5 hours working out (we wonder who had that job) the heart rate monitor was on during the workout. Watch, 48 hours: If you just check the time five times every hour then the Apple Watch should last two days, 48 hours. Power Reserve: if the battery gets too low rather then switching off the Apple Watch will go into Power Reserve mode, so that you can still see the time. This can last for 72 hours. How power-hungry is the Apple Watch Apple has guarded against the Watch being too much of a battery hog: it is designed to get you the info you want quickly, both in how the information is presented and how easy it is to move between it. Therefore its unlikely that you will be staring at it, with the screen on, for huge stretches of time. It only takes a second to open a glance and see the information you are looking for. People arenrsquot likely to sit staring at their Apple Watch during a commute, for example. The Apple Watch will be glanced at, not studied (unless perhaps you want to read an email). The Apple Watch may also have the effect of extending the battery life of your iPhone, because you will turn its screen on less. However, during our first few days using the Apple Watch we found that the battery ran out alarmingly fast. Find out more and learn how to make the Apple Watch battery last longer here . What happens when the Apple Watch runs out of battery When your Apple Watch starts running low it will switch to Power Reserve mode, which will give it around 72 hours of life as a watch before you plug it in again, by which we mean it will only function as a time piece. How do you charge the Apple Watch The Apple Watch doesnrsquot charge wirelessly but you donrsquot exactly plug it in either. Instead the charging cable snaps on to the back of the watch with magnets and charges it via induction. Itrsquos a bit like the way your electric toothbrush charges. When it comes to charging, a magnetic charger snaps on to the back of the watch. This inductive charging feature means that no alignment or exposed contacts are necessary. It uses MagSafe technology that lets you hold the connector near the back of the watch and let the magnets snap it into place automatically. Its interesting that Apple is using MagSafe here on the Watch, but not on the new MacBook. Apple also launched a new MacBook at this event, read more here: 12in Retina MacBook Air release date rumours . How long does the Apple Watch take to charge According to Apple charging the watch to 100 takes 2.5 hours, although you can get to 80 in 1.5 hours. Griffin has already launched a WatchStand to charge your Apple Watch, so expect to see many more arriving this year. Can you replace the battery in the Apple Watch This is likely to be a concern of anyone spending a lot of money on an Apple Watch. Luckily, according to reports, it will be possible to replace the battery ndash but an Apple technician will have to do it for you. An Apple spokesperson told TechCrunch that Watch owners will be able to send devices to Apple to have the battery swapped. The service will have a cost associated with it. What happens if the iPhone your Apple Watch is paired with runs out of battery Its great that you get 18 hours of battery life from the Watch. But what if the associated iPhone runs out of battery by 8pm If this happens any functions of the Watch that rely on the iPhone will stop working. That includes being able to take calls via your wrist, social networking apps, email, messages, and Digital Touch features. But you will still be able to pay for stuff using Apple Pay, listen to the music you have stored on the Watch, use exercise-related apps (although you wont be able to evaluate the data until it syncs with your iPhone again), and health-related features such as the heartbeat monitor would continue to work. Will the iPhone battery last longer because you are using it less, or will it run out quicker because its paired with the Apple Watch via Bluetooth We will have to test this to find out. APPLE WATCH SOFTWARE How do you use the Apple Watch You navigate the Apple Watch using the touchscreen and the Digital Crown. You can touch and tap the screen, the Apple Watch screen is pressure sensitive so it can distinguish between a regular tap and a harder touch. Taps select things while a harder press accesses contextual menus, itrsquos a little bit like the difference between right and left clicking on a mouse. This technology is called Force Touch. You can also access various features via swipes. Swipe up on the clock face to see information, aka Glances, from your calendar as well as your location and the weather, for example. Because the size of your fingertip is likely to obscure some of what you are trying to select, Applersquos solution to this is the Digital Crown, which allows you to navigate without touching the screen. The Digital Crown is similar to the iPodrsquos clickwheel. Turn the crown to scroll through lists and zoom in and out of maps and photos. Press the crown to return to the home screen. Below the Digital Crown is another button. Press this to access the Friends app. In the resulting screen you will see a list of your contacts, tap the picture of a friend to send them a message, place a phone call, or contact them using the Digital Touch features. How to see Glances on Apple Watch Glances provide quick looks at things like sports scores, stocks and weather. They present basic information from apps in easily digestible chunks. Theyre non-interactive and confined to a single screen. To see your glances, raise your arm to wake your watch to its clock face. You can swipe between each glance. How do I open apps on the Apple Watch You can open an app by taping on the icon bubble on the home screen. You can also open an app by tapping on the associated Glance. How to see Notifications on Apple Watch Notifications on the Apple Watch borrow heavily from interactive notifications in iOS 8, letting users take action on emails, social media mentions and other notifications without opening the app itself. Notifications can be seen by swiping down the clock face from the top. Notifications will initially appear in a short look preview mode, and theyll go away if the user lowers his or her wrist. More details and interactive options will appear if the user taps on the notification or leaves his or her wrist up. How does the Apple Watch notify or alert you The Apple Watch has a feature called the Taptic Engine, which provides haptic feedback to users. It works with the Apple Watchs built-in speaker to enable a new set of alerts and notifications that youll be able to both hear and feel. When you get a message, the taptic engine taps your wrist. When getting turn-by-turn notifications, for example, youll feel a different alert thatll let you know whether you need to turn left or right without needing to actually look at the display. How to use Digital Touch on Apple Watch You can use Digital Touch to send a special kind of message to a friend. You can draw an image with your finger, or tap on the screen, and have that tap mirrored on their wrist. You can even send your heartbeat ndash to do so, hold two fingers over the watchrsquos face. This is the closest to telepathy we are likely to get. How do I type messages on the Apple Watch If you receive a text message on your Apple Watch you may be wondering how you are going to reply to it. You wonrsquot be tapping out a reply on the 38-42mm screen. Instead Apple gives you a choice of using preset answers or dictating a reply using Siri. Alternatively you can record an audio message and send that to your friend, of sent an emoji. Users will be able to switch between Dictation and Audio Replies as the preferred means of replying. Users will also be enable to disable Read Receipts, set up default text replies, and choose not to receive alerts from certain people. Can I get email on the Apple Watch When it comes to email messages you will be able to read, flag, mark as read or unread, and delete, but you wonrsquot be able to reply unless you switch to your Mac iPhone, or iPad. How well does voice dictation work When you receive a text message on your Apple Watch you can dictate your reply to Siri. We were concerned that wersquod have difficulties using voice dictation with the Watch, but it worked well, even in a noisy room full of journalists. How do you use Siri on the Apple Watch You can activate Siri on your Apple Watch in a few ways. Either double tap the button located below the Digital Crown, press and hold the Digital Crown, or say ldquoHey Sirirdquo. Can I make or take a phone call on the Apple Watch You can place and take calls using the Apple Watch. There is a microphone and speaker built in, so you could talk to your wrist, or you can use a Bluetooth headset. APPLE WATCH INTERFACE Apple Watch interface: How does the Digital Crown work The Apple Watch has a dial on the side, much like the one found on traditional watches, which Apple has called the Digital Crown. This Digital Crown contains sensors that turn movement into data, so will be the main input method for the Apple Watch rather than the touchscreen display. Youll be able to scroll, zoom and navigate using the Digital Crown. Apple makes a valid point about a touchscreen display on a smartwatch, suggesting that using pinch-to-zoom gestures on such a small display will simply cover up the content. The Digital Crown is Apples most revolutionary navigation tool since the iPod Click Wheel and iPhone Multi-Touch, writes Apple in its press release. The Digital Crown also acts as a Home button, and a way to access Siri. However, when Apple showed off the Apple Watch at the March event the Digital Crown was given a lot less attention. It is now thought that the Digital Crown is a lot less significant than Apple indicated it would be during its presentation in June 2014. Apple Watch interface: How does Force Touch work In our review of the Apple Watch we note that there are so many ways to interact with the Apple Watch that itrsquos not always clear whether you should tap, scroll, swipe or push. You can scroll around the screen, tap on items to select them or press harder to get more options, the latter is made possible by Applersquos Force Touch technology that determines how hard you are pressing the Watch and will act accordingly. There is a difference between a hard press and a simple tap. Apple Watch interface: How does Taptic feedback work The watch is able to tap your wrist to alert you to notifications. These notifications could be for messages from friends, or they could be to tell you to turn left or right when following directions. Its similar to the vibrate function on your phone but a little less intrusive. APPLE WATCH AND THE iPHONE Can you use the Apple Watch without your iPhone Yes, to a certain extent. The Apple Watch generally needs to be paired with an iPhone to offer full functionality, but it will still work when separated from the iPhone. When, for example you arrive home or to the office, the iPhone and Watch will no longer need to communicate via Bluetooth because they will be able to communicate via the WiFi network. Bluetooth communication is possible within about 30 meters, which might sound a lot, but it will degrade if there are walls and other radio waves (say from the microwave or other devices) in the way. Once on the WiFi network you wonrsquot be tethered to your iPhone, so your iPhone could be left charging upstairs while you access messages and other data on the Watch in your living room. You can stray as far as your local network will allow, which could be all the way to the bottom of the garden. For now this is a benefit of the Apple Watch in comparison to Android Wear, which offers only Bluetooth connectivity. But apparently Android Wear will be getting WiFi at some point. How do you pair an Apple Watch with the iPhone Using the Apple Watch app on the iPhone, hold the Apple Watch up to the iPhone Camera and align it with the viewfinder, then tap the lsquoIrsquo icon on the Watch to view its name and tap the corresponding name in the list shown on the iPhone. This app will have appeared on your iPhone with the iOS 8.2 update (and no, you canrsquot delete it if you donrsquot want it). What features does the Apple Watch app on the iPhone offer If you donrsquot have an Apple Watch the only feature offered by the Apple Watch app on the iPhone is a friendly Good Morning or Good Afternoon, and a link to learn more about Apple Watch. But there is also the option to Start Pairing, once you do have an Apple Watch. The application will manage settings for the Apple Watch apps, and the way the iPhone and Apple Watch interact. Users will be able to perform the following functions via the iPhone app: set up a four number passcode for the Apple Watch activate fitness features including a reminder if they have been sitting for too long, or a summary of how much activity the watch has logged in the past 4, 6 or 8 hours view the storage capacity available including details about what is taking up the space Bluetooth and WiFi information. You will also be able to change the layout of the Apple Watch home screen via a virtual view in the iPhone app. There are also accessibility features that can be managed on the iPhone app, these include a VoiceOver feature, the ability to zoom in on the screen, and settings to reduce motion, control audio, reduce transparency, enable bold text, and more. Will the Apple Watch work with my iPhone Youll need to own an iPhone in order to use the Apple Watch. The Watch is compatible with the iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Can the Apple Watch do anything the iPhone canrsquot do The Digital Touch feature is Apple Watch only. So when the Apple Watch launches it will only be this elite of users who have the ability to communicate this way. Can you use the Apple Watch for working out without your iPhone Will the watch be a good workout partner even if you donrsquot have your paired iPhone with you You donrsquot have to being your Apple Watch with you when you go for a jog. The Watchrsquos built-in heart rate sensor and accelerometer work on their own, and the native Workout app can track different kinds of workouts. All of that information can later be synced with your phone. You will also have 2GB worth of music storage available on the Watch, which should be enough storage to play some songs during your run. You can listen to music through Bluetooth headphones. The watchrsquos accelerometer can also count your steps as you run, and use maths to extrapolate the distance covered. However, your route cannot be tracked if you donrsquot have the iPhone with you as, unlike the iPhone, the Apple Watch doesnrsquot have GPS. The lack of GPS is likely to be one criticism of the Apple Watch. Android Wear didnrsquot support GPS initially, either, but now it does, and some Android smartwatches now offer GPS support. Itrsquos possible that Apple will add that capability to a future generation of Apple Watch. Along with GPS there are a few other fitness features that wonrsquot work without your iPhone. Apps need the iPhone in order to tap into the data your Watch collects. USING APPLE PAY WITH APPLE WATCH How do I use Apple Pay with the Apple Watch The Apple Watch has near-field communication (NFC) so you will be able to use it to pay for things ndash as long as Apple Pay works where you live (we are still waiting for it here in the UK). To use Apple Pay on your Apple Watch just wave your watch near an NFC-equipped payment terminal. If you have an older iPhone (pre-iPhone 6) the Apple Watch will open up Apple Pay for you (older iPhones donrsquot have the necessary NFC chip). You dont need to tap it, and you will get taptic feedback on your wrist so you know its worked. To use Apple Pay with your Apple Watch you will need to add your credit or debit card information to the Apple Watch app on your iPhone. This information will not be stored on the Watch itself, instead the device will store a token that will act in the place of your card when you wish to pay for something. If you are worried about the security aspect of this, yoursquoll be glad to know that if you take the Apple Watch off it will lock and require a code before Apple Pay can be used again. Does the Apple Watch have any security features Given that we can use the Apple Watch to pay for things using Apple Pay, and even unlock the garage door, what security measures has Apple included If you are worried that someone could get their hands on your watch and, using it, get inside your house, you neednrsquot be. When you set up Apple Pay on an Apple Watch you will be forced to set a passcode. This PIN has to be entered before you can use Apple Pay, and you will have to reenter this PIN each time you take the watch off and put it on again. The sensors inside the Apple Watch can tell if someone is wearing it ndash and you canrsquot actually use it with Apple Pay unless it is on your wrist. So if the Watch were stolen the assailant wouldnrsquot be able to use it to pay for things using Apple Pay ndash as long as they donrsquot have your passcode (or your arm still attached to the Watch, but we wonrsquot be testing that scenario). In a second level of security, Apple Pay accounts can be deactivated remotely via iCloud. There is also the fact that the Apple Watch is a companion to your iPhone ndash and without your phone it is pretty much redundant. Therersquos not a lot of information about you on the Watch, so there is little data that a thief would be able to glean about the device. We donrsquot yet know if Apple will provide a Find My iPhone style feature for the Apple Watch, should it be stolen, but we imagine that anyone whorsquos spent more than pound8,000 on theirs will want to track it down. APPLE WATCH APPS The Apple Watch app store already has more than 3,500 apps, according to CEO Tim Cook, and that number should continue growing by the day. How do I download apps for the Apple Watch There isnt a Watch-specific App Store - instead, youll find a special section of the App Store from within the Watch app where you can browse from a list of apps with built-in Apple Watch companion apps. You will need to download apps from a the App Store on your iPhone, and then sync them with the Apple Watch. What apps does Apple offer for Apple Watch Messages lets you read texts just by raising your arm when you get an alert. Yoursquoll also be able to respond via voice note or dictation. When you get a phone call it will vibrate on your wrist and you can take a call, or reject the call, from your wrist. Mail will alert you when you get an email, and you can read, flag or delete the message. Your Calendar will be viewable on your Apple Watch and you will be notified of events as well as being able to decline and accept invites. Applersquos Activity app will track your movements, exercise, and how long you are sitting ndash and it will remind you to stand up if you havenrsquot for some time. Yoursquoll also be able to see a graphical representation of your stats. See also: How to use Apple Watch Activity app . The Workout app will monitor your workout sessions and show time, distance, speed, and calories burned. See: How to use the Apple Watch Workout app . Maps will show you a miniature map of where you are and will use custom vibrations to navigate you to your destination so you wonrsquot even have to look at the watch. Passbook will show your airline ticket and barcodes that can be scanned to allow access. Siri will work with the Hey Siri commend. The Music app will give you 2GB space for your favourite tracks, and control iPhone music playback. You can use the Apple Watch to remote control you iPhone camera and your Apple TV. The Weather app will give hourly and weekly forecasts. The Stocks app will offer graphs that show the performance of your stocks. The Photos app will offer 75MB of storage for a few of your favourite photos. You will also get the Alarm, Stop Watch and Timer on the Watch ndash as you would expect. It looks different to the iPhone clock app though, with a more analog look to the dial. There is also a World Clock app available that will show the time in various time zones. You can set it up with your favourites. What third-party apps will be available for Apple Watch While there are thousands of Watch apps available, heres our pick of the best:The The Instagram app will let you browse your Instragram feed, liked photos, and yoursquoll also be able to leave comments. The Twitter app will show notifications and allow you to respond to and interact with other Twitter users. There is a photo editing app called Darkroom that will let you adjust your RGB colour curves on the Watch. You can monitor your bids using the Ebay app on the Watch. The Alarm app will let you manage your home security system. Therersquos a S alesforce app. Evernote will allow you to dictate notes as well as view your notes and set reminders. Dark Sky is a weather app. Sky Guide includes a calendar of astronomical events and notifies you of special events such as meteor showers Shazam on the Apple Watch will tell you what song is playing. With Lifesum you can track the food you eat and water you drink and get feedback so that you know how many calories you have consumed. You can make reservations with the OpenTable app. The New York Times has announced that it will bring one-sentence stories to the Apple Watch. This new type of storytelling will inform readers of news at a glance in seconds and the one sentence story will include a photograph and a bulleted summary. Apple Watch users will be able to use Handoff to continue reading on another device. What travel apps will be available for Apple Watch Expedia will let you check itinerates on your Watch, as well as see gates and terminals for your flights, and get details for hotels. The Babbel app will show you words in the language that of the location you are in. The Citymapper app will show you routs based on your current location and provide step-by-step instructions, as well as bus and train information. When you reach a location it will tap your wrist to let you know. The TripAdvisor app will show you details of nearby restaurants and places to visit. The Starwood Hotels app will let you use an Apple Watch to unlock your room. What fitness apps will be available for Apple Watch Watch app partners include fit tech companies like Nike, Runtastic, and Strava, which will track your workout progress on your wrist. The Runtastic app will offer Glances that display real-time activity data, including speed, distance, pace, and how many calories yoursquove burned at a glance. The app also show information about your workouts in the form of Notifications. The Nike Running app will show the distance, pace and duration of your run. But you will need you iPhone for those features to work. Apps canrsquot tap into the data your Watch collects without the iPhone, and the Watch doesnrsquot have GPS to give you a complete picture of your actual running route. App developers also donrsquot have access to the Watchrsquos sensors (yet), so they canrsquot design new features around them. What do developers need to do to get their apps on the Apple Watch Developers will be pleased to hear that Apple is now accepting Apple Watch app submissions to the App Store. Developers are asked to submit their WatchKit app along with screenshots and a description of what it does. More information here . Some developers have complained that it is nigh on impossible to design apps for the Apple Watch without any knowledge of how the operating system and user interface works. Developers complained to Business Insider about ldquobeing expected to build products from scratch for a platform theyve never used or seen before, without even fully knowing how it works. rdquo Apparently app developers are discovering that they have little access to the mechanism behind the Crown and are mainly relying on media reports to discover how it, and Force Touch, might work. One designer told Business Insider that: ldquoThe SDK provides no methods for interacting with this element beyond a standard scroll. Another developer also noted that little was known about the Crown. We might develop the app differently if it spinned freely or clicked in small increments, he said. How do I add notifications to the Apple Watch You will need an iPhone to set up notifications on your Apple Watch. When a notification arrives on your iPhone, iOS decides whether to display that notification on the iPhone or on the Apple Watch according to your settings. TELLING TIME ON APPLE WATCH How good is the Apple Watch at telling the time When you raise your arm the Apple Warch adorned arm the watch face will appear. You will also see the time in the top right corner when yoursquore looking at notifications. But the crucial question is, how accurate will the Apple Watch be at telling the time. Apple says that the Apple Watch is ldquoone of the most accurate watches everrdquo. It continually checks the time against the definitive global time standard with the same precision found in GPS satellites. So much so that the second hand on every Apple Watch around the world will be in sync. When daylight saving time begins, Apple says that the Watch will spring forward to the correct time. When you move into a different time zone the Apple Watch will adjust accordingly. While the Watch doesnrsquot have the handcrafted perpetual motion mechanism of a Rolex, it does offer precision and customization that wouldnrsquot be possible on a traditional timepiece. ldquoApple isnrsquot just making an iPhone companion it wants to stake out a claim in the annals of watchmaking historyrdquo, says Michael Simon over on Macworld. Incidentally, speaking of time, in all of Applersquos marketing material for the Apple Watch the time is shown at 10.09, as opposed to the 10.10 shown by most watch manufacturers. This may be significant, there are a couple of theories, Business Insiderrsquos theory is that Apple is choosing to display a time that is ahead of the competition, showing that they are ahead of the curve. The theory from The Loop is that itrsquos just Apple being Apple and trying to make the watch face look as symmetrical as possible ndash because the hour hand wouldnrsquot be completely lined up with the ten at ten past the hour. What Watch Faces are there to choose from Rather than boast dozens of inferior faces, like Pebble Time or Android Wear, Apple has picked nine. These include: analogue stopwatch-style Chronograph the bright and colourful Color Modular, which features details like sun rise and moon phase Utility, with details about meetings and calendar events classic Mickey Mouse the elegant and minimalist Simple Motion, which features animations of different species, butterfly, flower, etc Solar, showing yoursquore the position of the sun Astronomy, which shows our position in the solar system (rotate the Digital Crown to zoom out to see the position of the planets, sun and moon). Once you have chosen your watch face you can fine-tune it, choosing colours and adding details. You can also add what Apple refers to as Complications ndash which is the technical watchmaking term for specialized functions. Complications include: Alarm, Moon Phase, Timer, SunriseSunset, World Clock, Stocks, Calendar, Weather, and an activity tracker. How do I change the Apple Watch face It is simple to swap the watch faces. To change a watch face, force press on the screen and swipe across. WILL THE APPLE WATCH BE A SUCCESS Who will buy the Apple Watch Every marketing agency and analyst house is trying to predict how many Watches Apple will sell. According to the Adobe Digital Index there will be ldquounexpected demand for Apple Watchrdquo. The ADI researchers found that around 27 of 1,000 consumers polled who dont currently own a smartwatch are ldquovery likelyrdquo to buy one in next six months. Of those, 67 percent said they would buy the Apple Watch (although it should be noted that this research was carried out before pricing was confirmed). Strategy Analytics has made a similar forecast, predicting that the Apple Watch will dominate half the smartwatch market. Apparently 1 in 10 of Brits polled by Conjure said that they would buy the Apple Watch. Thatrsquos 13.25, or, claims Conjure, the equivalent of 8.3 million people here in the UK. Who will buy the Apple Watch Edition There are a lot of theories about this, with many suggesting that the high price of the Edition version of the Apple Watch will limit its appeal. The fact is that pound8,000 to pound13,500 isnrsquot unheard of when it comes to watch prices, so there certainly is a market for watches around this mark. Can the Apple Watch compete with the likes of Rolex Possibly. People are willing to spend around pound25,000 on a Rolex, why not spend half that on an Apple Watch made from 18-carot rose-gold. There are a few reasons why it might not be such an easy sell to these watch aficionados: these high prices watches usually have incredibly intricate mechanics - often hand-crafted - and are highly individual. They are also often seen as heirlooms to be passed down the generations ndash not something that we anticipate happening with the Apple Watch (although you might pass it on to a wife or child in the same way as iPhones and iPads are passed on). The point is that an Apple Watch wonrsquot last for years. However, wersquore sure that there will be a few celebrities spotted with pricy Apple Watches adorning their wrists. In some ways it doesnrsquot matter if Apple only sells a few of these high-priced Watches: if celebrities are spotted wearing them the fans will follow. This is how an Apple Watch can become an aspirational device ndash and luckily there are practically identical, cheaper alternatives available. Another group of people that are being identified as Edition customers are the wealthy Chinese market ndash the Apple Watch has already made the cover of Vogue China ndash and apparently the number of super-wealthy in China is set to increase exponentially in the next few years. How many Apple Watches will Apple sell If the iPhone was a computer in your pocket, the Apple Watch is an iPhone on your wrist. Itrsquos also your boarding pass for your flight to Paris, your debit card, your front door keys, your fitness monitor and health data tracker. It will be the tool by which you control the Internet of Things around you. Give it a year and it will be doing even more things and wersquoll wonder how we coped without it. Crucially it requires you to have an iPhone and therefore the Apple Watch could help Apple sell even more iPhones, something particularly significant now the smart watch market is reaching saturation. Apparently Apple is set to use up 18 of the worldrsquos sapphire ingot output to make the displays. According to a DigiTimes source in the Chinese supply chain this is the equivalent of 30.8 million two-inch sapphire ingots. (An ingot is a chunk of material ready for further processing ndash like the gold bars stolen in the Italian Job). Based on the orders received by the suppliers who will be finishing the Sapphire for use in the Apple Watch, Apple has ordered enough for 15-20 million units of the Apple Watch in 2015. AMD Ryzen release date, specifications and features: Three CPUs from the Ryzen 7 range nowhellip 1995-2015: How technology has changed the world in 20 years How the painting-like animated sequences in A Monster Calls were created by Glassworks Barcelona Best iPhone games 2017 Best iPad games 2017: 162 fantastic iOS games that you need to play righthellip Follow Macworld on Twitter Follow Macworld on FacebookHow to Track Steps 038 Mileage with iPhone to Make the Health App Useful The Health app, loaded onto all iPhones with iOS 8 and sitting prominently on the home screen, is clearly ambitious, but at the moment the majority of it8217s intended abilities remain inactive or useless (at least without additional third party sensors, which don8217t seem to exist yet). But for those with a new iPhone, the Health app can be useful right now, because it has the ability to track your steps like a pedometer, as well as flights of stairs climbed, and your walking running distance. To track some of your activity, you8217ll need to enable the functions and then add them to your Health app dashboard. This is all done through the Health app itself, but again, it requires a newer iPhone, as older models do not have a motion tracking chip used to function as a pedometer, or the ability to detect elevation. For best results with this Health app feature, you8217ll need an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus, though iPhone 5S also has a motion coprocessor. Third party devices can also work, but we8217re focusing on iPhone here. Turn Your iPhone into a Pedometer 038 Walking Distance Tracker Open Health app and go to the 8220Health Data8221 tab Tap on 8220Fitness8221 and enable the three currently functional sections: Select 8220Walking Running Distance8221 and flip the switch for 8220Show On Dashboard8221 to the ON position Choose 8220Steps8221 and toggle 8220Show On Dashboard8221 to ON Go to 8220Flights Climbed8221 and flip the same 8220Show On Dashboard8221 to ON Tap back to the 8220Dashboard8221 tab in Health app to see the three functions and their respective charts Now that the pedometer and distance movement functions are enabled, the rest is up to you, meaning you have to actually move around to see the statistics change. The steps feature is quite accurate as long as you have the iPhone with you 8211 whether it8217s in your pocket, in hand, or a pack seems to work and register as expected, and the mileage walking running distance indicator is also apparently accurate enough from testing experience. The Flights Climbed function works well too, and is fairly interesting in that it uses the new air pressure sensor built into iPhones to detect even minor changes in altitude. Each 8220flight8221 is about the equivalent of a housing story of steps, so if you walked upstairs a single story in a house or office, it would register as a flight climbed. You don8217t need to be on actual stairs for the flights climbed to register though, it takes the relative assumption of height into consideration and works even on gradual inclines and declines too. Separately, if you take a moment to poke around in Health app, it will demonstrate how ambitious Apple is with the app, either on future intentions of what various iOS devices will be able to do, or what they expect to surface from third parties. With the potential ability to track a huge variety of health and fitness statistics, from body measurements, to fitness, nutrition, sleep, vitals, lab results, and much more, the future looks pretty interesting, though at the moment Health app feels very half-baked due to it8217s limited functionality and the apparently missing data input sources. If you don8217t want to use Health app and have no intention on tracking your fitness or activity levels, you8217re left to basically ignore the app. Much like other default apps, you can not delete the Health app from the iPhone, though you could choose to hide it either by stuffing it within a folder or using Restrictions to make the icon disappear from the home screen. Finally, it8217s well worth mentioning that using these Health tracking features have showed no notable impact on battery performance, which is great news for those concerned about battery life in iOS 8. Of course, the iPhone 6 Plus has great battery life to begin with. so even if a tiny effect was there, it would likely be minimal and go unnoticed, and reports suggest the same for iPhone 6. Walk around awhile with your phone in hand but turned off. See if you get s change is activity. I tried this and it worked for me. I think it8217s giving me s longer stride than I have though. I just adjust for that mentally. For me if I want to walk a mile I look for a reading of about 1.33 miles. As several others have mentioned, Apple really needs to create the ability for the user to calibrate the step counter. In my case, it is off by about 30, which seems far too high. I need to get the step counter up to about 13,000 to have confidence that I am near 10,000 steps for the day. By the way did one of the recent iOS updates change the graph Mine used to be a line, but now it8217s a bar graph which looks really ugly to me and I have no been able to figure out how to change it back to a line graph. Diane Ryan says: Hi does anyone have any suggestions on how I can activate the I phone 6 Exercise minutes Hi. I am 63 years and weigh 90 kgs but I am disappointed that though I walk for about 50 mts every morning 6 days a week it shows steps equal to 6300 and distance 1.5 kms. While my friend8217S phone shows the same distance as 8000 steps and 5 kms. Why the difference I often walk around the four lakes in the city where I live. Each lake has a distance posted for the length of the walk around the lake. I have an iPhone 6 and the Health app never comes close to the same distance that is posted. For example, one of our lakes says the distance is 2.41 miles but the Health app says I8217ve only walked 1.9 miles when I complete the trip. The other thing I notice is that the same walk does not register the same distance in the app. Am I doing something wrong or does anyone have suggestions to make the app work more accurately. For now, just try calibrating the stepsdistance ratio by using the height and weight settings8230you may have to play with it some, but you can get it close. Walk this way: 6 pedometer apps for iPhone It seems really weird to think back to a time when your mobile phone couldnt do the jobs of a dozen other devices. Now that smartphones have supplanted everything from compasses and Rolodexes to voice recorders and watches, we rely on them to do dozens of things. Add to that list count my steps, as newer smartphone models often double as fitness trackers. Both Apple and Samsung have recently added hardware to their smartphones to help leverage the dozens of fitness apps available in their app stores. Apples M7 processor, currently in the iPhone 5S, iPad Air, and iPad mini with Retina display, collects data from the devices sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope, and compass) and then provides that data to the apps. But how accurate is an M7 processor at counting steps To find out, I downloaded six popular step-counting apps on both an iPhone 5s and an iPhone 4s, and then carried both phones to track my steps over a few weeks. Then I took (a lot) of walks, including a few where I literally counted each step in order to compare results. Heres the breakdown of each apps features and flaws. Oh, and a few charts to give you a side-by-side comparison of the step data. The day I used all the apps at once, you can see how the iPhone 5s apps that use the M7 data had similar (sometimes identical) step counts, and the iPhone 4s apps lagged behind. The Basic One: Pedometer for M7 Steps I was initially attracted to Pedometer for M7 Steps for its incredibly clean interface. The Steps tab shows you a step count for the day, for the week, and the month, in black text on a white background. Itu dia. You can swipe left and right to see other days, but none of the data in this view is interactivethat is, tapping on it doesnt show you any other info. But tabs along the bottom let you switch to a graph view that shows your activity for the month, and a list view that lets you scroll through a list of dates. According to the tutorial, the app runs in the background once a day to fetch step data and requires little battery use. However, because it requires the M7 processor, it doesnt run on any handsets earlier than an iPhone 5sso I couldnt run it on my iPhone 4s to compare. In my testing, Pedometer for M7 was fair: Its step count was often spot on with other apps that use the M7 processor often they all shared an exact step count. For example, on June 20, Pedometer for M7 clocked me at 2584exactly the same step count as Walker M7, Stepz, and Pacer for iPhone 5s. However, after a day or so, I started to find the design boring and the lack of other functions or views frustrating. The app is useful if literally all you want is a free step counter. The Colorful One: Stepz Like Pedometer for M7, free app Stepz relies on the M7 processormeaning it doesnt work on the iPhone 4s. The difference is the design: Stepz has a brightly colored interface that gives you just a hair more functionality than Pedometer for M7. Stepzs vibrant dashboard contains color-coded boxes that display your step count for the day, distance in miles, and 7-day average. Below this, a bar chart with a green line indicates your step goal. Days that you hit that goal are indicated in green, days you miss are red, and the in-between days are orange, making for a colorful visual guide. Tapping on the days here (and in the stats view) will change the bar graph from steps to miles. In the stats section, you can also view your steps by days, weeks, and months, and Stepzs history screen is much like the list view in Pedometer for M7and thats pretty much it. Stepz echoes the results of the other M7-only apps pretty much to the step: On June 20, Stepz had the exact same step count as Pedometer for M7, Breeze, and Pacer (iPhone 5s), and on our starting test on June 24 it had the same step count as Walker M7, Pedometer for M7, Breeze, and Pacer (iPhone 5s). Its a bit more interactive and useful than the basic-bones Pedometer for M7, but still pretty simple and straightforward for those who are just getting started. The Stats, Graphs, and Charts One: Walker M7 The next step up (yuk yuk) is Walker M7. another free app that relies onyou guessed itthe M7 processor. While it provides the same step data, Walker offers a lot more functionality than the first two apps. In addition to tracking steps, Walker can distinguish between walking and running track your routes record weight, blood pressure, and body fat and estimate calories burned. You can also share your data with Twitter, Facebook, and Evernote. Walker displays your step count data inside a circle on the main screen. The blue line that outlines the circle indicates your progress towards that days step goal. To the right of the step indicators, select whether youll be walking or running, or tap the plus sign for both: this helps Walker track your steps more accurately. This screen also shows your distance, estimated calories burned, the time youve spent moving, and even your speeds. The Menu button in the upper-right conceals more data display options, like lists, charts, statistics, maps, and rankings. The charts view lets you toggle between steps, distance, and calories, as well as between the walk, run, or both. Sliding to the right for charts that display your weight, body fat, and blood pressureall data youre required to input yourself on the home screen. In the statistics view, a color-coded chart displays your activity over the week, as percentages of your goal. Sliding right here takes you to a chart that just shows running data, and sliding left displays just walking data. Although Walker pulls pretty much the same step data as Stepz and Pedometer for M7, it has a ton more functionality. Because you can manually enter in data on weight, body fat, and blood pressure, its ideal for those who are tracking their activity for health-related reasons. It performed solidly against the other apps: Walker was often within of few steps of, if not spot on with Stepz, Breeze, and Pedometer for M7. The One with the Plan: Pacer Pacer. one of the two apps here that also works on the iPhone 4s, is much like Walker in that it helps you track health metrics like weight and blood pressure. It even has a playlist feature and health plans to help you be more active. Unfortunately, the playlist feature was buggy for me on the 5sI could add power songs from my iTunes library, but not play them. Pacers main screen shows your step count for the day, active time, and estimated calories burned. This screen also shows your activity level for the day and your progress to your goal. Swiping right from the goal data shows a graph of that days activity, and swiping right again takes you to session data where you can tap a button to start a sessionfor when you go on a run or a long walk, for example. Pacer has three fitness plans built in: Couch To 10K Steps, Walk 4 Weight Loss, and Build Your Own Plan. The plans offer goals for you to aim forfor example, Couch To 10K Steps gives you a list of daily goals and also displays your daily steps so you can see how close you got. I would love a more fleshed out offering herenotifications, or pop up motivational boxes, or something. The groups option lets you compete against friends, like the rankings option in Stepz. The more section has options like syncing to MyFitnessPal and backing up your data. One of the things I missed most in Pacer A map to show where I walked. Pacer was pretty close between the iPhone 5s and the iPhone 4s, but I think the 5s was more accurate thanks to its M7 chip. Using Pacer was illuminating because I could run it on both the M7-equipped iPhone 5s and the iPhone 4s. The difference was stark: For example, as I type this, the Pacer app on the 4s shows Ive taken a total of 286 steps today (impossible, as Ive walked several blocks), while the Pacer app on the 5s shows a more realistic 1440 steps. This happened again and again over several different daysthe M7 processor consistently had a more accurate step count than the iPhone 4s was capable of. The Pretty One: Breeze Breeze. another M7-only app, is brought to us by RunKeeper. Breeze shows how much of your personal goal youve achieved that day, as well as if youre on pace to meet it. For example, checking Breeze in the afternoon can tell you that youve taken 2771 steps, and also that you should be about 25-percent further ahead in order to achieve todays goal of 6400 steps. Breezes home screen displays this data in a circle, over beautiful background photos. As the week progresses, a group of seven smaller circles (one for each day) fills up depending on how much of each days goal you completed. Tapping on one of these completed days takes you to the full set of data for that day, plus your longest activity, whether you got more steps from walking or running, and your goal streak, which is how many days in a row youve hit your goal. Tapping at your longest activity a graph of your activity, plus a weirdly undetailed maphere Breeze often was unable to locate my position, but even when it did know where I was, the map didnt show my route, just a bubble over with that activitys step count, and a motivational prompt. Breezes message screen shows tons of messages on your progress, and the app loves to send motivational push notifications too. Unique to Breeze is its spirit animal screenIm not sure why it made my day to be told I was a Mercurial Lion, but did. The spirit animal section also shows your most active times of the day and days of the week, and which type of activities youre most often engaged in. Its a neat way to play to Breezes strengths. There is not much to dislike about this app. In fact, my only qualms with it are that I want more: More functionality in the buttons, more maps working correctly, and more ability to recognize walking versus running versus cycling. Maybe in version 2.0 The Former Favorite: Moves The only app on our list thats as pretty as Breeze is Moves. a free app that doesnt rely on an M7 processor, so it works on both the iPhone 5s and the iPhone 4s. Moves is a scrollable timeline that charts your movements, including steps and location, throughout the day. The timeline tells a story of your day, showing your starting point, each leg of transportion, and each destination. Moves is incredibly well designedeverything that you touch works just like youd expect it to. Circles show your tally for steps walked and run, as well as distance cycled, and you can tap those to toggle between steps, distance, and total time. Scrolling down shows you the tmeline, and you can swipe left and write to navigate to other days. Your timeline shows a list of locations: for example, San Francisco Public Library if the app can identify a location, unknown location or Place in Laurel Heights when it cant. You can name unknown locations (work, home, gym, whatever) to have Moves remember them for next time. Colored lines between the location bubbles show times you were moving. You can tap any location or movement line to see it on a map. Its fun to see your routes highlighted in colors on the mapgreen for walking, blue for cycling, gray for cars or the busand you can edit the activity type if moves got it wrong. If you want to get really specific about your day, tap more to check out an extensive list of activities, from skateboarding to sailing to wheelchair to underground train. The tiny M icon holds the settings, including options to connect Moves to other app, and the ability to share a summary bubble or a storyline. Moves on the iPhone 4s lagged way, way behind Moves on the iPhone 5s. I tried Moves on the iPhone 5s and the 4s, and again, the M7 processor made a huge difference: The 5s consistently counted more accurately, which was most noticeable on days where I didnt leave the house at all. For example, on June 18, Moves on 4s counted just 41 steps, while Moves on the 5s counted 99. Moves is also the only app here that could distinguish my bike rides from my walks. However, theres a drawback: Facebook bought Moves in April. As recently as May, there was rumbling about what kind of data would be shared between the two. (The official word from Facebook is they have access to Moves data for technical maintenance and developments of the service that improve the experience with that app.) Disappointed users deleted their accounts and tanked the app on the App Storeit currently has 192 one-star ratings. That may or may not be a deal breaker for you, but its definitely something you should know. Bottom line Moves potential data sharing pushed me back to using Breezesomething I was more than happy to do, because I like both its functionality and design. Walker offers a lot of data, but Breeze organizes it better. The other apps either didnt offer enough functionality (Pedometer for M7, Stepz) or focused on features that werent as important to me (Pacers plans and groups). The M7 processor made an undeniable difference in the accuracy of the step count, but its worth noting that it still wasnt as accurate as the wrist-worn Garmin device that I wore at the same timebecause my wrist still goes more places with me than my phone. However, if you dont care to drop cash on a dedicated fitness device, your iPhone 5s is more than capable enough of getting you started counting steps. To comment on this article and other TechHive content, visit our Facebook page or our Twitter feed. Amber covers lifestyle and mobile tech, including fit tech, mHealth, travel, home automation and more. In her non-tech time she takes too many pictures of her cats, watches zombie movies, crochets, and plans out her next tattoos.

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